Russian Mercanaries Attack US Forces in Syria

Now, just watch the Trumptards tell us this is BHO's war (or Hellary's, or Bernie's)
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.
That's what I thought, thanks for the confirmation and clarification. :)

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.
Apparently the U.S. Military counter attack wasn't enough fire, fury and bloodshed for certain left wing arm chair generals.
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.
That's what I thought, thanks for the confirmation and clarification. :)

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.
Apparently the U.S. Military counter attack wasn't enough fire, fury and bloodshed for certain left wing arm chair generals.

Oh no.

They're used to us retreating 5 miles and painting another red line in the

Or having the CIC tell Putin..."Cut it out!"
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!


He killed 100 more than Zero ever did.

If Zero would have confronted Assad when he crossed the red line the
Russians would have never entered Syria in the first place.

Once Zero did nothing...The Russians moved immediately.
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!
Why are US forces in Syria? Oh I forgot, the Empire must rule. Obama set up the war in Syria, now Trump expands it. Same old song.

Time to bring all the Empire’s forces home, but this sane action will never happen.

What I don’t get is the Left’s blood lust for WWIII. Used to be many on the left were pacifists, when an R is in the WH.
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands
Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?
Probably something to do with the fact that he wants to avoid ESCALATION, same reason that the Pentagon has been rather circumspect on the whole affair, the Russians and the Syrians got a bloody nose for their little stunt, which is enough to get the point across for most people.

Of course there are people like you that would rather see the Administration actively attempting to increase tensions in a War Zone, presumably because your blood lust hasn't been sufficiently satisfied.

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.
Tell you what General Patton, the next time you find yourself in charge of conducting overseas military operations you can take all the "victory laps" you want and rub your nuclear armed opponents noses in it, just as long as it's not in the same country I'm living in, K, thanks.
What I don’t get is the Left’s blood lust for WWIII. Used to be many on the left were pacifists, when an R is in the WH.
The power in Washington has put the emotion of Trump's victory over Clinton to good use.

The brakes have been removed from the vehicle and we are heading towards a precipice.

Edit; I don't have any faith in the driver.

Last edited:
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!
Now thats what we call moving the goal posts! You would have a great career working for the Patriots ;)
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!

How do yoy know what has been said to the troops in private meetings?

You don't and you just want something to whine about.
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!

100 or so body bags going back to Russia is a pretty good comment by itself.
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!

How do yoy know what has been said to the troops in private meetings?

You don't and you just want something to whine about.

Your troops were attacked by Russian soldiers who killed 200 of their attackers and the President says nothing to the American people about the attack.

Still no sanctions on Russia either. Not one word of criticism directed at Putin either. Not one word.
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!
You mean the attack on 2/7 where U.S. led coalition forces counter attacked and killed more than 100 of them?
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz

What were you hoping for? A nuclear strike on Moscow?

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?
Learn how to use a spell checker.


They now say those guys were actually Russian soldiers that were
initially in the Ukraine creating the trouble in the eastern part of that
Country, but in the uniform of Ukraine dissidents.

Somewhere there was another report that we killed 200 of them.

Whatever, we didn't bat an eye in responding. Our planes hit those people
in force, quickly.

Putin was smart. He was testing us to see what we would do. BUT, he
made sure it wasn't Russian-clad Soldiers, which would have forced him
to escalate if we did respond. (Which we did).

He learned that he isn't dealing with the Honorary General of the Kenyan
National Guard anymore. Our battlefield commanders have authority to
defend American lives. We finally have a real Commander-in-Chief.

The Dragon Lady and her minions, need to clean the house and go fix supper.
The Country is now in good hands

Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this? Issued any sort of public rebuke?

One would think that he’d be taking credit for a victory like this, or at the very least, be congratulating the troops who so ably defended themselves.

But no, not so much as a grunt from the Putin's butt boy. What a loser!

100 or so body bags going back to Russia is a pretty good comment by itself. need to rub salt in the wounds and risk escalation.

Q:"What do you tell a bunch of Russian Mercenaries in Syria that were counter attacked by the U.S. Military"?
A: "Nothing, they've already been told 100 times"

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