Russian Military is inept

Putin never imagined Biden would be able to rally our allies in crippling sanctions
He figured that the US would boycott but Europe would need his oil and natural gas.

He figured wrong
Biden hasn’t done anything. Stop your nonsense. He is the most inept president in US history and it’s early. In November the people will send a message. Let’s see if they agree with you or me? Fair?
Biden hasn’t done anything. Stop your nonsense. He is the most inept president in US history and it’s early. In November the people will send a message. Let’s see if they agree with you or me? Fair?
Wrong again
Biden proved how effective he is as a leader by coordinating behind the scenes with our allies and coming up with backup plans to survive without Russia’s oil.

Putin counted on the EU not supporting sanctions and keeping his economy functioning.

Biden proved him wrong
Wrong again
Biden proved how effective he is as a leader by coordinating behind the scenes with our allies and coming up with backup plans to survive without Russia’s oil.

Putin counted on the EU not supporting sanctions and keeping his economy functioning.

Biden proved him wrong
I guess we'll find out in November. Correct?
Wrong again
Biden proved how effective he is as a leader by coordinating behind the scenes with our allies and coming up with backup plans to survive without Russia’s oil.

Putin counted on the EU not supporting sanctions and keeping his economy functioning.

Biden proved him wrong

Biden failed to unite anyone. Putin ended up uniting Europe when he started with threats of nuclear attacks. Suddenly Germany wised up and abandoned Russia.

But do not let that get in the way of thinking that Biden is your lord and savior.

Biden failed to unite anyone. Putin ended up uniting Europe when he started with threats of nuclear attacks. Suddenly Germany wised up and abandoned Russia.

But do not let that get in the way of thinking that Biden is your lord and savior.
Biden kept the Western alliance together through behind the scenes negotiations

The same Western Alliance Trump wanted to destroy
In what should have been a cakewalk in the Ukraine has been a disaster as Russian forces are bumbling and stumbling
Poor training, top heavy leadership and lack of logistics planning are killing them.

News reports, tweets, videos, and emails from the battlefields show Russia’s armored vehicles abandoned for lack of fuel, its soldiers foraging for food, its transport planes shot out of the sky, its various military elements—tanks, infantry, aircraft—unable to coordinate their aims.

the Russian army isn’t cut out for lightning strikes. Troops are trained in rote set pieces, with no time devoted to improvising if things don’t go as planned. One reason for this is that junior officers are not allowed to take initiative.
F Troop.
Isn't it INTERESTING how everybody is going after Putin and Russia, their financial accounts, their media accounts, hacking into their systems for going into Ukraine or Urania as The pee-resident said the other night, but no one wants to touch China for their crackdown on Hong Kong, or threatening Taiwan. Now why is that do ya think?
Isn't it INTERESTING how everybody is going after Putin and Russia, their financial accounts, their media accounts, hacking into their systems for going into Ukraine or Urania as The pee-resident said the other night, but no one wants to touch China for their crackdown on Hong Kong, or threatening Taiwan. Now why is that do ya think?
Because Hong Kong is part of China and they have been threatening Taiwan for 70 years

We are sending a message to China about what happens if they invade Taiwan
I expected you to say that. It's your double standard and you are full of 'it'. If hong kong is part of China...then Ukraine is part of Russia.
Isn't it INTERESTING how everybody is going after Putin and Russia, their financial accounts, their media accounts, hacking into their systems for going into Ukraine or Urania as The pee-resident said the other night, but no one wants to touch China for their crackdown on Hong Kong, or threatening Taiwan. Now why is that do ya think?
This was in the works for some time looks like and yeah that's a damn good point! Why are we still spending 300 million a day buying oil from Vlad and why are we sending 100 million a day in coal to China?
Effing lying media and many are falling for this line of crap as fast as they swallowed the Scamdemic crap that we see is falling apart before our very eyes because..................politics.

Yes well the Ghost of Kiev is really a Ghost.....he fires on Russian jets but they are ethereal bullets soooooo....
However having said that...this war is giving the Russian Military a pretty good kick in the doubt about that.
Think about it for a moment.... it's more or less like Russia fighting itself.... Like our own civil war...our biggest loss of soldiers
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