Russian Military is inept

I would say that the EU President and Euro Parliament saying Ukraine should be inthe EU constitutes about as strong an invite as one could imagine and which has ever occured.

But maybe someone with a prescribed narrative would claim otherwise.
That may have had some weight a few months ago but the statement is rather vapid at this point.

Putin CANNOT lose this war. At least, I do not see an 'out' for him in any case and there is little doubt that Russia will 'win' in the end. They are already at the capitol. The BEST case here is for Ukraine to become another Afghanistan and Russia slinks home several years or decades from now. Worst case he just annexes it a little later than planned.

It is a wonder how poorly the military has done here but then again, it is hard to notice that and not look at Afghanistan in much the same light. We can call them inept but we also have to remember that the goal here is to take the nation over, not simply level it.
maybe they were told they would be greeted as liberators.
It irks me to have to link a twitter post for this but nonetheless:

That seems to be the claim and I have zero doubt of it. We told our soldiers the very same thing when going into Iraq and Afghanistan. When you are a young soldier, many times you do not know that there is no such thing as people looking to outside nations to liberate them from their own government.

you do not even see that in the general populace in North Korea and that may be the worst place on the planet to live.
how the fuck can a sceptic like you fall for so many conspiracy theories. why is your scepticism failing you then?

Clearly 'sceptic' does not apply there.

A skeptic is someone that requires some sort of evidence before trusting a claim. He believes anything whatsoever as long as it goes against any trusted source or authority. Those are VERY different things.
It irks me to have to link a twitter post for this but nonetheless:

That seems to be the claim and I have zero doubt of it. We told our soldiers the very same thing when going into Iraq and Afghanistan. When you are a young soldier, many times you do not know that there is no such thing as people looking to outside nations to liberate them from their own government.

you do not even see that in the general populace in North Korea and that may be the worst place on the planet to live.

War is old men talking and young men dying.
Did it ever occur to you, that the Russian leadership is purposely fighting the war with limited rules of engagement, and doesn't want to unleash total war?

So are the Ukranians, yet they are performing well. The US fights with rules, yet we kick the snot out of everyone with ease. The Russian military is looking amateurish right now.
Doubt that.

If they were fighting a war of survival? The rules would be totally different.
Without nukes being used, the US military would defeat the entire world if they were ALL unified against us. Defeating Russia would be quite easy.
In what should have been a cakewalk in the Ukraine has been a disaster as Russian forces are bumbling and stumbling
Poor training, top heavy leadership and lack of logistics planning are killing them.

News reports, tweets, videos, and emails from the battlefields show Russia’s armored vehicles abandoned for lack of fuel, its soldiers foraging for food, its transport planes shot out of the sky, its various military elements—tanks, infantry, aircraft—unable to coordinate their aims.

the Russian army isn’t cut out for lightning strikes. Troops are trained in rote set pieces, with no time devoted to improvising if things don’t go as planned. One reason for this is that junior officers are not allowed to take initiative.
We would have nothing to worry then except that Biden is also just as corrupt and inept.
We would have nothing to worry then except that Biden is also just as corrupt and inept.

Putin never imagined Biden would be able to rally our allies in crippling sanctions
He figured that the US would boycott but Europe would need his oil and natural gas.

He figured wrong
So are the Ukranians, yet they are performing well. The US fights with rules, yet we kick the snot out of everyone with ease. The Russian military is looking amateurish right now.

If you look at our invasions in Dessert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq, they were flawlessly executed and showed the overwhelming power of the US. It was maintaining the peace that was our downfall.

Russia has a massive force that is bumbling all over itself.
Poorly executed plan, horrible logistics, lack of coordination among forces, poor morale.

They are showing the world they are not the global power they were made out to be.
If you look at our invasions in Dessert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq, they were flawlessly executed and showed the overwhelming power of the US. It was maintaining the peace that was our downfall.

Russia has a massive force that is bumbling all over itself.
Poorly executed plan, horrible logistics, lack of coordination among forces, poor morale.

They are showing the world they are not the global power they were made out to be.
Im hearing that they have food and fuel supply issues. How the fuck does Russia have a problem fueling their tanks? Its crazy. Im also hearing reports of russian soldiers sabotaging their own tanks so they dont have to go to Ukraine.
US forces have taken their lumps, but our offensive maneuvers have been flawlessly executed.

Russia does not appear to have a workable plan, a plan that their troops are capable of executing. There is no coordination between ground and air forces.
Say what you will about US forces, but they don’t run out of gas and you wouldn’t see US soldiers begging for food.
Putin is a chest player---he sent his PAWNS in first. Those drafted with no military experience.
Im hearing that they have food and fuel supply issues. How the fuck does Russia have a problem fueling their tanks? Its crazy. Im also hearing reports of russian soldiers sabotaging their own tanks so they dont have to go to Ukraine.
Soldiers are scavanging for food and fuel and many have surrendered without a fight. They are young and poorly trained and lack motivation.
Why are we here?
Putin is a chest player---he sent his PAWNS in first. Those drafted with no military experience.

Not the actions of a “chest” player who wants to quickly demoralize his opponent.

Putin is demonstrating to the West that Russia is not a big time player and that NATO would quickly defeat hem
Soldiers are scavanging for food and fuel and many have surrendered without a fight. They are young and poorly trained and lack motivation.
Why are we here?
Its weird that they didnt have all their ducks in a row for this. Maybe they just expected an instant win?
Its weird that they didnt have all their ducks in a row for this. Maybe they just expected an instant win?

On paper it probably looked like a romp

But there were no contingencies for when things go wrong.
They underestimated the resolve of the Ukrainians and expected to be treated as Liberators
Originally posted by Godboy
Without nukes being used, the US military would defeat the entire world if they were ALL unified against us. Defeating Russia would be quite easy.

Put down the crack pipe.

America couldn't even reunify Korea 70 years ago fighting a destitute, starving China that belonged to the Fourth World.

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