Russia's winning, not Trump, the U.S.A, or Republicans.

I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I'll tell you why Russia is in fact a threat.

Most of that is this.
A.) Zionism alienating the U.S.A from the World, and provoking the U.S.A to attack Russia if they attack, or fight Israel.
B.) Russia has more Nukes.
C.) Modern Weaponry. (Russia's actually pretty close in tech to us)
D.) More Unified. (Most Russians are in step politiically, in the U.S.A it's diversity is killing it from within too)

1. The world is "alienated" from US, for many other reasons than "zionism". Mostly having to do with them being ungrateful children. (not counting poland in there as they are one of the few nato nations meeting their agreed upon spending)

2. Nukes are next to useless in the context of the US/Russian tension. Modern Weapons? Unified? Would only come up, if we are stupid enough to get into a land war against Russia on their border. Which I hope we don't.

1.)Zionism isn't particularly popular in this World.
It's severely unpopular in Muslim countries, pretty unpopular in almost all portions of Europe, as for Latinos, and Asians often don't care about Israel.
Basically just the Bible Belt, and Israel are rabidly pro-Zionist.

2.) The U.S.A is very, very divided, along all lines, political, and racial ones, we're very likely to go into a civil war, and see Russia, and China land on our shores, as a result, and perhaps even destroy us without hardly firing a shot.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I don't even know where you're getting this from, anyways?

There's a trade-war against Russia, by the U.S.A.

You didn't hear about the sanctions on Russia by the U.S.A?

There's clearly much reason for Russia to resent America, especially considering the sanctions provocation.
Hannity and his orange sock puppet are doing a bang-up job of promoting Putin's annihilation of western culture.
Hannity and his orange sock puppet are doing a bang-up job of promoting Putin's annihilation of western culture.

On foreign affairs Republicans tend to do the wrong thing, and Democrats tend to do nothing.

On internal affairs Republicans tend to do nothing, and Democrats tend to do the wrong thing.

This is EXACTLY, why the U.S.A is going down the sh(tter, it's got too many thoughtless savages.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
I like how you back up your OP with so many facts/links/stats/etc
good job
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
I like how you back up your OP with so many facts/links/stats/etc
good job

There's not many sources for common-sense.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
I like how you back up your OP with so many facts/links/stats/etc
good job

There's not many sources for common-sense.
you mean lies and propaganda
Why does the battle for Idlib matter?

The province is the last major stronghold of the rebel and jihadist groups which have been trying to overthrow Mr Assad for the past seven years.

The UN says Idlib is home to some 2.9 million people, including 1 million children. Almost half of the civilians in Idlib come from other previously rebel-held parts of Syria from which they either fled, or were evacuated.

The province also borders Turkey, to the north, and straddles major highways running south from Aleppo to Hama and the capital, Damascus, and west to the Mediterranean coastal city of Latakia.

If Idlib is taken by the government, it would leave the rebels with a few pockets of territory scattered across the country and effectively signal their final defeat.

The dominant force is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a jihadist alliance linked to al-Qaeda.

HTS controls key locations across Idlib, including the provincial capital and the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey. HTS is designated as a terrorist organisation by the UN, which estimates it and an al-Qaeda have 10,000 fighters in Idlib, including many foreigners.

Why would I care if those fighters get taken out................I don't.........

But it is close to Turkey and maked Israel nervous..........a major op in that area would put Turkey and Israel on full alert........but who da hell cares about groups allied with al-Qaeda.............Obama isn't in office anymore..........take them out.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I'll tell you why Russia is in fact a threat.

Most of that is this.
A.) Zionism alienating the U.S.A from the World, and provoking the U.S.A to attack Russia if they attack, or fight Israel.
B.) Russia has more Nukes.
C.) Modern Weaponry. (Russia's actually pretty close in tech to us)
D.) More Unified. (Most Russians are in step politiically, in the U.S.A it's diversity is killing it from within too)

1. The world is "alienated" from US, for many other reasons than "zionism". Mostly having to do with them being ungrateful children. (not counting poland in there as they are one of the few nato nations meeting their agreed upon spending)

2. Nukes are next to useless in the context of the US/Russian tension. Modern Weapons? Unified? Would only come up, if we are stupid enough to get into a land war against Russia on their border. Which I hope we don't.

1.)Zionism isn't particularly popular in this World.
It's severely unpopular in Muslim countries, pretty unpopular in almost all portions of Europe, as for Latinos, and Asians often don't care about Israel.
Basically just the Bible Belt, and Israel are rabidly pro-Zionist.

2.) The U.S.A is very, very divided, along all lines, political, and racial ones, we're very likely to go into a civil war, and see Russia, and China land on our shores, as a result, and perhaps even destroy us without hardly firing a shot.

1. The ME is a barbaric wasteland. Fuck them. Europe can suck it up, or not, the choice is theirs. If they would rather side with the barbarians, than the US, that will not work out well for them. Like you say, the rest don't care.

2. The US is very divided. Neither Russia nor China have or will have anytime soon, the type of power projection you are talking about. IF the US withdrew from the world stage, for what ever reason, Russia could threaten the Ukraine, and MAYBE Poland, China could take Taiwan, and threaten South Korea and Japan. And that's really it.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
I like how you back up your OP with so many facts/links/stats/etc
good job

There's not many sources for common-sense.
you mean lies and propaganda

Bolton who's an integral part of the Trump admin has isolated the EU, Russia, and North Korea all in one swoop.

So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

How is that lies, or propaganda?
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I don't even know where you're getting this from, anyways?

There's a trade-war against Russia, by the U.S.A.

You didn't hear about the sanctions on Russia by the U.S.A?

There's clearly much reason for Russia to resent America, especially considering the sanctions provocation.

Ah, yes. It is stupid and can win US nothing. It should be dropped immediately.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I'll tell you why Russia is in fact a threat.

Most of that is this.
A.) Zionism alienating the U.S.A from the World, and provoking the U.S.A to attack Russia if they attack, or fight Israel.
B.) Russia has more Nukes.
C.) Modern Weaponry. (Russia's actually pretty close in tech to us)
D.) More Unified. (Most Russians are in step politiically, in the U.S.A it's diversity is killing it from within too)

1. The world is "alienated" from US, for many other reasons than "zionism". Mostly having to do with them being ungrateful children. (not counting poland in there as they are one of the few nato nations meeting their agreed upon spending)

2. Nukes are next to useless in the context of the US/Russian tension. Modern Weapons? Unified? Would only come up, if we are stupid enough to get into a land war against Russia on their border. Which I hope we don't.

1.)Zionism isn't particularly popular in this World.
It's severely unpopular in Muslim countries, pretty unpopular in almost all portions of Europe, as for Latinos, and Asians often don't care about Israel.
Basically just the Bible Belt, and Israel are rabidly pro-Zionist.

2.) The U.S.A is very, very divided, along all lines, political, and racial ones, we're very likely to go into a civil war, and see Russia, and China land on our shores, as a result, and perhaps even destroy us without hardly firing a shot.

1. The ME is a barbaric wasteland. Fuck them. Europe can suck it up, or not, the choice is theirs. If they would rather side with the barbarians, than the US, that will not work out well for them. Like you say, the rest don't care.

2. The US is very divided. Neither Russia nor China have or will have anytime soon, the type of power projection you are talking about. IF the US withdrew from the world stage, for what ever reason, Russia could threaten the Ukraine, and MAYBE Poland, China could take Taiwan, and threaten South Korea and Japan. And that's really it.

1.) The ME is barbaric, including not just Arabs, but also Israel

2.) Russia + China could threaten the World, really if the U.S.A was in a civil war, or collapsed etc. etc. (Kind of what looks like is likely)
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
I like how you back up your OP with so many facts/links/stats/etc
good job

There's not many sources for common-sense.
you mean lies and propaganda

Bolton who's an integral part of the Trump admin has isolated the EU, Russia, and North Korea all in one swoop.

So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

How is that lies, or propaganda?
I thought you just said common sense didn't need links?
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I don't even know where you're getting this from, anyways?

There's a trade-war against Russia, by the U.S.A.

You didn't hear about the sanctions on Russia by the U.S.A?

There's clearly much reason for Russia to resent America, especially considering the sanctions provocation.

Ah, yes. It is stupid and can win US nothing. It should be dropped immediately.

Should be, is the key word
The damage has been done, or perhaps not done enough.(Depending how you look at it)
There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I'll tell you why Russia is in fact a threat.

Most of that is this.
A.) Zionism alienating the U.S.A from the World, and provoking the U.S.A to attack Russia if they attack, or fight Israel.
B.) Russia has more Nukes.
C.) Modern Weaponry. (Russia's actually pretty close in tech to us)
D.) More Unified. (Most Russians are in step politiically, in the U.S.A it's diversity is killing it from within too)

1. The world is "alienated" from US, for many other reasons than "zionism". Mostly having to do with them being ungrateful children. (not counting poland in there as they are one of the few nato nations meeting their agreed upon spending)

2. Nukes are next to useless in the context of the US/Russian tension. Modern Weapons? Unified? Would only come up, if we are stupid enough to get into a land war against Russia on their border. Which I hope we don't.

1.)Zionism isn't particularly popular in this World.
It's severely unpopular in Muslim countries, pretty unpopular in almost all portions of Europe, as for Latinos, and Asians often don't care about Israel.
Basically just the Bible Belt, and Israel are rabidly pro-Zionist.

2.) The U.S.A is very, very divided, along all lines, political, and racial ones, we're very likely to go into a civil war, and see Russia, and China land on our shores, as a result, and perhaps even destroy us without hardly firing a shot.

1. The ME is a barbaric wasteland. Fuck them. Europe can suck it up, or not, the choice is theirs. If they would rather side with the barbarians, than the US, that will not work out well for them. Like you say, the rest don't care.

2. The US is very divided. Neither Russia nor China have or will have anytime soon, the type of power projection you are talking about. IF the US withdrew from the world stage, for what ever reason, Russia could threaten the Ukraine, and MAYBE Poland, China could take Taiwan, and threaten South Korea and Japan. And that's really it.

1.) The ME is barbaric, including not just Arabs, but also Israel

2.) Russia + China could threaten the World, really if the U.S.A was in a civil war, or collapsed etc. etc. (Kind of what looks like is likely)

1. Your issues with Israel are well known. They deal with their bloodthirsty neighbors with more gentleness than America would, imo.

2. No, they couldn't.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
I like how you back up your OP with so many facts/links/stats/etc
good job

There's not many sources for common-sense.
you mean lies and propaganda

Bolton who's an integral part of the Trump admin has isolated the EU, Russia, and North Korea all in one swoop.

So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

How is that lies, or propaganda?
I thought you just said common sense didn't need links?

In the case of Saddam Hussein's disposal helping Iran, Russia, and China.

It's pretty much common-sense, you can't really find a "Great Link"

But, rather people must rely on common-sense.

Considering Saddam was a Sunni strongman who the U.S.A propped up against Shiite Iran over 30 years ago.

Now that Iraq a Shiite majority country has lost Saddam, the Shiite has hit the fan, and allowed Iran,and Russia to expand influences into Iraq.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I don't even know where you're getting this from, anyways?

There's a trade-war against Russia, by the U.S.A.

You didn't hear about the sanctions on Russia by the U.S.A?

There's clearly much reason for Russia to resent America, especially considering the sanctions provocation.

Ah, yes. It is stupid and can win US nothing. It should be dropped immediately.

Should be, is the key word
The damage has been done, or perhaps not done enough.(Depending how you look at it)
Russia went to shit years ago---they fell apart
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I don't even know where you're getting this from, anyways?

There's a trade-war against Russia, by the U.S.A.

You didn't hear about the sanctions on Russia by the U.S.A?

There's clearly much reason for Russia to resent America, especially considering the sanctions provocation.

Ah, yes. It is stupid and can win US nothing. It should be dropped immediately.

Should be, is the key word
The damage has been done, or perhaps not done enough.(Depending how you look at it)

Perhaps. But increasing tensions will not solve it for Russia.
I'll tell you why Russia is in fact a threat.

Most of that is this.
A.) Zionism alienating the U.S.A from the World, and provoking the U.S.A to attack Russia if they attack, or fight Israel.
B.) Russia has more Nukes.
C.) Modern Weaponry. (Russia's actually pretty close in tech to us)
D.) More Unified. (Most Russians are in step politiically, in the U.S.A it's diversity is killing it from within too)

1. The world is "alienated" from US, for many other reasons than "zionism". Mostly having to do with them being ungrateful children. (not counting poland in there as they are one of the few nato nations meeting their agreed upon spending)

2. Nukes are next to useless in the context of the US/Russian tension. Modern Weapons? Unified? Would only come up, if we are stupid enough to get into a land war against Russia on their border. Which I hope we don't.

1.)Zionism isn't particularly popular in this World.
It's severely unpopular in Muslim countries, pretty unpopular in almost all portions of Europe, as for Latinos, and Asians often don't care about Israel.
Basically just the Bible Belt, and Israel are rabidly pro-Zionist.

2.) The U.S.A is very, very divided, along all lines, political, and racial ones, we're very likely to go into a civil war, and see Russia, and China land on our shores, as a result, and perhaps even destroy us without hardly firing a shot.

1. The ME is a barbaric wasteland. Fuck them. Europe can suck it up, or not, the choice is theirs. If they would rather side with the barbarians, than the US, that will not work out well for them. Like you say, the rest don't care.

2. The US is very divided. Neither Russia nor China have or will have anytime soon, the type of power projection you are talking about. IF the US withdrew from the world stage, for what ever reason, Russia could threaten the Ukraine, and MAYBE Poland, China could take Taiwan, and threaten South Korea and Japan. And that's really it.

1.) The ME is barbaric, including not just Arabs, but also Israel

2.) Russia + China could threaten the World, really if the U.S.A was in a civil war, or collapsed etc. etc. (Kind of what looks like is likely)

1. Your issues with Israel are well known. They deal with their bloodthirsty neighbors with more gentleness than America would, imo.

2. No, they couldn't.

A.) Zionism isn't a moral position.
Israel has been an oppressor, and killer of Palestinians who they stole land from since 1948, from Deir Yassin, to just a couple of days ago Friday, Israel has been chock full of Terroristic, blood-thirsty massacres against Palestinian peoples.

You don't win brownie points with Zionism.

B.) Zionism isn't a rational positon.
My guess is about 20 people are anti-Zionist for every 1 person who's Zionist in this World. (Judging by how there's so many anti-Zionists in the Muslim World, Europe, and to a lesser extent Black, and Hispanic countries, as for Asians I think most don't even care at all.

You don't make friends with Zionism.

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