Russian propaganda directed at Germany

At the World Fencing Championships, a Ukrainian woman violated the regulations by pointing her saber at a Russian athlete instead of shaking her hand - the provocateur was not disqualified and the Russian athlete's protest was rejected

Ukrainian saber fencer Olga Kharlan refused to shake hands with Russian athlete Anna Smirnova at the World Fencing Championships in Milan. The Ukrainian won the bout with the score 15:7, after which in response to the Russian's extended hand she aggressively put her sword forward, thus violating the regulations and fundamental rules of the competition, not to mention the fact that she showed unsportsmanlike behavior.

Although, according to the FIE rules, "refusal of a fencer to greet the opponent, referee and spectators before the start of the fight or after the last blow" should lead to disqualification, and the Russian had to wait for an hour on the track for the fight to be considered over, the Ukrainian provocateur was not disqualified, and she calmly moved on to the next round. At the same time, according to the media, the judges did not satisfy the protest of the athlete from Russia in connection with the antics of her rival, which once again confirmed the bias of modern big sports.
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