Russian Military is inept

they have no business being part of the EU.
Oops, sorry, it's not up to you. It is up to Ukrane and the EU.

If a European country wa ts to be in the EU, then it has business being in the EU.

And no amount of cheap Russian propaganda will change that.
Peddle your second rate Russian propaganda to someone else.

The people of Ukraine want to be part of the EU and NATO.

And Putin just reinforced that with his war crimes.
Peddle you globalist propaganda somewhere else, that is not entirely the case.
Peddle your second rate Russian propaganda to someone else.

The people of Ukraine want to be part of the EU and NATO.

And Putin just reinforced that with his war crimes.

Do you think, NATO and EU a good place for current Ukrainian nazi regime?

Hmm, only 70 years were needed to return back nazism for the flags of United Europe..

Who would be the new Hitler, heh? :)
Oops, sorry, it's not up to you. It is up to Ukrane and the EU.

If a European cou try wats to be in the EU, then it has busi ess being given the EU.

And no amount of cheap Russian propaganda will change that.
yeah. it's up to me. as far as democratic principles go. the EU expansion was shit. autocratic parasitic regimes like established in poland and hungary take cover and money from the EU, while contributing next to nothing positive. why should we accept another kleptocratic state into the EU?
On the eve of WW2 the FDR administration was convinced that the Japanese weren't capable of building a ship that would float or a plane that would fly even when the administration was aware of the Japanese military's advances into Manchuria before the war. That kind of propaganda craziness persisted even until 1945 when we lost almost 7,000 Marines in a month on a stinking island called Iwo Jima. We finally had to settle the issue with a nuclear strike. Basing opinions on unconfirmed propaganda is the best way to get your ass kicked in the next go-round and history tells us that lefties are always anxious to get someone else's ass kicked besides their own if it tends to give the democrat party a boost.
yeah. it's up to me. as far as democratic principles go. the EU expansion was shit. autocratic parasitic regimes like established in poland and hungary take cover and money from the EU, while contributing next to nothing positive. why should we accept another kleptocratic state into the EU?
No, sorry.

Your unevidenced bombast notwithstanding.
Peddle your second rate Russian propaganda to someone else.

The people of Ukraine want to be part of the EU and NATO.

And Putin just reinforced that with his war crimes.
The world has three main factions vying for power. All three waiting for one to screw up. This is not written yet. and most of the info we receive is from the Globalist propaganda machine. If you reside in the United States and live with some comforts it is because we built up a powerful nation with borders, culture and language. You think that globalism eliminating that is going to be great for us. We have to be taken down a few pegs and are.
You think that globalism eliminating that is going to be great for us.
Haha, you fools always like to invent low hanging fruit for your incapable selves. You don't need a message board, just go find mirror and make shit up there.
and now for my attention seeking stalker, who got triggered hard:

In what should have been a cakewalk in the Ukraine has been a disaster as Russian forces are bumbling and stumbling
Poor training, top heavy leadership and lack of logistics planning are killing them.

News reports, tweets, videos, and emails from the battlefields show Russia’s armored vehicles abandoned for lack of fuel, its soldiers foraging for food, its transport planes shot out of the sky, its various military elements—tanks, infantry, aircraft—unable to coordinate their aims.

the Russian army isn’t cut out for lightning strikes. Troops are trained in rote set pieces, with no time devoted to improvising if things don’t go as planned. One reason for this is that junior officers are not allowed to take initiative.
So is our FBI.
i am a staunch proponent of the EU and its core principles. that's why i am opposed to letting countries in, who don't. we did that earlier, and are paying the price. e.g. poland, hungary.
So you are pretty much of a fool. Tell me some core principles about mass immigration.

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