Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mt

...More fake news keeps coming to light. There's nothing surprising about that. There is no "maybe" about it.
Gotta love the smug, arrogant perspective of the True Believer... makes the eventual Take-Down all-the-sweeter, and downright funny... hilarious blind-spots...

Yes....and when hilary won he election you guys were so happy about that....

keep dreaming......

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.

You are an idiot. Veselnitskaya was not WITH our ambassador. She was there in the audience as a representative of Russia to oppose the Obama Administration's sanctions.

Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


I wonder if they were discussing how Russia might help Trump.
I don't wonder if you are suffering from brain damage.

You speaking from your own personal experience with brain damage? Because only someone with brain damage would stand with Trump and his criminal family after they admit to treason.

There's proof of your brain damage. You're suffering from delusions. He did no such thing.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


You might be a Trombie.
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State? Is that what you mean? Or 150 billion dollars to Iran which they are now using to murder innocent men, women and children and our military personel....and using it to build their own nuclear they have stated they will use to murder innocent men, women and children? You mean like that?

Get back to us when you actually have anything that approaches that level of actual collusion.....

Fake news/fake collusion...
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State? Is that what you mean? Or 150 billion dollars to Iran which they are now using to murder innocent men, women and children and our military personel....and using it to build their own nuclear they have stated they will use to murder innocent men, women and children? You mean like that?

Get back to us when you actually have anything that approaches that level of actual collusion.....

Fake news/fake collusion...

Fake news is the pants on fire lie that Hillary sold uranium to the Russians. You prove what a simple fool you are by repeating it.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.

Sell that to your brain dead democrats...
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State? Is that what you mean? Or 150 billion dollars to Iran which they are now using to murder innocent men, women and children and our military personel....and using it to build their own nuclear they have stated they will use to murder innocent men, women and children? You mean like that?

Get back to us when you actually have anything that approaches that level of actual collusion.....

Fake news/fake collusion...

Fake news is the pants on fire lie that Hillary sold uranium to the Russians. You prove what a simple fool you are by repeating it.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

You know what...let's just clear this whole thing up and just look at hilary's email chain in relation to this deal......hmmm, what? She destroyed 33,000 emails on she had on illegal, secret servers, and even destroyed those emails with a high tech program to completely destroy them? And she used hammers to destroy 13 cell phones and blackberries? And comey allowed her people to keep their computers? are we going to know what happened in this deal if she destroyed 33,000 emails?

Oh, that's right...that is why she destroyed them....
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.

Sell that to your brain dead democrats...
Show us proof so much as a gram has gone to Russia.

You lied.
Here is proof 2aguy lied: Wayback Machine

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

I am so tired of made up stories by liars who fall for fake news.
Last edited:
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.

Sell that to your brain dead democrats...

It's easier to sell shit to Republicans. They never fact check and they believe anything the party tells them. That's why fake news works so well on Republicans and fails miserably with Democrats.

Republicans believe anything that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, while Democrats fact check everything. Fake news site owners said that liberals outed fake stories within 10 minutes of their being posted. Republicans just ran with them.
You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.

Sell that to your brain dead democrats...
Show us proof so much as a gram has gone to Russia.

You lied.

Just check hilary's is all in there.........every last piece of evidence of her collusion with Russia, and China and any other country that wanted something from her.........

Just check her 33,000 emails.....right?

Hilary worked on Watergate, the primary thing she learned from that work....destroy all the fucking evidence....
You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.

Sell that to your brain dead democrats...

It's easier to sell shit to Republicans. They never fact check and they believe anything the party tells them. That's why fake news works so well on Republicans and fails miserably with Democrats.

Republicans believe anything that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, while Democrats fact check everything. Fake news site owners said that liberals outed fake stories within 10 minutes of their being posted. Republicans just ran with them.

If the democrats fact checked anything they would never have put clinton in office, either one, and obama would still be race baiting on Chicago streets....
And get laughed into next week with this melange of lies, half-truths and conspiracy theories.

In the meantime video of Donnie promising "big news" on Hillary right after Junior arranged the meeting with the Russian lawyer, but before he met with her, had surfaced.

Putting the lie to Trump's claims that he didn't know about the meeting. That's evidence of "collusion" right there. You know "collusion" - the thing that Donnie said never happened.

Donnie's lies are crumbling around him. You said the Russia thing would go away because there was "nothing to it".

Every day, in every way, Donald J. Trump betrays everything America claims to stand for. Truth, justice and freedom.

Lies, injustice and inequity are the only things he's delivering. This is what you voted for and continue to support. A man who just gave your worst enemy the tools to destroy your country. You must be so proud.

What collusion? Do you mean like signing off on a deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium in return for 140 million dollars from putin when hilary was Secretary of State?
You are a liar and an idiot. Russia is not allowed to receive a single gram of our uranium.

Sell that to your brain dead democrats...
Show us proof so much as a gram has gone to Russia.

You lied.

Just check hilary's is all in there.........every last piece of evidence of her collusion with Russia, and China and any other country that wanted something from her.........

Just check her 33,000 emails.....right?

Hilary worked on Watergate, the primary thing she learned from that work....destroy all the fucking evidence....
You lied and you got caught lying. See post 155 liar. You fell for fake news.


"Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported."
Here is proof 2aguy lied: Wayback Machine

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

I am so tired of made up stories by liars who fall for fake news.

I am telling is all on hilary's emails....all 33,000 of them...just check them and you will see....

That's right...she destroyed all of them...

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