Russian Military is inept

Application submitted today.

EU President says she wants Ukraine in the EU.

Would be a special membership, with lots of negotiating left to do. May even just symbolic, for now.

But it will happen.
LOL, when nations and alliances are run by Twatter and petulant children who respond to everything based on emotion.
Maybe to you. Nobody wants war with Russia. Russia wants war with its neighbors. 3rd invasion of a European country in 15 years. Your compass is pretty far off.
“Maybe to me?” These idiots are saying we need to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine now.

So it’s the 3rd country they’ve invaded, are you saying we “have to do something”? We have to go to war?
Russia is nearly set up to finish the attack on Kiev as they now have control of the skies and openly flying a lot of attack Helos in and around the city with near total impunity.

Stop reading into the media many unsupportable claims!
What amazes me is that Russia should have been War Gaming an invasion of Ukraine for a decade. All contingencies should have been worked out

The inept execution of the invasion is a telling indictment of Russian Military Command
All the times you believing in Ukrainian media :)
Have we seen any footage of soldiers fighting? Any at all? Sorta reminds me of et or bigfoot sightings. There's never any footage.
And Hippie drug addicts fought in Vietnam

The older generation always demeans the younger generation
Sure, but that has nothing to do with the fact patriotism among our youth is staggeringly low. I would go as far to say MOST Gen Z'rs have a more negative feeling towards America than positive.
Sure, but that has nothing to do with the fact patriotism among our youth is staggeringly low. I would go as far to say MOST Gen Z'rs have a more negative feeling towards America than positive.
Today it is more indifference

War protestors during Vietnam were called Commies and un American.

Difference is we no longer have a draft. The Armed Forces are able to fill their quotas. Biggest problem is they are too fat not unpatriotic
All the times you believing in Ukrainian media :)

No question that Ukraine is using propaganda, as are the Russians.
But military analysts use more than propaganda. We are watching the Russian invasion closely. So, far we are not impressed with their performance. They are anything but the Super Power they are made out to be.

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