Russian Military is inept

Also not hard to understand: somebody and some people (ukranians) is more people than nobody.

You sad nobody.
well. ok. point for you i guess. i could point out that ukranians do not exist. but that would not be helpful for defining the bet, and certainly not for Ukrainians.

do you understand the process a country has to go through, prior to joining the EU? the political, economic, ethical etc. parameters a country has to meet? do you know the history of the expansion of the EU, and how the examples of greece [economic], and poland and hungary [political] have made it more important to actually check instead of hope?

Ukraine will not be a full member of the EU in 2022. that's easy to predict.
In what should have been a cakewalk in the Ukraine has been a disaster as Russian forces are bumbling and stumbling
Poor training, top heavy leadership and lack of logistics planning are killing them.

News reports, tweets, videos, and emails from the battlefields show Russia’s armored vehicles abandoned for lack of fuel, its soldiers foraging for food, its transport planes shot out of the sky, its various military elements—tanks, infantry, aircraft—unable to coordinate their aims.

the Russian army isn’t cut out for lightning strikes. Troops are trained in rote set pieces, with no time devoted to improvising if things don’t go as planned. One reason for this is that junior officers are not allowed to take initiative.
well. ok. point for you i guess. i could point out that ukranians do not exist. but that would not be helpful for defining the bet, and certainly not for Ukrainians.

do you understand the process a country has to go through, prior to joining the EU? the political, economic, ethical etc. parameters a country has to meet? do you know the history of the expansion of the EU, and how the examples of greece [economic], and poland and hungary [political] have made it more important to actually check instead of hope?

Ukraine will not be a full member of the EU in 2022. that's easy to predict.
I don't know the process. But I do know the EU President said it would take time and cannot happen overnight.
What amazes me is that Russia should have been War Gaming an invasion of Ukraine for a decade. All contingencies should have been worked out

The inept execution of the invasion is a telling indictment of Russian Military Command
So is the false flag from our FBI, a telling indictment in itself.
I am not going g to keep ding research you should be doing.
No. . . you're either a useful idiot or a propagandist.

Either way, most folks that have been on this forum for any amount of years know that you can't be trusted any further than they can spit.

It is axiomatic. Truth is the first causality of war. That the folks that started this threat don't know that? Make them simpletons. :heehee:

The truth is the people of Ukraine are being used as cannon fodder for the they needed a distraction as the world turned on them from Covid.
how the fuck can a sceptic like you fall for so many conspiracy theories. why is your scepticism failing you then?
He is a cultist.

The cultists are now amateur, unwitting gaslighters. They don't even know they are doing it.

They accuse everyone else of that of which they are most guilty.

The perfect example is him regurgitating half truth propaganda, in the same breath as accusing everyone else of slurping propaganda. Which he just did.

Just stand around and wait. They will do all the work of embarrassing themselves.

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