Russian provocation, lets see what Obama does if Russia moves

Ok new information, the men that seized the buildings are wearing uniforms with arm bands the color of the Soviet victory in WW2. They are heavily armed, well disciplined and seem well organized.

I am betting that the Russians sent them to provoke an attack so they can claim Russians in the Crimea are being abused. Factor in that Putin just put most of the Russian Military on alert for maneuvers and you have a glimpse of an attempt to invade the Ukraine.

We told Russia not to intervene. Think Obama will do anything if Russia does anyway? I am betting no. And I am betting that Putin thinks the same.
Here's my opinion.

We have larger problems at home, like the NSA and the NDAA and Obamacare and Gun Grabbing.

Burying our heads in the sand did not work in the 30's and it won't work now. a renewed aggressive Russia is a direct threat to our nation and our stability. If Russia seizes Ukraine and no one acts they will be free to seize other nations that broke away from the old Soviet Union. And THAT will lead to war.
The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business
The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?
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So you want us to bomb and invade, but you don't want us investing in our own country. weird.
So you want us to bomb and invade, but you don't want us investing in our own country. weird.

Go bury your head in the sand you are good at it. If the Russians are left to seize any Country they please where exactly do you think it will end?
The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Alsace Loraine, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?

Wow. This seems very serious. When you put it like that. Eeeeeeeeseeeek!
So you want us to bomb and invade, but you don't want us investing in our own country. weird.

By the way, Bill Clinton came up with the bright idea to divert up to 60 percent of the taxes for road maintenance. You are aware we pay a heavy tax on every gallon of gas we buy? And that it's purpose is to maintain the infrastructure of our highways bridges and overpasses?
So you want us to bomb and invade, but you don't want us investing in our own country. weird.

Go bury your head in the sand you are good at it. If the Russians are left to seize any Country they please where exactly do you think it will end?

Obviously it won't stop until they launch an attack over the Mexican border.

[ame=]Wolverines - YouTube[/ame]

Here's a thought. Why don't all you second amenders pickup your arms and go defend Freedom overseas.

The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.
Here's my opinion.

We have larger problems at home, like the NSA and the NDAA and Obamacare and Gun Grabbing.

Burying our heads in the sand did not work in the 30's and it won't work now. a renewed aggressive Russia is a direct threat to our nation and our stability. If Russia seizes Ukraine and no one acts they will be free to seize other nations that broke away from the old Soviet Union. And THAT will lead to war.

We can thank the inept, weak, worthless POS Obama for this.

Russia won't move. But if they do, I doubt Obama will fabricate WMD information so that he can invade a country.
The Crimea has been Russian or Russian dominated for centuries.

The belligerents are probably the equivalent on the old Spetzniks.

RGS, our best national interest is to let the Ukrainians and Russians work out one way or another.

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