Russia's use of Civilians is genius

Pick a commodity, any commodity, and they are top 5 exporter of it

Rice. Hmmmm, not even in the top 10.
Rye, not even in the top 10.
Corn, at least there they are number 7.
Beef, they are number 18.
Pork, number 5.
They rank number 9 for poultry.
For soy, they rank number 8.

Funny, but the only commodity they seem to be a major exporter of is wheat. And most of that goes to two nations, Turkey and Egypt. Europe is facing pains in that commodity, not because of Russia itself, but that Russia invaded the country that exported to them more wheat than any other.

Gee, facts are such pesky things, you know. Bust all of your claims when somebody takes the time to look into them.
Not worth intelligent military conversations.


This, coming from a guy that can not understand how Ukraine could still have oil and move it around?

You know, those of us that really know about things like logistics are aware of these magical things called "trucks".


They are easy to hide, and easy to move. We have done entire invasions with multiple division sized units, only getting fuel from those as we did so.
Ukraine's defense was always to fight from behind civilians. It's why hospitals are bombed. They are full of beds of sleeping soldiers.
No, that is a war crime.

You can't use that excuse to bomb civilian targets, because is can be used to justify any bombing of any civilian target.

You can't do grid shelling of civilian neighborhoods, and you can't kill civilians indiscriminately. Those are war crimes too.

As Russian forces retreated from the attempt to take Kiev, they left nothing but rubble, and the Ukrainians will be digging out bodies for weeks.

The whole world will watch it on youtube.

Now we have German intercepts of Russian commanders in Mariupol ordering troops to kill civilians. Because Russian comms are so bad they still haven't synched up their crypto, which should have been done before they ever went in...
No, that is a war crime.

You can't use that excuse to bomb civilian targets, because is can be used to justify any bombing of any civilian target.

You can't do grid shelling of civilian neighborhoods, and you can't kill civilians indiscriminately. Those are war crimes too.

As Russian forces retreated from the attempt to take Kiev, they left nothing but rubble, and the Ukrainians will be digging out bodies for weeks.

The whole world will watch it on youtube.

Now we have German intercepts of Russian commanders in Mariupol ordering troops to kill civilians. Because Russian comms are so bad they still haven't synched up their crypto, which should have been done before they ever went in...
Cry me a river you big baby.

US does it all the time

This, coming from a guy that can not understand how Ukraine could still have oil and move it around?

You know, those of us that really know about things like logistics are aware of these magical things called "trucks".


They are easy to hide, and easy to move. We have done entire invasions with multiple division sized units, only getting fuel from those as we did so.

Your belief that it's easy to move fuel around comes from US wars against people who have nothing more than handguns?
Rice. Hmmmm, not even in the top 10.
Rye, not even in the top 10.
Corn, at least there they are number 7.
Beef, they are number 18.
Pork, number 5.
They rank number 9 for poultry.
For soy, they rank number 8.

Funny, but the only commodity they seem to be a major exporter of is wheat. And most of that goes to two nations, Turkey and Egypt. Europe is facing pains in that commodity, not because of Russia itself, but that Russia invaded the country that exported to them more wheat than any other.

Gee, facts are such pesky things, you know. Bust all of your claims when somebody takes the time to look into them.
You really are dumber than shit. LOLOLOL.
Not intentionally.
I'll let someone else spit their coffee in your face laughing on that one.

500,000 - 1,000,000 Iraqis died from 2003 - 2015 in combat related deaths. I'm sure the US just tip-toed like through tulips.
I'll let someone else spit their coffee in your face laughing on that one.

500,000 - 1,000,000 Iraqis died from 2003 - 2015 in combat related deaths. I'm sure the US just tip-toed like through tulips.

A cute lie. But a lie nevertheless. Funny how you didn't care about the 35,000 a year that saddam was provably murdering.
Cry me a river you big baby.

US does it all the time
We ain't doing it right now, and "whataboutism" isn't going to excuse the RF's behavior.

The subject is Russia's war on Ukraine. You can start a thread about US war crimes in Iraq if you want.

No one made Russia invade Ukraine. That was Putin's decision and his alone.

Russia can get away with going Mongol in Chechnya or Syria, and the west doesn't care much. But Ukraine is much more "European" in the eyes of westerners, and bombing cities to rubble got everyone's attention.

Putin has done something in Europe that no US President has been able to accomplish, which is to invigorate Europe's commitment to mutual defense in a way that hasn't been seen since the Cold War.

He has accomplished something else that was unexpected- he has shown the neighboring countries that Russia's ability to project power is extremely limited, and Russia's ability to defend her allies is practically non-existent.

Former WarPac nations will be more eager to join NATO, and NATO will be more receptive on account of that.
You really are dumber than shit. LOLOLOL.

Why, because I proved your statement is a lie? I picked many commodities, Russia is only number 1 in a single one, and in only a single other is number 5. Most of the others it is not even in the top 10.

In other words, I proved your stupid claim wrong, yet you insult me.

Care to provide some kind of verifyable proof to your previous claim? Or simply admit you were wrong?
500,000 - 1,000,000 Iraqis died from 2003 - 2015 in combat related deaths.

From insurgents attacking them. Not US forces.

What you are saying is the same as accusing the deaths in New York and Chicago on the police.

But that's OK, I think most of us know you are nothing but a troll. And nobody expects trolls to use things like facts and logic.

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