Russian Mercanaries Attack US Forces in Syria

A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!

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LESSEE---- for 16 months you ranted that Trump was a hair-trigger danger to the world that couldn't be trusted with the nuclear suitcase, and now that he doesn't rush pell mell into a crazed, frothing war stance, YOUR BITCHING HE DOESN'T DO ENOUGH???? o_O

You are too stupid to be one person.

Where did I suggest launching an attack or a war? Not once ever.

I asked why Trump hasn’t SAID a word about this incident. Not one. He hasn’t even told the American people it happened.

I asked why he still hasn’t imposed sanctions passed by Congress and is ignoring previously imposed sanctions.

I asked why he hasn’t uttered one word of criticism against Putin. Ever. Not for election interference. Not for this attack.

You're funny. All you worry about is what Trump should tell you! I don't need to be told anything------ the man is too busy for lame press conferences, let those wait for when he's got nothing better to do. I'm just happy we have the man on the job 24/7 getting the work of America done for me as I sleep safe with a big smile on my face. Go, Donny, GO!
A Russian mercenary force attacked US troops in Syria. Trump’s response? Crickets!

How do I fix the spelling error in the title?

LESSEE---- for 16 months you ranted that Trump was a hair-trigger danger to the world that couldn't be trusted with the nuclear suitcase, and now that he doesn't rush pell mell into a crazed, frothing war stance, YOUR BITCHING HE DOESN'T DO ENOUGH???? o_O

You are too stupid to be one person.

Where did I suggest launching an attack or a war? Not once ever.

I asked why Trump hasn’t SAID a word about this incident. Not one. He hasn’t even told the American people it happened.

I asked why he still hasn’t imposed sanctions passed by Congress and is ignoring previously imposed sanctions.

I asked why he hasn’t uttered one word of criticism against Putin. Ever. Not for election interference. Not for this attack.

No, here is what you asked.

"Yes I read the article before I posted it asshole. Not only were the American successful in stopping the attack, but not a single American life was lost.

Why hasn’t Trump publically commented on this?"

Now we can add liar to your resume.

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