Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mt

...More fake news keeps coming to light. There's nothing surprising about that. There is no "maybe" about it.
Gotta love the smug, arrogant perspective of the True Believer... makes the eventual Take-Down all-the-sweeter, and downright funny... hilarious blind-spots...
Any one from the Bankrupt State of Illinois and the Crime Ridden Festering Pustule of Chicago cannot be taken seriously.
You are like a delusion, wrapped in a hallucination, topped by a good helping of paranoia, and smothered in depersonalization disorder.
Wash that down with a little prozac and a bottle of booze and you make the perfect liberal.

Well at last. A rational explanation of why this poster always sounds like he's on drugs. He is.
Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump’s then-top campaign official Paul Manafort and Russia. Manafort later resigned.

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

Trump unloads on Hillary over double standard, amid reports Dems also got foreign help
Here's a thought. Start a thread on this and keep it out of the Trump discussion.

This is about TRUMP....always has been. The Democrat Party has NO PLAN for AMERICA. No plan on how to appeal to people in 2018 or 2020. The Democrat Party is running now on ONE ISSUE......"GET TRUMP."


Nothing like James Comey meeting with an EX British Spy to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier on President Trump just so he could leak it to The Media.

And let's also not forget that FUSHION GPS has the distinction of producing BOTH THE UKRAINIAN LAWYER who met with Trump Junior and THE FAKE TRUMP DOSSIER.

Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to ...find dirt on President TRUMP!

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


Another attempt blows up in snowflake faces....

Funny how most of these fake Russian stories gave Obama lurking behind them somewhere in the background. He is desperate to save his pathetic 'legacy' thst Trump is reducing to ash. :p
How much do you want to bet that Obama is using information he obtained illegally via NSF espionage on the Trump campaign to feed this information to the fake new media?

Since it has been proven that this never happened and Trump just made it up, how much you got?
That is a lie. The director of the NSA and Comey testified that the collected information was passed on to Intel agencies. They testified they made it clear to Obama that the information had NO INTEL VALUE and showed no signs of criminal activity. Since it had no Intel value the information was deemed 'protected personal classified information'. It was protected and could not be used for political reasons, but it was. That information was leaked, and the director of the NSA testified that doing so for political reasons equated to 'Felony Espionage'.

We already know that Obama and his administration illegally used the information, that Rice illegally unmasked Americans (members of the Trump team) for political reasons. Since the information had been deemed to have no Intel value there was no other reason for the information to be leaked.
Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump’s then-top campaign official Paul Manafort and Russia. Manafort later resigned.

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

Trump unloads on Hillary over double standard, amid reports Dems also got foreign help
Here's a thought. Start a thread on this and keep it out of the Trump discussion.

This is about TRUMP....always has been. How do you feel about ACTUAL PROVABLE in black and white with ACTUAL EVIDENCE UKRAINIAN COLLUSION WITH BARAK OBAMA, THE DNC, AND HILLARY CLINTON?

Nothing like James Comey meeting with an EX British Spy to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier on President Trump just so he could leak it to The Media. And let's also not forget that FUSHION GPS has the distinction of producing BOTH THE UKRAINIAN LAWYER who met with Trump Junior and THE FAKE TRUMP DOSSIER.

Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to ...find dirt on President TRUMP!

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

They didn't pay for the dossier. It was given to them by a Republican Senator. McCain? The press actually had the dossier before the U.S. government did.
Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump’s then-top campaign official Paul Manafort and Russia. Manafort later resigned.

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

Trump unloads on Hillary over double standard, amid reports Dems also got foreign help
Here's a thought. Start a thread on this and keep it out of the Trump discussion.

This is about TRUMP....always has been. The Democrat Party has NO PLAN for AMERICA. No plan on how to appeal to people in 2018 or 2020. The Democrat Party is running now on ONE ISSUE......"GET TRUMP."


Nothing like James Comey meeting with an EX British Spy to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier on President Trump just so he could leak it to The Media.

And let's also not forget that FUSHION GPS has the distinction of producing BOTH THE UKRAINIAN LAWYER who met with Trump Junior and THE FAKE TRUMP DOSSIER.

Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to ...find dirt on President TRUMP!

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.
So, you're not going to start a separate thread? Okay. I'll just ignore it.
TOT, you are 100% correct when you posted:

"Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI." It is also true that the Russians were paying Fusion GPS, that one of the sources of the eventual Trump Dossier was a man named million, a member of Putin's inner circle, and that using any information supplied by a foreign agent, like the MI5 agent, is a violation of election rules....

...but I have to agree with OL. This needs to be in a separate thread...


Isn't just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.

Was the Russian Ambassador, whose entire job is to speak Russians, colluding to get Hillary elected? Nope.
how the fk do you know that answer?
Excellent, this bitch is fraud.

I just heard on Fake News Network Grassley has opened an investigation into who let this bitch into the country and why.
Every time the fake news comes up with a "smoking gun," it turns into an investigation of another Democrat.

Great ! More proof that "Natasha " is no mere pro adoption little lawyer . Definitely a Putin plant .
with the american ambassador? hahahahahaahahahaha sorry bubba, the picture destroys that statement like flies on shit.
Keep up the good work liberals. You don't need an outside source to dig your graves.
I was thinking yesterday how perhaps Trump Jr. was set up. Set up for what I couldn't tell you, because he did nothing illegal or unethical.
Last edited:

Isn't just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.

Was the Russian Ambassador, whose entire job is to speak Russians, colluding to get Hillary elected? Nope.
You haven't proven that anyone in the Trump administration has "colluded" with any Russian on anything, fruit cake.

At this point, there's proof that almost everybody in the Trump administration had some involvement in Russia's efforts to get Trump elected. Is that illegal? It could be in some cases, which is why the FBI is still conducting a criminal investigation. If it ends up being wrong but not illegal, the people will still get the chance to judge Trump and his compliance with Russia sabotage at the polls in 2018. And unlike last November, people will be on the lookout for Russian sabotage. Asshole.
Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump’s then-top campaign official Paul Manafort and Russia. Manafort later resigned.

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

Trump unloads on Hillary over double standard, amid reports Dems also got foreign help
Here's a thought. Start a thread on this and keep it out of the Trump discussion.

This is about TRUMP....always has been. The Democrat Party has NO PLAN for AMERICA. No plan on how to appeal to people in 2018 or 2020. The Democrat Party is running now on ONE ISSUE......"GET TRUMP."


Nothing like James Comey meeting with an EX British Spy to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier on President Trump just so he could leak it to The Media.

And let's also not forget that FUSHION GPS has the distinction of producing BOTH THE UKRAINIAN LAWYER who met with Trump Junior and THE FAKE TRUMP DOSSIER.

Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to ...find dirt on President TRUMP!

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.
So, you're not going to start a separate thread? Okay. I'll just ignore it.

Was the attorney employed by Fusion GPS? Yep, so anything related to The Democrat Party's funding of Fusion GPS, the attorney who is the subject of this thread, and The Ex British spy who gave Comey the Fake Trump Dossier created by Fusion GPS is fair game to talk about.

You want your Collusion????????

Then here it is.... ACTUAL PROOF of a POLITICAL PARTY, PRESIDENT, and PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Colluding with a foreign Government to rig an Election.....

Keep up the good work liberals. You don't need an outside source to dig your graves.
I was thinking yesterday how perhaps Trump Jr. was set up. Set up for what I couldn't tell you, because he did nothing illegal or unethical.
Reread that email, and it was a TOTAL SET UP which during a frenzied campaign in the fog of war one could forgive Trump Jr. for investigating it.

It's Another case of Obama and The Dem Party trying to scam America and smear The Trump campaign with MALICE and FORETHOUGHT trying to MANUFACTURE Guilt by Innuendo and Guilt by Association when they sent another one of their Agent's to contact The Trump Campaign team and get it all "ON TAPE."

But the reason it is backfiring and repeatedly is despite being under 24-7 surveillance by Obama for 18 months, The Trump Family and his inner circle NEVER ONCE committed a crime or ETHICAL VIOLATION.

And this is why The Obama Regime, Clinton and THE DNC have been committing felonies to 'GET TRUMP' because they can't beat him without cheating.
Here is proof 2aguy lied: Wayback Machine

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

I am so tired of made up stories by liars who fall for fake news.

I am telling is all on hilary's emails....all 33,000 of them...just check them and you will see....

That's right...she destroyed all of them...
Why are you lying to try to cover up you other lie? This is very very strange and demented behavior.

You can't admit you were caught lying. That is what this is.

I'm not lying...I am telling you that the collusion between hilary and the Russian government on the uranium and other deals is on her 33,000 emails, her illegal, secret servers, and her blackberries.....all of which were destroyed....

^Desperate attempt at deflection.

The house of cards you built with lies for Trump is beginning to fall.
I don't know why a liar keeps lying after being caught. This is the behavior of a shameless and sick individual.

This Don jr news has been a little overwhelming for them. Their emotional defense mechanisms are working overtime trying to compensate for the realization that they have been duped. Bigly.
This is one issue where Republicans and Democrats agree on and Trump doesn't have the political capital to remove Russian sanctions, though he did give them their property back.

Please note.......That Trump, giving the Russians their property back (property that was used as spy-dens) the SAME orange moron who criticized Obama for giving Iran's property back in the money they had in US banks.....Go figure.
Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm

NO, moron....Fusion was started by 2 guys who were former Wall Street Journal writers (the WSJ is owned by a lefty?) and was paid by a republican "never trump" cadre.....How the fuck do you idiots label Fusion as a Democrat funded organization?...............LOL
2aguy Uranium One cannot export uranium to Russia without a NRC export license.

You lied. You were caught. You should be more honest.

And the arrangement for those export licenses after she became President were on the 33,000 emails.....and the illegal, secret servers, and the blackberries...all of which were destroyed......

You keep thinking that these deals were supposed to happen before she became President......these deals were in anticipation of her taking office.....moron.

Lies, lies and more lies. If you didn't lie about the Clintons, you'd have nothing.

You've adopted Donnie's tactics: deny, deny, deny. When caught lying, deflect to someone who did something worse.

Trump was elected with the help of the Putin government. The President, members of his immediate family, and his campaign staff participated in the treason.

You know all of this but you don't care. Your allegiange is to Trump, not to your country or your friends and neighbours. Trump sold your country out to the Russians for power and wealth. And you're good with that.

But don't pretend you're a patriotic American. You're just a stooge for Putin Just like your hero.

And of course you have evidence of this.....

I've been watching this since the DNC and the RNC were hacked. Yes the proof is there and Meuller is connecting the dots.

Trump's "I'll have information on the Clinton Campaign on Monday" two days after Junior arranged the meeting is evidence of collusion. I'm sure they have more than that.

That is not evidence honey. That's mere conjecture on your part.
Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm

NO, moron....Fusion was started by 2 guys who were former Wall Street Journal writers (the WSJ is owned by a lefty?) and was paid by a republican "never trump" cadre.....How the fuck do you idiots label Fusion as a Democrat funded organization?...............LOL
You quoted my quote from a link, dumbass. And it has been reported that the Russian govt was paying Fusion to lobby for them as well.
Here is proof 2aguy lied: Wayback Machine

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

I am so tired of made up stories by liars who fall for fake news.

I am telling is all on hilary's emails....all 33,000 of them...just check them and you will see....

That's right...she destroyed all of them...
Why are you lying to try to cover up you other lie? This is very very strange and demented behavior.

You can't admit you were caught lying. That is what this is.

I'm not lying...I am telling you that the collusion between hilary and the Russian government on the uranium and other deals is on her 33,000 emails, her illegal, secret servers, and her blackberries.....all of which were destroyed....

^Desperate attempt at deflection.

The house of cards you built with lies for Trump is beginning to fall.

I know, and Hillary in a landslide.

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