Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mt

You want to debate after I just handed your ass to you so thoroughly that your only response was....

Muh Triggers!
Muh Triggers
muh triggers

And then lied about putting me on Ignore?


We are already in a debate dumbass. Answer my questions or STFU Snowflake.

  1. 1.
    a flake of snow, especially a feathery ice crystal, typically displaying delicate sixfold symmetry.
  2. 2.
    a white-flowered Eurasian plant related to and resembling the snowdrop, typically blooming in the summer or autumn.

    A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn't exactly match their own. These individuals think they are just as "unique" as snowflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.

What's it like to be Stalin's Butt Plug and to know that the only Collusion proven was between The Ukraine, Fusion GPS, Clinton, Comey, an Ex British Spy, a Ukrainian Female Lawyer and The DNC?

Any one from the Bankrupt State of Illinois and the Crime Ridden Festering Pustule of Chicago cannot be taken seriously.
You are like a delusion, wrapped in a hallucination, topped by a good helping of paranoia, and smothered in depersonalization disorder.
Wash that down with a little prozac and a bottle of booze and you make the perfect liberal.
Calm yourself, Princess, or you'll cream your jeans again...

Wake me up when you've got anything beyond ad hominems, eh?

Oh, and, stay safely in-the-pack, eh?

You'll never stand on your own around here.


If things keep going in the direction they've been going in recent weeks, Congress is going to take Trump down...

Sane Republicans will breathe a huge sigh of relief after he's been ejected from office through Constitutional means...

Your boy is a joke, and either goes down due to criminal charges or he goes down courtesy of the 25th Amendment...

He is not a well man, and is not fit to hold high office...

The Republic and its People are too busy for this kind of grade-school $hit...
You're an idiot...

Off to the "ignore" list with you...
Using the ignore list is the mark of a coward.

"Stalin's butt plug." I love that.
Any time you'd like to go toe-to-toe in a debate, Bright Boy... let me know.
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You mean after Injust handed your ass to you so thoroughly that your only response was....

Muh Triggers!
Muh Triggers
muh triggers

And then lied about putting me on Ignore?


We are already in a debate dumbass. Answer my questions or STFU Snowflake.
What's it like to be Stalin's Butt Plug and to know that the only Collusion proven was between The Ukraine, Fusion GPS, Clinton, Comey, an Ex British Spy, a Ukrainian Female Lawyer and The DNC?

Calm yourself, Princess, or you'll cream your jeans again...

Wake me up when you've got anything beyond ad hominems, eh?

Oh, and, stay safely in-the-pack, eh?

You'll never stand on your own around here.


If things keep going in the direction they've been going in recent weeks, Congress is going to take Trump down...

Sane Republicans will breathe a huge sigh of relief after he's been ejected from office through Constitutional means...

Your boy is a joke, and either goes down due to criminal charges or he goes down courtesy of the 25th Amendment...

He is not a well man, and is not fit to hold high office...

The Republic and its People are too busy for this kind of grade-school $hit...
You're an idiot...

Off to the "ignore" list with you...
Using the ignore list is the mark of a coward.

"Stalin's butt plug." I love that.
Any time you'd like to go toe-to-toe in a debate, Bright Boy... let me know.
Loretta Lynch may be biased in favour of Hillary Clinton because she's known her and worked with her for years, but what did she do to prevent or hamper Comey's investigation. The answer is "nothing". End of story.

But what about the time Lynch fired Comey while thinking about that email thing?

...maybe I'm mixing up people :rolleyes:
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He was interviewed about that. He said he wondered who she was and why was she sitting next to his son. That is hilarious. The Ambassador doesn't do "seating arrangements". Or maybe Republicans didn't know that. After all, they don't know what college is for.
He was interviewed about that. He said he wondered who she was and why was she sitting next to his son. That is hilarious. The Ambassador doesn't do "seating arrangements". Or maybe Republicans didn't know that. After all, they don't know what college is for.
Obama / lynch bypass the US Immigrations Office who denied the Russian Lawyer a Visa to give her special entry into the United States to help defend a Russian Businessman involved in money laundering that hurt US businesses...and the Lawyer is seen sitting behind Obama's hand-picked Ambassador.

Yeah, NO connection whatsoever to Obama and his administration... :p

So WHY would Obama and his criminal US AG want to go out of their way to bypass the US Immigration Office, go over their heads - their decision to deny the lawyer a Visa - to help defend this Russian criminal who hurt Americans with his money laundering? Hmm...

The last time Obama gave a woman a Visa 7 Americans ended up dead in California thanks to her terrorist attack on this country....So what could go wrong THIS time?!
Natalia Veselnitskaya is an anti-Trump operative and that is now proven. Her facebook pics and Twitters are desperately trying to be taken down.

The democrats are caught again.

She was at the vagina march protesting Trump.

Natalia Veselnitskaya was sitting with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, 8 days after cold-contacting Trump Jr. in Trump Tower.



Here is another shot from the June 14, 2016 Congressional hearing on Russia and the Ukraine.

She has also been linked to RINO McCain. The swamp is very thick folks. It may very well be impossible to drain it. Since, they have all the lawyers on their side, along with the media pushing the propaganda.

All of this will be completely ignored. It is obvious now what is happening. Of course not the losers on the left, who still do not care one bit about the golden showers dossier that was a proven fake document created to crush Trump.

They moved on fast from that.

LOL, just thought of the tax information that stupid kuuunt with the thick rimmed glasses on MSNBC had, and I also just thought of the count down clock they had for the Comey testimony.

They are fucking losers. Hate them as much as me yet?

The DOJ set up the meeting between the lawyer and Jr., supposedly about the money-laundering case...which means the FBI had to be involved as well.

Obama, DOJ, FBI...attempted entrapment...BUSTED.

'Another one bites the dust...'
Loretta Lynch may be biased in favour of Hillary Clinton because she's known her and worked with her for years, but what did she do to prevent or hamper Comey's investigation. The answer is "nothing". End of story.

But what about the time Lynch fired Comey while thinking about that email thing?

...maybe I'm mixing up people :rolleyes:
You mean she blew Comey for keeping his mouth shut about Obstruction of Justice?
I guess you can't even trust Comey to keep his mouth shut and not leak shit about Obstruction of Justice even though Loretta Lynch was going around Blowing Bill Clinton, Obama, and James Comey to keep her job.

The DOJ set up the meeting between the lawyer and Jr., supposedly about the money-laundering case...which means the FBI had to be involved as well.

Obama, DOJ, FBI...attempted entrapment...BUSTED.

'Another one bites the dust...'
Look at every so called "RUSSIAN INTERACTION" and like I said they are all tied to Obama, the DNC or Clinton Campaign trying to MANUFACTURE RUSSIAN COLLUSION that never occurred.
That explains why Obama had Trump and his family under surveillance for 18 months.
Turns out this Russian lawyer has no links whatsoever to the Kremlin or freaking anyone else. Her firm doesn't even have a website and its in a Moscow suburb.
No Kremlin connection except for being MARRIED to the former Deputy Minister of Transportation in the Moscow area. And her "firm" has no website or phone because it is a Kremlin shell firm!!!!!
2aguy Uranium One cannot export uranium to Russia without a NRC export license.

You lied. You were caught. You should be more honest.
That's enough of your sock puppet bullshit!
Permanent Ignore
How does it feel like to be Lenin's Dirty Dildo and Stalin's Butt Plug?

What I want to know now is if Mueller is a Dishonest Piece of Shit who is nothing but part of a clean up crew for The Democrat Party or if he is going to go after The DOJ, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, James Comey, Fusion GPS, Clinton, Obama, and Investigate The Ukraine's Collusion with Hillary Clinton and THE DNC?
How does it feel like to be Lenin's Dirty Dildo and Stalin's Butt Plug?

What I want to know now is if Mueller is a Dishonest Piece of Shit who is nothing but part of a clean up crew for The Democrat Party or if he is going to go after The DOJ, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, James Comey, Fusion GPS, Clinton, Obama, and Investigate The Ukraine's Collusion with Hillary Clinton and THE DNC?
Based on the DNC 'I Hate Trump Dream' Team he has put together, it SEEMS obvious for now that his only purpose is to serve as, as you called it, 'a clean up crew for the Democratic party'.

Mueller appears to be the 'fail safe mechanism', the last gasp for the Democrats - if all other schemes, like the Russian Lawyer BS, fails, Mueller is the 'last resort'.
She's tied at the hip to Fusion GPS
She hired a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who is connected to Fusion GPS, she didn't hire Fusion GPS. In a statement, the firm said, “Fusion GPS learned about this meeting from news reports and had no prior knowledge of it. Any claim that Fusion GPS arranged or facilitated this meeting in any way is false.”
2aguy Uranium One cannot export uranium to Russia without a NRC export license.

You lied. You were caught. You should be more honest.
That's enough of your sock puppet bullshit!
Permanent Ignore
How does it feel like to be Lenin's Dirty Dildo and Stalin's Butt Plug?

What I want to know now is if Mueller is a Dishonest Piece of Shit who is nothing but part of a clean up crew for The Democrat Party or if he is going to go after The DOJ, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, James Comey, Fusion GPS, Clinton, Obama, and Investigate The Ukraine's Collusion with Hillary Clinton and THE DNC?
He is a lawyer, who is best friends with Comey and still hid the Solyndra facts from the public.

The swamp in Washington, are the lawyers. That is what it is all about.

Clintons, lawyers.
obama, lawyer
Lorretta Lynch, lawyer.
Comey, lawyer.
Mueller, lawyer.

In fact every single FBI director have not been ex field agents. They have all been lawyers and all appointed by the president. In other words, they are all politicians.

"Make sure you call it a MATTER and not an INVESTIGATION." Lorretta Lynch to Comey. Get that? You see how the toad brains function?

Remember when Bill said...."that all depends on what the meaning of the word IS, is."

Get that? They all scumbag piece of shit lawyers who know how manipulate the law.
She's tied at the hip to Fusion GPS
She hired a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who is connected to Fusion GPS, she didn't hire Fusion GPS. In a statement, the firm said, “Fusion GPS learned about this meeting from news reports and had no prior knowledge of it. Any claim that Fusion GPS arranged or facilitated this meeting in any way is false.”
So she's CONNECTED to Fusion GPS but just not 'at the hip'.

If not connected to Fusion GPS, that's one helluva 'coincidence', hiring a PI connected to Fusion GPS...

...and Fusion GPS did not arrange the meeting - Obama's DOJ did.
The Amb. to Russia was testifying before Congress in opposition to what Veselnitskaya's has been lobbying for, i.e. lifting sanctions against Russia.

So, they both have an interest in Russian sanctions and their views are polar opposites. However that would explain why she was in the same room with Michael McFaul. Also, because she is sitting in the front row does not mean the two are working together, no evidence of that what so ever.
She was sitting in the front row because that is where House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) placed her!!!!!
She's tied at the hip to Fusion GPS
She hired a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who is connected to Fusion GPS, she didn't hire Fusion GPS. In a statement, the firm said, “Fusion GPS learned about this meeting from news reports and had no prior knowledge of it. Any claim that Fusion GPS arranged or facilitated this meeting in any way is false.”
So she's CONNECTED to Fusion GPS but just not 'at the hip'.

If not connected to Fusion GPS, that's one helluva 'coincidence', hiring a PI connected to Fusion GPS...

...and Fusion GPS did not arrange the meeting - Obama's DOJ did.
The Right uses an avalanche of lies, as one is debunked they simply manufacture another out of thin air.

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