Russian provocation, lets see what Obama does if Russia moves

The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Chamberlain said exactly the same about the Sudetenland.
Russia won't move. But if they do, I doubt Obama will fabricate WMD information so that he can invade a country.

Your right... Obama will do nothing


I disagree.
Obama will wag his finger scoldingly and declare he "means it" and he will draw a red line for Russian behavior. When the RUssians cross that red line he will declare someone else must have done that.
The most incompetent president in history faces probably the most competent Russian leader since Peter the Great. The world will be laughing at us for years.
Yeah, let's get into it with Russia over the Ukraine.

There's nothing like a good ol' war to keep, these Neo Con assholes happy.
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It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Chamberlain said exactly the same about the Sudetenland.
Chamberlain may have been right. The Sudetenland border was a legacy of a vanished Austrian Empire. He screwed up when he said, "Peace for our time.".
Russia won't move. But if they do, I doubt Obama will fabricate WMD information so that he can invade a country.

Your right... Obama will do nothing


Yes because lying about a reason to invade a country that did nothing to you and massacring hundreds of thousand innocent civilians is so much better.

That's what Jebus would do.

Putin will get his way, this isn't exactly a puzzle.

Obama won't be able to do much, because he knows there's not much he can do. We either go to war with Russia over this or we don't, and that just can't happen.

Armed men seize government building in Ukraine's Crimea-Interfax

Russia claims to be worried about Crimea. By supporting Russian separatists that seize the Buildings, if the Ukraine reacts as expected with force, the Russians can claim they must act to protect Russians.

We will see what Obama and Kerry do now. They both warned Russia not to violate the Ukraine's territory.

What do you expect this BANKRUPTED nation to do?

We've already been told to mind our own business in Syria (by Russia and China)

The world is recognizing that we have become a paper tiger (paper as in Bonds and debts, meaning we have no money to fight protracted wars)

Yup lets just give still more tax breaks to billionaires and while we're at it? Let's DISBAND our military since we no longer want to pay for it.
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Ok new information, the men that seized the buildings are wearing uniforms with arm bands the color of the Soviet victory in WW2. They are heavily armed, well disciplined and seem well organized.

I am betting that the Russians sent them to provoke an attack so they can claim Russians in the Crimea are being abused. Factor in that Putin just put most of the Russian Military on alert for maneuvers and you have a glimpse of an attempt to invade the Ukraine.

We told Russia not to intervene. Think Obama will do anything if Russia does anyway? I am betting no. And I am betting that Putin thinks the same.

Right. The information on the Russians wearing Soviet colors doesn't suprise me. The message he's sending is the Soviets are back and more aggressive than ever. We haven't seen anything yet. Sarge, they never went away - they were building up all along - it was a ploy. Putin is a monster. People need to get ahold of that truth now because he is.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky wanted the president of the Ukraine out too. Keep in mind mad Vlad and Putin have the same vision for the middle east. Use the Muslims to march to the South ( Vladmir Zhirinovsky's book - Final March to the South - is about taking Israel ) to take Israel and then wipe out all the Muslims on the mountains of Jerusalem and take it for themselves. The timing on this Ukraine story is not by chance.

The Chinese are moving closer to an invasion on Taiwan. When they make their final move the USA will be forced to respond ( I believe Obama will respond to China on that one) which will be the signal for the Russians to invade the USA. We've got sightings of Chinese troops down in Mexico - a very large presence and the cartel bosses are reporting they are training with North Korean soldiers and Cuban soldiers. The Canadians are reporting a huge presence of Russian troops up in their region and it is reported there are more Russian soldiers in Alaska than American. Add to this the Russian troops that are inside the USA under the guise of international troops training together on American soil.

The Iranian cells such as Hizbollah that are here inside USA to assist Russians will be double crossed in the end. They won't get the land here because the Russians have already promised that to the Chinese to compensate them for the money they won't be getting back from us. They won't be getting the land of Israel because as Vladimir Zhirinovsky said in his book - they have no plans no sharing the middle east with the Muslims. He said their dream is to become martyrs and the Russians will arrange that for them when they reach the mountains of Jerusalem. Many have claimed Zhirinovsky was a mad man who shouldn't be listened to. I am hearing he enjoys the support of over 90% of his own party. ( imagine that - and we say we know the russian mindset - oy vey )

The Russians are not going to lead the Islamic nations to war against Israel until America is out of the picture. Where do the Chinese plan on putting over 200 million Americans? It depends on who you listen to. One of China's military commanders made a speech to the chinese people where he justifies the slaughter of 200 million Americans if it means giving the Chinese land they must have. So if we listen to him they plan on killing most of us. If we listen to others the Chinese have plans of using approx 200 million Americans in their slave labor camps. The ghost cities they built in the Mongolian desert ( and other places ) were built as work camps that are virtually inescapable. They are huge cities that hold 50 - 75 million people each -vacant and empty and waiting. Google it. People need to wake up and look at all the signs here. Because when you put it all together? It's a dire warning to Americans.

It saddens me to think that our own presidents, political leaders ( both parties ) have failed the American people to such a degree.
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The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?

Czechoslovakia was the tipping point. Had we not allowed it, WWII could have been diverted. We won't do anything about the Ukraine. When the Russians invade America it won't be up to our military to defend our homeland but the citizens of America. I received this email the other day and saved it. Interesting facts on hunters in America......

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin ..
Allow me to restate that number: 600,000!
Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world.
(That’s more men under arms than in Iran . More than France and Germany combined.)
These men, deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin , to hunt with firearms, and NO ONE WAS KILLED.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters,

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states.
It's millions more.

________ The point? ______________

The US will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower! Hunting... it's not just a way to fill the freezer.
It's a matter of national security.

That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.

Food for thought, when next we consider gun control.

* This blogger only counted the hunters in the USA and came up with a number of 50 million armed citizens that know how to use a weapon. Add to that number people who own guns and do not hunt and the number of armed US citizens jumps to close to 100 million. Add to that number people who bought guns since Obama became president and we are probably looking at 150 million armed American citizens. The Chinese govt has been pressuring the Obama admin to disarm the citizens of the United States. The communist backed United Nations has been pressuring the US govt to disarm their own citizens. Now you know why.
Armed men seize government building in Ukraine's Crimea-Interfax

Russia claims to be worried about Crimea. By supporting Russian separatists that seize the Buildings, if the Ukraine reacts as expected with force, the Russians can claim they must act to protect Russians.

We will see what Obama and Kerry do now. They both warned Russia not to violate the Ukraine's territory.
America can attack small nations but will never attack a nation such as Russia or China, or anything close to their own size, it has nothing to do with Obama - Obama has absolutely no power, he promised to the voters to meet with leaders of Iran and Syria, but every time he flies to the middle east, his plane gets derailed to Israel.
If China invades Taiwan we will respond and the Russians and Chinese already know this. We're being drawn in to a war with China so that the Russians can retaliate. Wait and see.
The choice is clear

Obama should either invade Russia or work on his healthcare system

No question which is more important
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Chamberlain said exactly the same about the Sudetenland.
Chamberlain may have been right. The Sudetenland border was a legacy of a vanished Austrian Empire. He screwed up when he said, "Peace for our time.".

Chamberlain was right?? That's nuts.
The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?

FDR made it our business(along with Germany's ally Japan), and not withstanding the isolationist doing everything they could to keep us out of the War.

I predict TP and GOP opposition to whatever decision the President makes if something happens.
The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?

FDR made it our business(along with Germany's ally Japan), and not withstanding the isolationist doing everything they could to keep us out of the War.

I predict TP and GOP opposition to whatever decision the President makes if something happens.

And I predict that whatever Obama does will be wrong, stupid, laughable, unwise, and fail to achieve any legitimate American objective.

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