Russian Military is inept

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ROBERT PARRY: Playing Nuclear Chicken Over Ukraine​

Application submitted today.

EU President says she wants Ukraine in the EU.

Would be a special membership, with lots of negotiating left to do. May even just symbolic, for now.

But it will happen.
lol. ok. special membership. i have no idea what that means. i am talking about full membership with all rights privileges and DUTIES. the EU was lied to by many of the applicants. e.g.Greece.
lol. ok. special membership. i have no idea what that means. i am talking about full membership with all rights privileges and DUTIES. the EU was lied to by many of the applicants. e.g.Greece.
It means they would say Ukraine was admitted, without it yet being integrated.

A thumb in Putin's eye.
What amazes me is that Russia should have been War Gaming an invasion of Ukraine for a decade. All contingencies should have been worked out

The inept execution of the invasion is a telling indictment of Russian Military Command
You don't know what you don't know. I know when we went into Afghanistan, we certainly didn't think we would be there 20+ years. Same with Iraq. Obviously, it's a bit different but we were looking hard at Iraq from an Intel perspective for 10+ years before we went in, and we had huge gaps in our intel that we didn't know existed.

I also doubt the Russians anticipated that the Ukrainian population would fight them. I hope Putin doesn't decide to actually cut his guys loose to fight a COIN war the way it has to be fought. Bringing in the Chechens isn't a good sign. Those fuckers are BRUTAL. They know how and are willing to do the things necessary to subdue a population. Here's hoping Putin keeps them on their leash otherwise shit could get real, real fast.

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