Russian spy: Boris Johnson warns Kremlin over Salisbury incident


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Empty threats. The Brits will do nothing but attend the next party. They have seen this happen again and again and they do the usual, throw out words.

This is why a strong America is needed, these people are not strong. They've become socialist patsies, turning their back on their own citizens and ensuring that in the future Russian spies won;t head to England for safety.

Give me the reigns of the mi6, and I promise you, payback would be drastic and quite public. I'm no war hawk, but I sure as hell believe that you defend your nation and your agents!

Johnson warns Russia over spy collapse
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Putin - he's so stupid. So stupid that he tries to make a special attempt to poison the former spy immediately before the presidential elections in Russia. Probably, he likes when his rating falls two weeks before the election. Yes, even on such a small issue, as for a long time no one was an interesting defector.

And today's drop in the transport plane An-22 in Syria with 32 dead. The voices are already sounding massively, that in this way Russia is masking losses of a private military company, Wagner. And also right before the election ... I wonder, for the remaining time before the election, Putin still a lot of the same kind of right actions will be committed? What's in the queue? Another chemical attack of Assad? Russian bombing of democratic hospitals? The murder of informant WADA Rodchenkov?


I wonder how the western inhabitants can believe in all this nonsense.
Putin - he's so stupid. So stupid that he tries to make a special attempt to poison the former spy immediately before the presidential elections in Russia. Probably, he likes when his rating falls two weeks before the election. Yes, even on such a small issue, as for a long time no one was an interesting defector.

And today's drop in the transport plane An-22 in Syria with 32 dead. The voices are already sounding massively, that in this way Russia is masking losses of a private military company, Wagner. And also right before the election ... I wonder, for the remaining time before the election, Putin still a lot of the same kind of right actions will be committed? What's in the queue? Another chemical attack of Assad? Russian bombing of democratic hospitals? The murder of informant WADA Rodchenkov?


I wonder how the western inhabitants can believe in all this nonsense.

This bothers me immensely. A man risks his life for the British, clearly fighting the Communist sob's, and once again, what is the message? If you turn on Russia, you and your family are at risk.

The British are run by fools who Churchill would kick in the ass. All of them happy to rally around the UN without concern for the vital battles between security agencies, capitalism and individual liberty.

The West is in trouble, you see it more and more everyday. China will one day run this planet, and so many will have to once again struggle and fight for basic liberty, we never learn the lesson of appeasement and socialism.
Empty threats. The Brits will do nothing but attend the next party. They have seen this happen again and again and they do the usual, throw out words.

This is why a strong America is needed, these people are not strong. They've become socialist patsies, turning their back on their own citizens and ensuring that in the future Russian spies won;t head to England for safety.

Give me the reigns of the mi6, and I promise you, payback would be drastic and quite public. I'm no war hawk, but I sure as hell believe that you defend your nation and your agents!

Johnson warns Russia over spy collapse
Trump and Brexit, two things that you support, are the best presents Russia could ever have asked for.
Empty threats. The Brits will do nothing but attend the next party. They have seen this happen again and again and they do the usual, throw out words.

This is why a strong America is needed, these people are not strong. They've become socialist patsies, turning their back on their own citizens and ensuring that in the future Russian spies won;t head to England for safety.

Give me the reigns of the mi6, and I promise you, payback would be drastic and quite public. I'm no war hawk, but I sure as hell believe that you defend your nation and your agents!

Johnson warns Russia over spy collapse
Trump and Brexit, two things that you support, are the best presents Russia could ever have asked for.

I don't agree with Brexit economically, if it was based on economic issues, they should not leave the E.U. However, a centralized country in Germany telling everyone who they can allow into their country? Only a cuckhold of the highest order would accept that, and this is what these global socialists want. The nation rightly rejected this, even some well known Brits and celebrities were openly against being given their immigration orders from Brussels or Berlin

What is the sense of fighting communists in Russia, only to subject yourself to global rule from socialists and communists from China?

This was the key to Brexit, the British saw where this was headed. Trump also sees whee this is headed, and he wants to do the right thing, again, against socialist sobs.
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Empty threats. The Brits will do nothing but attend the next party. They have seen this happen again and again and they do the usual, throw out words.

This is why a strong America is needed, these people are not strong. They've become socialist patsies, turning their back on their own citizens and ensuring that in the future Russian spies won;t head to England for safety.

Give me the reigns of the mi6, and I promise you, payback would be drastic and quite public. I'm no war hawk, but I sure as hell believe that you defend your nation and your agents!

Johnson warns Russia over spy collapse
Trump and Brexit, two things that you support, are the best presents Russia could ever have asked for.

I don't agree with Brexit economically, if it was based on economic issues, they should not leave the E.U. However, a centralized country in Germany telling everyone who they can allow into their country? Only a cuckhold of the highest order would accept that, and this is what these global socialists want.

What is the sense of fighting communists in Russia, only to subject yourself to global rule from socialists and communists from China?

This was the key to Brexit, the British saw where this was headed. Trump also sees whee this is headed, and he wants to do the right thing, again, against socialist sobs.
You’re saying Trump and the UK want to take on China? What in the world have you seen that leads you to believe this?
Empty threats. The Brits will do nothing but attend the next party. They have seen this happen again and again and they do the usual, throw out words.

This is why a strong America is needed, these people are not strong. They've become socialist patsies, turning their back on their own citizens and ensuring that in the future Russian spies won;t head to England for safety.

Give me the reigns of the mi6, and I promise you, payback would be drastic and quite public. I'm no war hawk, but I sure as hell believe that you defend your nation and your agents!

Johnson warns Russia over spy collapse
Trump and Brexit, two things that you support, are the best presents Russia could ever have asked for.

I don't agree with Brexit economically, if it was based on economic issues, they should not leave the E.U. However, a centralized country in Germany telling everyone who they can allow into their country? Only a cuckhold of the highest order would accept that, and this is what these global socialists want.

What is the sense of fighting communists in Russia, only to subject yourself to global rule from socialists and communists from China?

This was the key to Brexit, the British saw where this was headed. Trump also sees whee this is headed, and he wants to do the right thing, again, against socialist sobs.
You’re saying Trump and the UK want to take on China? What in the world have you seen that leads you to believe this?

I don't know about the docile Brits who are the Big Brother of Canadian socialists, but of course Trump wants to take on China. How do you think Peter Navarro was returned to glory in the WH? Trump is sick of being hammered in trade, it can be the difference between a balanced budget or not (in a future year), growth of 3% or 4+%.

America had better wake up. You saw the voting in the UN against Israel? This is what the world wants to do, isolate certain countries who don't play nice with the global socialist objectives.
Empty threats. The Brits will do nothing but attend the next party. They have seen this happen again and again and they do the usual, throw out words.

This is why a strong America is needed, these people are not strong. They've become socialist patsies, turning their back on their own citizens and ensuring that in the future Russian spies won;t head to England for safety.

Give me the reigns of the mi6, and I promise you, payback would be drastic and quite public. I'm no war hawk, but I sure as hell believe that you defend your nation and your agents!

Johnson warns Russia over spy collapse
Trump and Brexit, two things that you support, are the best presents Russia could ever have asked for.

I don't agree with Brexit economically, if it was based on economic issues, they should not leave the E.U. However, a centralized country in Germany telling everyone who they can allow into their country? Only a cuckhold of the highest order would accept that, and this is what these global socialists want.

What is the sense of fighting communists in Russia, only to subject yourself to global rule from socialists and communists from China?

This was the key to Brexit, the British saw where this was headed. Trump also sees whee this is headed, and he wants to do the right thing, again, against socialist sobs.
You’re saying Trump and the UK want to take on China? What in the world have you seen that leads you to believe this?

I don't know about the docile Brits who are the Big Brother of Canadian socialists, but of course Trump wants to take on China. How do you think Peter Navarro was returned to glory in the WH? Trump is sick of being hammered in trade, it can be the difference between a balanced budget or not (in a future year), growth of 3% or 4+%.

America had better wake up. You saw the voting in the UN against Israel? This is what the world wants to do, isolate certain countries who don't play nice with the global socialist objectives.
The only thing Trump has done about China is stopped talking about them negatively and congratulated their President on his lifetime appointment
None other speaking is Andrei Lugovoi, tied to the Litvinenko case:

Moscow Times 6 Mar 2018 Former Russian Spy Incident in Britain: Facts and Reactions
Former Russian Spy Incident in Britain: Facts and Reactions
"Skripal byl priznan vinovnym v gosudarstvennoi izmenie, no on byl pomilovan prezidentom v 2010 godu i ekstradirovan v Britaniyu v obmen na nashikh predpozhitel'no razoblachennykh agentov, " on skazal. " Chto eto oznachaiet, chto mezhdu nashimi razvedyvatel'nymi agentsvami sushchestvuiet soglassheniye."
"Skripal was convicted of treason but he was pardoned by the president in 2010 and extradited to Britain in return for our supposedly exposed agents," he said. "That means there was an agreement between our intelligence agencies.

Posle togo, kak kto-to uzhe byl pomilovan, absurdem."
Going after someone who's already been pardoned is absurd." '

Dec 2010, Kadyrov's Chechen delegation entered the U.S. at Maine. Clinton crime family links to MI6 and CIA are at Harriman and Oliver Springs, Tennessee.
9 Mar 2018 Skripal
Названа новая версия отравления шпиона Скрипаля: Мир:
V svoiu ochered', telekanal Sky News obnaruzhil, chto liudi v kostiumakh kimzashchity dazhe ochistili mogily zheny i syna Skripalia ot svetov, predpolagaia nalichie v nikh opasnykh veshchestv.
In turn, Sky News television found that people in chemical protection suits even cleared the graves of his wife and son of flowers, suggesting the presence of dangerous substances in them.'
It was Mindful who yesterday found the Debka File link to Christopher Steele. Thread: Military Grade Nerve Agent Used in Assassination Attempt, post #35.
DebkaFile says Skripal was linked to MI6, and the poster after Mindful (post #36) suggested Uranium One. This makes sense, because the Clinton mafia link to MI6 is at Oliver Springs, Tennessee, which by default is the heroin-trafficking link to the Michigan township that precisely links back to Harriman, Tennessee, for the CIA link to Clintons. This would place Oak Ridge in proximity. In addition, CIA's James Jesus Angleton's involvement could only have linked to one refining plant, that at Paducah, Kentucky. Paducah, Kentucky is a triply-precise link to the Michigan addresses for Clinton mafia employee DNA. This DNA is Joshua Reynolds DNA, which links MI5's Roger Hollis at Ballymore College. The actor Anthony Steele is Joshua Reynolds DNA. Therefore, the pedigree of Christopher Steele DNA should be verified, if this name is not an alias.
13 Mar 2018 Moscow Times Ex-FSB Chief Says Spies Do Not Poison Relatives, Following '' Unwritten Law "
'....Semía operativnika imeet immunitet, potomu chto, esli by nachnete deistvovat'perez zheny, detei, eta predannost' stanet neobratimoi, i ona mozhet prevratitsia v " krovavuiu vrazhdu, " skazal on, ssylayas'na nepisanye pravila razvedyvatel'nykh.
The operative's family has immunity because if you start acting through the wife, the children, this process will become irreversible, and it can turn into a blood feud," he said, citing unwritten intelligence agency rules.'
This is a more original thread.

Soros and Condoleeza Rice link to Novaya Gazeta for Politkovskaya and Litvinenko, though the translation machinery is being tampered with for the pertinent articles, just as it did when the cocaine was found at the Russian Embassy in Argentina.

Some media points:

Novichok research began in 1987, according to the media.

Mirzayanov moved to New Jersey and Rutgers University.

Novichok was tested in Shikani (se Russia) and Uzbekistan.

Andrei Zheleznayakov records that his vision "seared by brilliant colors and hallucinations."

What a Brave Russian Scientist Told Me About Novichok
Perspective | What a brave Russian scientist told me about Novichok, the nerve agent identified in the spy attack

Zheleznayakov's visions might well describe dopaminergic neurodegradation in progress, that we have already mentioned on another thread.
demima said:
An informative read you wont see in the Guardian/BBC etc by a former UK ambassador.

Russian to Judgement - Craig Murray

Russia has long noticed that once a Western politician becomes "former", he immediately begins to hate Russia much less and becomes much more objective :D

So I would recommend that Western readers who seek the truth listen more to those who have already left politics, but still well understand the causes, consequences and logic of actions.

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