Russian Military is inept

Good old propaganda...thicker than pig shit.

You see...unlike the US military, Russia doesn't want to go into the country and level all of the infrastructure.

So they don't blow up power plants, they don't blow up bridges....and level cities.

There is a painful point to this...but you keep believing the mainstream shitstream.

Just the fact that folks are twittering still out of Ukraine?

Folks have no ability to do any critical thinking.
In what should have been a cakewalk in the Ukraine has been a disaster as Russian forces are bumbling and stumbling
Poor training, top heavy leadership and lack of logistics planning are killing them.

News reports, tweets, videos, and emails from the battlefields show Russia’s armored vehicles abandoned for lack of fuel, its soldiers foraging for food, its transport planes shot out of the sky, its various military elements—tanks, infantry, aircraft—unable to coordinate their aims.

the Russian army isn’t cut out for lightning strikes. Troops are trained in rote set pieces, with no time devoted to improvising if things don’t go as planned. One reason for this is that junior officers are not allowed to take initiative.
General Patraeus concurs.
And I am sure that on Russian and Chinese TEE VEE's? During the Vietnamese war. .. . . the propaganda was, the American military is inept.

Did it ever occur to you, that the Russian leadership is purposely fighting the war with limited rules of engagement, and doesn't want to unleash total war?


US forces have taken their lumps, but our offensive maneuvers have been flawlessly executed.

Russia does not appear to have a workable plan, a plan that their troops are capable of executing. There is no coordination between ground and air forces.
Say what you will about US forces, but they don’t run out of gas and you wouldn’t see US soldiers begging for food.
In what should have been a cakewalk in the Ukraine has been a disaster as Russian forces are bumbling and stumbling
Poor training, top heavy leadership and lack of logistics planning are killing them.

News reports, tweets, videos, and emails from the battlefields show Russia’s armored vehicles abandoned for lack of fuel, its soldiers foraging for food, its transport planes shot out of the sky, its various military elements—tanks, infantry, aircraft—unable to coordinate their aims.

the Russian army isn’t cut out for lightning strikes. Troops are trained in rote set pieces, with no time devoted to improvising if things don’t go as planned. One reason for this is that junior officers are not allowed to take initiative.
Did you see the video of the Russian tanks taking shots at what they thought was a Ukrainian tank and kept missing it? It was an old tank/monument in a public park. They still couldn't hit it.
And I am sure that on Russian and Chinese TEE VEE's? During the Vietnamese war. .. . . the propaganda was, the American military is inept.

Did it ever occur to you, that the Russian leadership is purposely fighting the war with limited rules of engagement, and doesn't want to unleash total war?

I understand that the bulk of their attack force is at the border and is 17 miles deep. A scary thought.

War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless​

Every useful or pleasing claim about the war, no matter how unverified or subsequently debunked, rapidly spreads, while dissenters are vilified as traitors or Kremlin agents.​

". . .Less than a week into this war, that can no longer be said. One of the media's most beloved members of Congress, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), on Friday explicitly and emphatically urged that the U.S. military be deployed to Ukraine to establish a “no-fly zone” — i.e., American soldiers would order Russia not to enter Ukrainian airspace and would directly attack any Russian jets or other military units which disobeyed. That would, by definition and design, immediately ensure that the two countries with by far the planet's largest nuclear stockpiles would be fighting one another, all over Ukraine.. . "

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In what should have been a cakewalk in the Ukraine has been a disaster as Russian forces are bumbling and stumbling
Poor training, top heavy leadership and lack of logistics planning are killing them.

News reports, tweets, videos, and emails from the battlefields show Russia’s armored vehicles abandoned for lack of fuel, its soldiers foraging for food, its transport planes shot out of the sky, its various military elements—tanks, infantry, aircraft—unable to coordinate their aims.

the Russian army isn’t cut out for lightning strikes. Troops are trained in rote set pieces, with no time devoted to improvising if things don’t go as planned. One reason for this is that junior officers are not allowed to take initiative.
While I certainly agree their ground game is surprisingly vulnerable, their planning and supply lines - atrocious, and intelligence appears to be lacking - Russia has not thrown everything at them. You have not seen the true power of their military. They have missile systems that can level city blocks in minutes. To my knowledge they haven't used their FAEs, incendiary missiles etc. They are not fighting this with everything they got.

Having said that, they indeed have shown the world their ground warfare is seriously lacking. Good to know.
Did you see the video of the Russian tanks taking shots at what they thought was a Ukrainian tank and kept missing it? It was an old tank/monument in a public park. They still couldn't hit it.
Link because Putin tanks will hit the mite on a flea ass!

Well wouldn’t they?

Anyhoo, if Russia fails in their endeavor in the Ukraine can we blame someone for Pootin failure?
While I certainly agree their ground game is surprisingly vulnerable, their planning and supply lines - atrocious, and intelligence appears to be lacking - Russia has not thrown everything at them. You have not seen the true power of their military. They have missile systems that can level city blocks in minutes. To my knowledge they haven't used their FAEs, incendiary missiles etc. They are not fighting this with everything they got.

Having said that, they indeed have shown the world their ground warfare is seriously lacking. Good to know.
Yes, Russia can eventually win this thing.
But at what cost?

They are demonstrating they are incapable of taking on NATO.
Like the US learned the hard way. The invasion is the easy part.
Holding the country is hard
Yes, Russia can eventually win this thing.
But at what cost?

They are demonstrating they are incapable of taking on NATO.
Like the US learned the hard way. The invasion is the easy part.
Holding the country is hard
The U.S. would take Ukraine overnight. If allowed to.
The last time we saw real American firepower was the first Iraq war in 1990.
Unlike his son, Bush Sr. invaded Iraq properly, told his military what he wanted and walked away.
Having said that, once GenZ makes up the most of our military... I will have a LOT less faith in their ability. They may be no better than what we are seeing with the Russian Army
they don’t run out of gas and you wouldn’t see US soldiers begging for food

And you have unbiased sources that are reporting that these sorts of things are actually happening. . . not media sources that have connections to the CFR, the Atlantic Council or the RIIA?

. . you know, western propaganda?
BTW Ukraine promise to start to develop nukes.. And Britain could supply them with nukes right now - what about it?
No doubt.

Talk about provocation.

JFC. I would almost think this guy was hired to provoke Putin to invade. :rolleyes:

Most of the tools on this forum just gobble up establishment brainwashing and do little critical thinking for themselves.

President Zelensky Suggests Ukraine May Pursue Nuclear Weapons To Counter Russia, Putin Responds​

boy howdy, did he respond. . . :heehee:
Maybe the Russians got a lesson in faggotry when LTC Vindman denigrated the US to them during joint war games!!!! :laughing0301:


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