Russian Military is inept

Nukes is a line you do not cross unless your country is being invaded
That depends. So, not necessarily.

It certainly is a line the US crosses when nukes have been launched against the US. We even have a set playbook for how to respond.

It's not a line you cross if someone else's country is being invaded or even nuked. I suspect they would go the war crimes route instead. This is pretty simple, Russia invading Ukraine did not result in the US sending in it's military. The US has already said they will not fly planes in the no fly zone for fear of a plane being shot down and the US being forced to retaliate. Why would a tactical nuke be any different? Because that's probably the extent of Russia's nuclear options. It would be a battlefield nuke.

They planned their logistics on a blitzkrieg,"

"When they started getting bogged down, they started running into logistics problems," Townsend said. "They've got a long logistics tail. Fuel has been a bit of a big deal and that makes them targets for Ukrainian soldiers going in there with anti-tank weapons."
The question I am asking - that you don't have the answers to - are what are the commitments being made by admittance and what are the unintended consequences
The tangible point is to strengthen Ukraine's economic status and to cast an embargo of Ukraine in a new light.

The symbolic point is the unity of Europe and western values against an authoritarian war criminal.
That depends. So, not necessarily.

It certainly is a line the US crosses when nukes have been launched against the US. We even have a set playbook for how to respond.

It's not a line you cross if someone else's country is being invaded or even nuked. I suspect they would go the war crimes route instead. This is pretty simple, Russia invading Ukraine did not result in the US sending in it's military. The US has already said they will not fly planes in the no fly zone for fear of a plane being shot down and the US being forced to retaliate. Why would a tactical nuke be any different? Because that's probably the extent of Russia's nuclear options. It would be a battlefield nuke.

The US cannot afford a policy of we will only use nukes if they are used on us

Putin knows better than to cross that line
The tangible point is to strengthen Ukraine's economic status and to cast an embargo of Ukraine in a new light.

The symbolic point is the unity of Europe and western values against an authoritarian war criminal.
And changes nothing that is happening on the ground today?

I asked this before.... do you know why Ukraine isn't already in the EU? It's because they haven't met the terms of membership.
The symbolic point is the unity of Europe and western values against an authoritarian war criminal.
Are you suggesting that doesn't already exist? Hell even Switzerland condemned Russia's actions. I'm pretty sure Europe is unified like never before now that the bear has moved in next door. It appears the light bulb has been finally turned on. Pretty sure their arms expenditures will be going up for the foreseeable future too. Given Europe's dependence upon Russian natural gas I would bet it's going to be a cold winter in Europe too. And all of this falls under the category of predictable surprises.

But you know me, right? I''m not an honest person. I have ulterior motives. Narratives. These things I am saying can't possibly be the truth, right?
Oh, offcourse, you're the private brain surgeon of Putin and really know, what he think and what he believes!!! :) Amazing! :)
He has stated as much on multiple occasions. You think you're clever. I speak as many languages as you, comrade.
China likes stability and probably aint too crazy about incineration of trading partners.
They are pretty much on the sidelines in this one. They already share a border with Russia and have a long history with them. They are just hoping that if things go south that missiles don't come their way. Everything else is gravy as their rival will get weakened and their customers will need more steel. It's all good for them. They don't have to do a thing. They can sit back and let the West do the heavy lifting.
You know this how? How many life or death situations have you been in?

"Life and Death"...LOL

Dumb Leftist
One doesn't have to be in a life or death situation to know that other opinions may be of help in a life or death situation, hotshot.
Ignorant tumphugger.
Not immediately, no. That isn't the point of it. What a bizarre standard you contrived, there.
That standard is called reality. Nothing contrived about it. Contrived would be believing a hollow symbol matters or makes a difference. But you are still missing my point. There are unintended consequences to admitting Ukraine into the EU; specifically lowering the standard of admittance and Russia's response.
That standard is called reality. Nothing contrived about it. Contrived would be believing a hollow symbol matters or makes a difference. But you are still missing my point. There are unintended consequences to admitting Ukraine into the EU; specifically lowering the standard of admittance and Russia's response.
I think that the unintended consequences are a reality and will be digested before Ukraine is included.
To a simpleton who doesn't think more than a week into the future, maybe.

Rational adults who have responsibility and have to make long-term decisions appear to see it differently.
You literally just said it had no immediate effect. If you wish to go out on a limb - shooting from the hip - to name some future effects that may have bearing on the war that is happening now, please feel free to do so. But until then you are just pontificating.

What long term effects? Apparently that's all in your head. Please feel free to expound on those long term effects so that we can all see how foolish you really are. I would love to hear about these long term effects. Please tell me these long term effects that I am too simple, irrational and irresponsible to see.

Because how this rational and responsible person is looking at it... lowering the standard for admittance based upon a short term emergency is not long term decision making; it's a knee jerk reaction. And that is reality.
I think that the unintended consequences are a reality and will be digested before Ukraine is included.
That's the problem with Putin the evil kleptocrat invading European countries 3 times in 15 years:

It is no longer a "threat". He already did it. 3 times.

"Oh no, can't Putin Ukraine in the EU or NATO, Putin might invade a European country!"

Putin the delusional idiot hastens along that which he was trying to prevent.
You literally just said it had no immediate effect.

I also made it clear that the world does not end next week. So there are other effects to consider.

You refuse to do so, because you chose a narrative 3 pages ago and are not going to deviate from it for any reason.

I get it. Not the first time I have posted with you. It is the same every time.

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