Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mt

So was Goldstone part of the set up? Did he knowingly lie about this lawyer? He's got some splainin to do.

Ditto the lawyer. She's tied at the hip to Fusion GPS.
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!

Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::clap: :clap:
...Too bad all the lies / conspiracy theories have already been debunked...
Think so? Given the way more irregularities keep coming to light, I wouldn't be so sure. In any event, Special Counsel will figure that out.

...Before this is over desperate Dems will be looking for a 'Scooter Libby' to hang to justify their latest bogus witch hunt...
Maybe... maybe... but first, we have a long journey ahead of us, parsing the idiocy of the Trump camp, seeking evidence of wrongdoing.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.

None of this really matters anyway..It's just smokescreen.
...Too bad all the lies / conspiracy theories have already been debunked...
Think so? Given the way more irregularities keep coming to light, I wouldn't be so sure. In any event, Special Counsel will figure that out.

...Before this is over desperate Dems will be looking for a 'Scooter Libby' to hang to justify their latest bogus witch hunt...
Maybe... maybe... but first, we have a long journey ahead of us, parsing the idiocy of the Trump camp, seeking evidence of wrongdoing.
More fake news keeps coming to light. There's nothing surprising about that.

There is no "maybe" about it.
...Chances are that they'll commit even more felonies in order to try to make a False Narrative seem True...
Special Counsel Mueller will determine that.

...They are already in diminishing returns territory...
Donny Junior just threw Daddy under the bus yesterday... it's a whole new ballgame... this is just getting started...

...They are getting more and more desperate and radical as months and months go by with zero proof, and then being forced to retract, correct stories and fire reporters...
There are, indeed, idiots on both sides of this crisis; it's just that there are far MORE idiots within the Trump camp, than the other side.

Special Counsel Mueller... being a former FBI Director and staunch Republican... an honest fellow praised by both sides... will sort all that out for us.

...And multiple felonies were committed by The Obama Administration to colliude with Clinton and The DNC in The Election...
Ah, the 4th grader's "Well, the other guy did it too!" defense... haven't seen that one since elementary school... until the Trump camp gained power, anyway.


Not to worry.

If Obumble and his people committed crimes, then they, too, can be prosecuted.

That's totally fine.

Now... stop trying to change the subject.

This is about Trump and his people.... not Obumble.

One thing at a time.

And... you can bet your ass... Special Counsel Mueller and his investigative team are focused like a laser beam on your boy and his minions.

Unwilling to allow themselves to be distracted by juvenile "Well, the other guy did it too!" hor$e$hit.

With the full and overwhelming power of the Laws of the United States behind them.

...Add that to the fact they just had the worst two months of fund raising consecutively for the past 9 and 14 years for April and May and they are on life support with this narrative.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that Special Counsel Mueller and his boys and girls are on-the-case, and Donny Junior just gave 'em an early Christmas present, yesterday.

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...More fake news keeps coming to light. There's nothing surprising about that. There is no "maybe" about it.
Gotta love the smug, arrogant perspective of the True Believer... makes the eventual Take-Down all-the-sweeter, and downright funny... hilarious blind-spots...
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BONOBO's ambassador is a regular guest on CNN.
I wonder if Wolf will ask him why the russian bitch was sitting next to him at the hearing?
...Too bad all the lies / conspiracy theories have already been debunked...
Think so? Given the way more irregularities keep coming to light, I wouldn't be so sure. In any event, Special Counsel will figure that out.

...Before this is over desperate Dems will be looking for a 'Scooter Libby' to hang to justify their latest bogus witch hunt...
Maybe... maybe... but first, we have a long journey ahead of us, parsing the idiocy of the Trump camp, seeking evidence of wrongdoing.
Wake up dude. The Democrat Party announced what they were doing before Trump was even sworn in.
This is a coordinated effort to vomit negative coverage all over The American Public every day, every week, until 2020.
And every time it's been proven it's much ado about nothing.
This meeting was known about for OVER A YEAR.
Go choke on a Coney Island Foot Long.

Fake Posters, Fake News, Fake Polls, Fake Allegations

The Fake Media.....The Most Trusted Source In Leftist Group Think!
Everyone in Russia is tied to the Kremlin now.

Sure, moron....except for this tidbit......

An email from Goldstone sent to Donald Trump Jr. last year stated that a Russian lawyer had "compromising" information about Hillary Clinton as "part of a Russian government effort" to help the Trump campaign...

Does the ABOVE clear that query for you????.......LOL
So where is the illegal part?
Two things. First is that the argument that if it isn't illegal it's okay is not a conservative position. Nowhere close. Ethics and lying still matter. Second is the argument that because Hillary or Obama did it, it's okay for Trump to do it makes you sound like a liberal. Just saying.
After they arrest Obama and Hillary, then we can start talking about impeaching Trump

You're a fucking dumbass.
You sound angry. Sorry to hear it. Your post is essentially a non sequitur. And a vitriolic one. My point is simply that liberals practice situational ethics, saying that their behavior is justified due to the similar behavior of others. As is the argument that "it wasn't illegal so there's no issue." You call names when frankly if it was a Democrat saying the same things as you are we would both agree that it was reprehensible. Hope your anger thing works out.
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


What's unbelievable is your post. Half truths misstatements and lies. You've memorized all the right wing falsehoods and you spew them right on cue.

Obama gave money to an Israeli group for one purpose and they used it for something else. Like giving your kids money for pizza and they bought beer with it. Since Republicans had so little on Obama they ran with that. Weak. Very weak. Defines Republicans and their "gotcha" opposition.

As for the Ukrainian claim - evidence? Maniforte was outed by the MSM, not the Clinton Campaign.

Paul Maniforte was in the pay of a foreign government while running Trump's campaign. This doesn't bother you in the slightest? Apparently not.

Comey was given the dossier on Trump by John McCain, and paid nothing for it. Of course he met with the author to try to investigate the claims it made. That was his job, you dolt.

Clinton gave away no top secret material because it's not sent via email. Email is not a secure means of transmission and never has been. Sensitive materials are NEVER SENT VIA EMAIL. Anyone who understands and uses email knows this. The so-called Hillary email scandal was a big nothing burger and a republicans know it. But it fooled idiots like you into believe email was a problem.

Unlike Trump Junior, Clinton didn't meet with a member of the Putin government to get their assistance in subverting the US election. She met with a Russian businessman who donated money to help children with AIDS. Subverting the US election with the help of a foreign government is called "treason".

You're just fine with a political campaign that is willing to commit treason to win.

That's the bottom line. As long as your guy won, who cares what promises he made to Putin to get there. Treason is acceptable.

Trump has already delivered everything Putin could have dreamed of. Putin is now the most powerful leader in the world. NATO, his chief opposition is now fractured and weak. Trump promised Putin a free hand in the Ukraine and Crimea.

The US economy is slowing down, and Americans are totally distracted by the antics of the orange clown as he dismantles the US economy and takes the whole country down around him.
The guy who started this thread...what an idiot.

The Amb. to Russia was testifying before Congress in opposition to what Veselnitskaya's has been lobbying for, i.e. lifting sanctions against Russia.

So, they both have an interest in Russian sanctions and their views are polar opposites. However that would explain why she was in the same room with Michael McFaul. Also, because she is sitting in the front row does not mean the two are working together, no evidence of that what so ever.

Here is Michael McFaul's testimony:

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


I wonder if they were discussing how Russia might help Trump.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


I wonder if they were discussing how Russia might help Trump.

I'm thinking the only collusion discussed and help offered was to Clinton and THE DNC at the Ukrainian Embassy where they met with Ukrainian Spies to discuss Fake Dirt they had on Trump. But to Ukraine's defense, Clinton goaded them in to it by claiming Ukraine was weak.

"Ukraine NOT WEAK! Ukraine help Clinton with Fake Dossier, and meetings with THE DNC at UKRAINE EMBASSY! What you mean UKRAINE WEAK?

Ukraine send Ukranian Lawyer working for FUSHION GPS to TRUMP TOWER...same as we sent BRITISH SPY to James COMEY for FAKE TRUMP DOSSIER.


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Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


I wonder if they were discussing how Russia might help Trump.
I don't wonder if you are suffering from brain damage.

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


I wonder if they were discussing how Russia might help Trump.
I don't wonder if you are suffering from brain damage.

You speaking from your own personal experience with brain damage? Because only someone with brain damage would stand with Trump and his criminal family after they admit to treason.
I missed the part where the Obama ambassador scheduled a meeting with her to fix the election for Hillary
Let's get this straight:

Obama uses taxpayers money to pay for a political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji.

That's Ok, right Leftsrds?

DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.

That's ok, right Dimscum?

Comey meets with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.

That's ok , right you lying subversive pieces of shit!

Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.

That's ok, right You bunch of Stalin Butt Plugs!

Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice

That's ok, right Democraps?

Hillary Clinton gives top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker

That's ok, right you children of Hell?

Clinton meets with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation and that's ok with you Pathological Lying American Hating traitors, right?

Clinton deletes 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.

You are ok with that?

Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion?

Phuck all you guys on the Left.

You deserve to burn in Hell on Jusgement Day!


You should copy this, and then post it on every left wing thread that goes after Trump on collusion.....

Isn't it just utterly hilarious how the Russian hack conspiracy theory always blows up in the faces of the snowflakes?

"""Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg."""" More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times.

She confirmed her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. was about Russian adoptions in the US.

The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb and does not even have a website.

A staff member at Kamerton told The Associated Press Veselnitskaya was unavailable for comment on Monday.

Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website.


I wonder if they were discussing how Russia might help Trump.
I don't wonder if you are suffering from brain damage.

You speaking from your own personal experience with brain damage? Because only someone with brain damage would stand with Trump and his criminal family after they admit to treason.

When did they admit to treason?

Does hilary giving 20% of our uranium to Russia for 140 million dollars in donations from putin to her charity count?

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