Russian Military is inept

The U.S. would take Ukraine overnight. If allowed to.
The last time we saw real American firepower was the first Iraq war in 1990.
Unlike his son, Bush Sr. invaded Iraq properly, told his military what he wanted and walked away.
Having said that, once GenZ makes up the most of our military... I will have a LOT less faith in their ability. They may be no better than what we are seeing with the Russian Army
And Hippie drug addicts fought in Vietnam

The older generation always demeans the younger generation

War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless​

Every useful or pleasing claim about the war, no matter how unverified or subsequently debunked, rapidly spreads, while dissenters are vilified as traitors or Kremlin agents.​

". . .Less than a week into this war, that can no longer be said. One of the media's most beloved members of Congress, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), on Friday explicitly and emphatically urged that the U.S. military be deployed to Ukraine to establish a “no-fly zone” — i.e., American soldiers would order Russia not to enter Ukrainian airspace and would directly attack any Russian jets or other military units which disobeyed. That would, by definition and design, immediately ensure that the two countries with by far the planet's largest nuclear stockpiles would be fighting one another, all over Ukraine.. . "

No one can accuse Adam of being smart.
If one nuke gets fired then another and another and we are all dead. How do you not understand that?
As fo me, I absolutely understand.

But what about think Zelensky, intended to create and use nuke? :(

But offcourse - he is a greate White Hero just because his nazi batallions kill russian civilians...
No doubt.

Talk about provocation.

JFC. I would almost think this guy was hired to provoke Putin to invade. :rolleyes:

Most of the tools on this forum just gobble up establishment brainwashing and do little critical thinking for themselves.

President Zelensky Suggests Ukraine May Pursue Nuclear Weapons To Counter Russia, Putin Responds​

boy howdy, did he respond. . . :heehee:

Stop a minute. As I believe in all western media (just read some of them month or two ago), Putin taking part in war on Donbass about 8 years. How he could to start it now? Who to believe? Are the Putin is a version of Schrödinger's cat? :)

Sorry, it's not about nukes, but it's a case of brainwashing in current propaganda, both in Russian and Ukrainian...
Welcome to the propaganda network. "The Russian military is inept and Putin is crazy". Meanwhile the Russians are parked in the Ukraine capital in a freaking week. That's the way propaganda is supposed to work. Through skilled propaganda provided by the media, FDR managed to convince Americans that Japan was a pushover. Underestimating the enemy is a good way to get your ass kicked and lefties seem to be always primed to get their asses kicked during democrat administrations. At least the draft is over.

The sources pointed out just how shocked many in the broader NATO military community were at how incompetent Russian soldiers appeared, especially the officer and non-commissioned officer corps. Many described the professionalism and efficiency of the entire Russian military operations in Ukraine as unimpressive and sloppy.

The sources pointed out just how shocked many in the broader NATO military community were at how incompetent Russian soldiers appeared, especially the officer and non-commissioned officer corps. Many described the professionalism and efficiency of the entire Russian military operations in Ukraine as unimpressive and sloppy.
On top of that, I've seen several stories of Russian soldiers saying they were lied to about the mission, not fighting because they don't want to kill these people, etc.

Putin may be only partially human, but his soldiers aren't like him.
We are all screwed it it goes nuclear. There are no winners.
True. Limited nuclear war would be survivable. Changes in government will/may happen if products are more limited. The Prog propaganda may finally end as traditions benefitting any society left as a whole would be a necessity and even demanded.

The sources pointed out just how shocked many in the broader NATO military community were at how incompetent Russian soldiers appeared, especially the officer and non-commissioned officer corps. Many described the professionalism and efficiency of the entire Russian military operations in Ukraine as unimpressive and sloppy.
If the Russia have systems, can pull down all electricity at USS Donald Cook, but don't have any forces to destroy "Turkish drone system", it seems, US may have a great problems with Turkish army too, heh? :)

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