Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mt

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium
A lie.

Shame on you. is all on her emails with the Russian agents...
Do you understand that you have now made it impossible to ever believe anything you say?

You have not only been caught as a liar. You have now proved you cannot back down and have no shame when you have been caught and are willing to lie on top of your lies.

What does this get you, liar?

Why do these fools keep making ghost account after ghost account?
You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.

Sell that to your brain dead democrats...

It's easier to sell shit to Republicans. They never fact check and they believe anything the party tells them. That's why fake news works so well on Republicans and fails miserably with Democrats.

Republicans believe anything that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, while Democrats fact check everything. Fake news site owners said that liberals outed fake stories within 10 minutes of their being posted. Republicans just ran with them.
ROFL! You really expect anyone to believe that? Your entire universe is entirely delusional.
Everyone in Russia is tied to the Kremlin now.

Sure, moron....except for this tidbit......

An email from Goldstone sent to Donald Trump Jr. last year stated that a Russian lawyer had "compromising" information about Hillary Clinton as "part of a Russian government effort" to help the Trump campaign...

Does the ABOVE clear that query for you????.......LOL
Excellent, this bitch is fraud.

I just heard on Fake News Network Grassley has opened an investigation into who let this bitch into the country and why.
Every time the fake news comes up with a "smoking gun," it turns into an investigation of another Democrat.


What "turned into an investigation of another Democrat"? You smoking too much weed?
Comey for one. It has already been proven he illegally shared classified with a 3rd party, and he admitted to leaking classified information...and admitted Lynch obstructed justice, for which she is being investigated / questioned...

Dumbass, Comey is a Republican.

He did not claim obstruction from Lynch - you made that up.

Lynch is NOT under investigation.

Want to give another shot?

A simple Google search will confirm Lynch is under investigation.
2aguy Uranium One cannot export uranium to Russia without a NRC export license.

You lied. You were caught. You should be more honest.

And the arrangement for those export licenses after she became President were on the 33,000 emails.....and the illegal, secret servers, and the blackberries...all of which were destroyed......

You keep thinking that these deals were supposed to happen before she became President......these deals were in anticipation of her taking office.....moron.

Lies, lies and more lies. If you didn't lie about the Clintons, you'd have nothing.

You've adopted Donnie's tactics: deny, deny, deny. When caught lying, deflect to someone who did something worse.

Trump was elected with the help of the Putin government. The President, members of his immediate family, and his campaign staff participated in the treason.

You know all of this but you don't care. Your allegiange is to Trump, not to your country or your friends and neighbours. Trump sold your country out to the Russians for power and wealth. And you're good with that.

But don't pretend you're a patriotic American. You're just a stooge for Putin Just like your hero.

And of course you have evidence of this.....
Everyone in Russia is tied to the Kremlin now.

Sure, moron....except for this tidbit......

An email from Goldstone sent to Donald Trump Jr. last year stated that a Russian lawyer had "compromising" information about Hillary Clinton as "part of a Russian government effort" to help the Trump campaign...

Does the ABOVE clear that query for you????.......LOL
Excellent, this bitch is fraud.

I just heard on Fake News Network Grassley has opened an investigation into who let this bitch into the country and why.
Every time the fake news comes up with a "smoking gun," it turns into an investigation of another Democrat.


What "turned into an investigation of another Democrat"? You smoking too much weed?
Comey for one. It has already been proven he illegally shared classified with a 3rd party, and he admitted to leaking classified information...and admitted Lynch obstructed justice, for which she is being investigated / questioned...

Dumbass, Comey is a Republican.

He did not claim obstruction from Lynch - you made that up.

Lynch is NOT under investigation.

Want to give another shot?

A simple Google search will confirm Lynch is under investigation.

A month ago senate committee asked her to submit a statement on that, she did, and that was the last we heard of that.

Meanwhile numerous Trump's campaign and admin members are under investigations by the special prosecutor and congressional committees.

The statement "every time there is investigation into Trump it turns into investigation about Democrats" is false. There is no equivalency and this investigation into Russian meddling in our elections and having previously undisclosed relations with Trump's people is getting thicker by the day with constant additional revelations.
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The guy who started this thread...what an idiot.

The Amb. to Russia was testifying before Congress in opposition to what Veselnitskaya's has been lobbying for, i.e. lifting sanctions against Russia.

So, they both have an interest in Russian sanctions and their views are polar opposites. However that would explain why she was in the same room with Michael McFaul. Also, because she is sitting in the front row does not mean the two are working together, no evidence of that what so ever.

Here is Michael McFaul's testimony:
The bitch didn't have valid papers to be in the US when she was sitting behind the former ambassador who is now a regular guest on CNN.
What the fuck was she doing at the hearing sitting directly behind the former ambassador???????????????
BTW asshole the russian sanctions are going ahead with an overwhelming bipartisan vote!
Too bad President Trump was unable to get them lifted right?
You're a fucking idiot!
Everyone in Russia is tied to the Kremlin now.

Sure, moron....except for this tidbit......

An email from Goldstone sent to Donald Trump Jr. last year stated that a Russian lawyer had "compromising" information about Hillary Clinton as "part of a Russian government effort" to help the Trump campaign...

Does the ABOVE clear that query for you????.......LOL
Every time the fake news comes up with a "smoking gun," it turns into an investigation of another Democrat.


What "turned into an investigation of another Democrat"? You smoking too much weed?
Comey for one. It has already been proven he illegally shared classified with a 3rd party, and he admitted to leaking classified information...and admitted Lynch obstructed justice, for which she is being investigated / questioned...

Dumbass, Comey is a Republican.

He did not claim obstruction from Lynch - you made that up.

Lynch is NOT under investigation.

Want to give another shot?

A simple Google search will confirm Lynch is under investigation.

A month ago senate asked her to submit a statement on that, she did, and that was the last we heard of that.

Meanwhile Trump's campaign and admin members are under investigations by the special persecutor.

You got one word right...persecutor.
Only the US Senate is investigating Lynch. Comey has repeatedly said that Lynch did not interfere in the investigation, only that she asked him to publically refer to the investigation as a "matter". So let them investigate. There's nothing there.

That's how it works when you've done nothing wrong. You don't care who investigates. Only those who are hiding something, fear investigations.

The Clintons have always stood tall and continued working while investigations swirled around them.

Donnie has a total shit fit and fired the investigator. Who looks and acts more guilty?
Nothing like James Comey meeting with an EX British Spy to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier on President Trump just so he could leak it to The Media. And let's also not forget that FUSHION GPS has the distinction of producing BOTH THE UKRAINIAN LAWYER who met with Trump Junior and THE FAKE TRUMP DOSSIER.

Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump’s then-top campaign official Paul Manafort and Russia. Manafort later resigned.

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

Trump unloads on Hillary over double standard, amid reports Dems also got foreign help
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2aguy Uranium One cannot export uranium to Russia without a NRC export license.

You lied. You were caught. You should be more honest.

And the arrangement for those export licenses after she became President were on the 33,000 emails.....and the illegal, secret servers, and the blackberries...all of which were destroyed......

You keep thinking that these deals were supposed to happen before she became President......these deals were in anticipation of her taking office.....moron.

Lies, lies and more lies. If you didn't lie about the Clintons, you'd have nothing.

You've adopted Donnie's tactics: deny, deny, deny. When caught lying, deflect to someone who did something worse.

Trump was elected with the help of the Putin government. The President, members of his immediate family, and his campaign staff participated in the treason.

You know all of this but you don't care. Your allegiange is to Trump, not to your country or your friends and neighbours. Trump sold your country out to the Russians for power and wealth. And you're good with that.

But don't pretend you're a patriotic American. You're just a stooge for Putin Just like your hero.

And of course you have evidence of this.....

I've been watching this since the DNC and the RNC were hacked. Yes the proof is there and Meuller is connecting the dots.

Trump's "I'll have information on the Clinton Campaign on Monday" two days after Junior arranged the meeting is evidence of collusion. I'm sure they have more than that.
Only the US Senate is investigating Lynch. Comey has repeatedly said that Lynch did not interfere in the investigation, only that she asked him to publically refer to the investigation as a "matter". So let them investigate. There's nothing there.
Comey testified that he went to Lynch with information showing what looked like Obstruction, to give her a chance to explain, and he said she kicked him out of her office. He stated that when she met with Bill Clinton on her plane he was convinced she was bias in the investigation.

Snowflakes insisted Trump saying 'I hope' was an order to Comey but now try to say Lynch directing Comey not to refer to the Hillary investigation as an investigation is NOT an order / obstruction! Bwunhahahahah!

Now WHY would Lynch NOT want the FBI to refer to their investigation as an investigation? Because she did not want the fact that the FBI was conducting multiple investigations of Hillary for crimes of Espionage, illegal handling of classified, Influence Peddling, etc to effect her election chances. That's called political bias and was the motivation behind her Obstruction.
I've been watching this since the DNC and the RNC were hacked. Yes the proof is there and Meuller is connecting the dots.
Mueller hasn't even started investigating yet - he's too busy forming his 'I hate Trump' Dream Team. :p
The NY Times lied again? No way?

Democrat Fake News is out of control. They've killed American Journalism.
What obstruction? Where did she obstruct Comey's investigation? Where did she hamper his attempt to do his work?

Comey didn't report Trump's request as obstruction until AFTER he was fired. The firing was the obstruction. What obstruction was Lynch guilty of.

A person is allowed to have biases and beliefs. It's their actions in regard to those biases that determined obstruction.

I have a family friend who has been publically accused of murdering her husband. I have difficulty believing it because I've known her for years and can't imagine her doing it. That's my bias. But I haven't gone to police and asked them to stop investigating her or trying to find out what happened. I've done nothing to prevent police from doing their job.

Loretta Lynch may be biased in favour of Hillary Clinton because she's known her and worked with her for years, but what did she do to prevent or hamper Comey's investigation. The answer is "nothing". End of story.
Fusion GPS, the Democrat-funded opposition research firm, allegedly paid Steele with money from a Clinton backer. The dossier eventually fell into the hands of the FBI.

The White House and Trump allies also have cited a reported meeting between a DNC consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., last year.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday.

“This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took,” Sanders said.

The meeting Sanders referred to was first reported in January by Politico. The report cited a meeting between Ukrainian government officials who allegedly tried to help Clinton undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office and shared research and damaging information on Trump and his advisers with Clinton allies.

The Politico investigation exposed that a Ukrainian-American DNC operative -- Alexandra Chalupa, who worked in the Clinton White House -- met with officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump’s then-top campaign official Paul Manafort and Russia. Manafort later resigned.

“Hillary’s staff should not have taken—former Hillary staffers should not have taken the meeting with Ukrainian government,” Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush and now a Fox News contributor, said on “Outnumbered” Tuesday.

Trump unloads on Hillary over double standard, amid reports Dems also got foreign help
Here's a thought. Start a thread on this and keep it out of the Trump discussion.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


Another attempt blows up in snowflake faces....

Funny how most of these fake Russian stories gave Obama lurking behind them somewhere in the background. He is desperate to save his pathetic 'legacy' thst Trump is reducing to ash. :p
How much do you want to bet that Obama is using information he obtained illegally via NSF espionage on the Trump campaign to feed this information to the fake new media?
The guy who started this thread...what an idiot.

The Amb. to Russia was testifying before Congress in opposition to what Veselnitskaya's has been lobbying for, i.e. lifting sanctions against Russia.

So, they both have an interest in Russian sanctions and their views are polar opposites. However that would explain why she was in the same room with Michael McFaul. Also, because she is sitting in the front row does not mean the two are working together, no evidence of that what so ever.

Here is Michael McFaul's testimony:
The bitch didn't have valid papers to be in the US when she was sitting behind the former ambassador who is now a regular guest on CNN.
What the fuck was she doing at the hearing sitting directly behind the former ambassador???????????????
BTW asshole the russian sanctions are going ahead with an overwhelming bipartisan vote!
Too bad President Trump was unable to get them lifted right?
You're a fucking idiot!

Wow, you guys are sure getting angry. I love it.

She was granted a temporary visa in order to represent a client of hers. Which has nothing to do with the Ambassador at all. If it does, prove it.

As for sanctions, why would I be surprised by an overwhelming bipartisan vote? This is one issue where Republicans and Democrats agree on and Trump doesn't have the political capital to remove Russian sanctions, though he did give them their property back.
...More fake news keeps coming to light. There's nothing surprising about that. There is no "maybe" about it.
Gotta love the smug, arrogant perspective of the True Believer... makes the eventual Take-Down all-the-sweeter, and downright funny... hilarious blind-spots...
Any one from the Bankrupt State of Illinois and the Crime Ridden Festering Pustule of Chicago cannot be taken seriously.
You are like a delusion, wrapped in a hallucination, topped by a good helping of paranoia, and smothered in depersonalization disorder.
Wash that down with a little prozac and a bottle of booze and you make the perfect liberal.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


Another attempt blows up in snowflake faces....

Funny how most of these fake Russian stories gave Obama lurking behind them somewhere in the background. He is desperate to save his pathetic 'legacy' thst Trump is reducing to ash. :p
How much do you want to bet that Obama is using information he obtained illegally via NSF espionage on the Trump campaign to feed this information to the fake new media?

Since it has been proven that this never happened and Trump just made it up, how much you got?

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