Russia's winning, not Trump, the U.S.A, or Republicans.

I like how you back up your OP with so many facts/links/stats/etc
good job

There's not many sources for common-sense.
you mean lies and propaganda

Bolton who's an integral part of the Trump admin has isolated the EU, Russia, and North Korea all in one swoop.

So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

How is that lies, or propaganda?
I thought you just said common sense didn't need links?

In the case of Saddam Hussein's disposal helping Iran, Russia, and China.

It's pretty much common-sense, you can't really find a "Great Link"

But, rather people must rely on common-sense.

Considering Saddam was a Sunni strongman who the U.S.A propped up against Shiite Iran over 30 years ago.

Now that Iraq a Shiite majority country has lost Saddam, the Shiite has hit the fan, and allowed Iran,and Russia to expand influences into Iraq.
The balance of power shifted.............and thus the civil wars there...........just the same as the ongoing war with Saudi Arabia and Yemen.......which Iran helped fuel..........

Iran is on the economic ropes............the sanctions will make that worse..........and their younger generation is ready to try and overthrow the leaders there........

Another blood bath coming over never really ends.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I don't even know where you're getting this from, anyways?

There's a trade-war against Russia, by the U.S.A.

You didn't hear about the sanctions on Russia by the U.S.A?

There's clearly much reason for Russia to resent America, especially considering the sanctions provocation.

Ah, yes. It is stupid and can win US nothing. It should be dropped immediately.

Should be, is the key word
The damage has been done, or perhaps not done enough.(Depending how you look at it)
Russia went to shit years ago---they fell apart

Russia's tech is improving at a more rapid rate than the U.S.A's tech, apparently as of late.

Russia's more unified, unlike the U.S.A where as of late everyone is at each other's throats racially, and politicially.
1. The world is "alienated" from US, for many other reasons than "zionism". Mostly having to do with them being ungrateful children. (not counting poland in there as they are one of the few nato nations meeting their agreed upon spending)

2. Nukes are next to useless in the context of the US/Russian tension. Modern Weapons? Unified? Would only come up, if we are stupid enough to get into a land war against Russia on their border. Which I hope we don't.

1.)Zionism isn't particularly popular in this World.
It's severely unpopular in Muslim countries, pretty unpopular in almost all portions of Europe, as for Latinos, and Asians often don't care about Israel.
Basically just the Bible Belt, and Israel are rabidly pro-Zionist.

2.) The U.S.A is very, very divided, along all lines, political, and racial ones, we're very likely to go into a civil war, and see Russia, and China land on our shores, as a result, and perhaps even destroy us without hardly firing a shot.

1. The ME is a barbaric wasteland. Fuck them. Europe can suck it up, or not, the choice is theirs. If they would rather side with the barbarians, than the US, that will not work out well for them. Like you say, the rest don't care.

2. The US is very divided. Neither Russia nor China have or will have anytime soon, the type of power projection you are talking about. IF the US withdrew from the world stage, for what ever reason, Russia could threaten the Ukraine, and MAYBE Poland, China could take Taiwan, and threaten South Korea and Japan. And that's really it.

1.) The ME is barbaric, including not just Arabs, but also Israel

2.) Russia + China could threaten the World, really if the U.S.A was in a civil war, or collapsed etc. etc. (Kind of what looks like is likely)

1. Your issues with Israel are well known. They deal with their bloodthirsty neighbors with more gentleness than America would, imo.

2. No, they couldn't.

A.) Zionism isn't a moral position.
Israel has been an oppressor, and killer of Palestinians who they stole land from since 1948, from Deir Yassin, to just a couple of days ago Friday, Israel has been chock full of Terroristic, blood-thirsty massacres against Palestinian peoples.

You don't win brownie points with Zionism.

B.) Zionism isn't a rational positon.
My guess is about 20 people are anti-Zionist for every 1 person who's Zionist in this World. (Judging by how there's so many anti-Zionists in the Muslim World, Europe, and to a lesser extent Black, and Hispanic countries, as for Asians I think most don't even care at all.

You don't make friends with Zionism.

We are not trying for brownie points or friends. YOu want to side with the Muslims or China, and you think that will work out better for you, I wish you all the luck in the world.

Just don't come crying to us to save your ass when it blows up in your face. We're done with that shit.

Or at least I hope we will be, in that scenario.
1.)Zionism isn't particularly popular in this World.
It's severely unpopular in Muslim countries, pretty unpopular in almost all portions of Europe, as for Latinos, and Asians often don't care about Israel.
Basically just the Bible Belt, and Israel are rabidly pro-Zionist.

2.) The U.S.A is very, very divided, along all lines, political, and racial ones, we're very likely to go into a civil war, and see Russia, and China land on our shores, as a result, and perhaps even destroy us without hardly firing a shot.

1. The ME is a barbaric wasteland. Fuck them. Europe can suck it up, or not, the choice is theirs. If they would rather side with the barbarians, than the US, that will not work out well for them. Like you say, the rest don't care.

2. The US is very divided. Neither Russia nor China have or will have anytime soon, the type of power projection you are talking about. IF the US withdrew from the world stage, for what ever reason, Russia could threaten the Ukraine, and MAYBE Poland, China could take Taiwan, and threaten South Korea and Japan. And that's really it.

1.) The ME is barbaric, including not just Arabs, but also Israel

2.) Russia + China could threaten the World, really if the U.S.A was in a civil war, or collapsed etc. etc. (Kind of what looks like is likely)

1. Your issues with Israel are well known. They deal with their bloodthirsty neighbors with more gentleness than America would, imo.

2. No, they couldn't.

A.) Zionism isn't a moral position.
Israel has been an oppressor, and killer of Palestinians who they stole land from since 1948, from Deir Yassin, to just a couple of days ago Friday, Israel has been chock full of Terroristic, blood-thirsty massacres against Palestinian peoples.

You don't win brownie points with Zionism.

B.) Zionism isn't a rational positon.
My guess is about 20 people are anti-Zionist for every 1 person who's Zionist in this World. (Judging by how there's so many anti-Zionists in the Muslim World, Europe, and to a lesser extent Black, and Hispanic countries, as for Asians I think most don't even care at all.

You don't make friends with Zionism.

We are not trying for brownie points or friends. YOu want to side with the Muslims or China, and you think that will work out better for you, I wish you all the luck in the world.

Just don't come crying to us to save your ass when it blows up in your face. We're done with that shit.

Or at least I hope we will be, in that scenario.

I'd support neutrality, and lack of interference in Mid-East affairs.

I fail to see how a bunch of split apart tribal Semite states with inferior military's half way across the World, are a major concern of ours?

If anything, it HAS become our concern, because Zionist, Neocons couldn't keep their dumb mouths shut, and also couldn't keep their noses out of other peoples business.
Russian-Led Idlib Offensive Would Be Humanitarian Disaster, Dunford Says > U.S. Central Command > News Article View

NEW DELHI, Sept. 8, 2018 —

The consequences of a Russian-Syrian regime offensive into Idlib, Syria, against terrorists hiding there would almost certainly be a humanitarian disaster, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here today.

U.S. military planners believe there are better, more focused ways to go after terrorists who have taken shelter in Idlib. “The consequences of a major offensive operation in Idlib will almost certainly be the suffering of a large number of innocent civilians,” Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford told reporters traveling with him.

A meeting in Tehran, Iran, yesterday among Turkey, Russia, Iran and the Syrian regime failed. Russian and regime forces have been building up around the enclave for days, and most observers expect the forces to attack into the area.

An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 terrorists entered Idlib to hide among the hundreds of thousands of people who went to the northwestern Syria city to escape violence.
1. The ME is a barbaric wasteland. Fuck them. Europe can suck it up, or not, the choice is theirs. If they would rather side with the barbarians, than the US, that will not work out well for them. Like you say, the rest don't care.

2. The US is very divided. Neither Russia nor China have or will have anytime soon, the type of power projection you are talking about. IF the US withdrew from the world stage, for what ever reason, Russia could threaten the Ukraine, and MAYBE Poland, China could take Taiwan, and threaten South Korea and Japan. And that's really it.

1.) The ME is barbaric, including not just Arabs, but also Israel

2.) Russia + China could threaten the World, really if the U.S.A was in a civil war, or collapsed etc. etc. (Kind of what looks like is likely)

1. Your issues with Israel are well known. They deal with their bloodthirsty neighbors with more gentleness than America would, imo.

2. No, they couldn't.

A.) Zionism isn't a moral position.
Israel has been an oppressor, and killer of Palestinians who they stole land from since 1948, from Deir Yassin, to just a couple of days ago Friday, Israel has been chock full of Terroristic, blood-thirsty massacres against Palestinian peoples.

You don't win brownie points with Zionism.

B.) Zionism isn't a rational positon.
My guess is about 20 people are anti-Zionist for every 1 person who's Zionist in this World. (Judging by how there's so many anti-Zionists in the Muslim World, Europe, and to a lesser extent Black, and Hispanic countries, as for Asians I think most don't even care at all.

You don't make friends with Zionism.

We are not trying for brownie points or friends. YOu want to side with the Muslims or China, and you think that will work out better for you, I wish you all the luck in the world.

Just don't come crying to us to save your ass when it blows up in your face. We're done with that shit.

Or at least I hope we will be, in that scenario.

I'd support neutrality, and lack of interference in Mid-East affairs.

I fail to see how a bunch of split apart tribal Semite states with inferior military's half way across the World, are a major concern of ours?

I'm not the one that keeps bringing it up.

If anything, it HAS become our concern, because Zionist, Neocons couldn't keep their dumb mouths shut, and also couldn't keep their noses out of other peoples business.[/QUOTE]

Don't listen. Don't get involved. It's not like your people want to import muslims into your nation. Stay separate from the problem. That is a good idea.
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, China and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.

Neither Russia nor China, nor both together have the ability to transport and support forces that far.
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.

Neither Russia nor China, nor both together have the ability to transport and support forces that far.

Well, they'd probably use Mexico, and Canada as proxies, and support some forces here, anyways.

Yes, the Trump admin has isolated out Mexico, and Canada too.

On foreign affairs the Trump admin is definitely retarded.
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.
You are over stating the situation.............EU isn't happy with us because Trump is calling them out on Trade deals and their increasing military spending for their own protection.........

In regards to military operations around the world the United States does the Lion's share of the fighting and costs............they usually only send token forces..............we thank them for their support but not many show................

That will not put them with Iran, Russia, and China............the main objection to those is economic and them making money off those countries through business deals.....doesn't mean they would ever join them to fight us.........

Civil War.............we are at each others throats politically.........yup.............but no one better butt into it............find out real quick that both sides would turn on that group butting in real quick.

They need us more than we need them..........stop hyper ventilating.
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.

Neither Russia nor China, nor both together have the ability to transport and support forces that far.

Well, they'd probably use Mexico, and Canada as proxies, and support some forces here, anyways.

Yes, the Trump admin has isolated out Mexico, and Canada too.

On foreign affairs the Trump admin is definitely retarded.

Mexico has been fucking US for quite some time. And if all it takes for Canada to support an invasion is some harsh language, then they were never our friends to begin with.

If you want to assume Russia, China, Canada AND Mexico, in a surprise attack while the US is distracted by civil unrest?

You are getting to a real threat, I will give you that.

An answer?

Say hello to our little friend.

We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.

Neither Russia nor China, nor both together have the ability to transport and support forces that far.

Well, they'd probably use Mexico, and Canada as proxies, and support some forces here, anyways.

Yes, the Trump admin has isolated out Mexico, and Canada too.

On foreign affairs the Trump admin is definitely retarded.

Mexico has been fucking US for quite some time. And if all it takes for Canada to support an invasion is some harsh language, then they were never our friends to begin with.

If you want to assume Russia, China, Canada AND Mexico, in a surprise attack while the US is distracted by civil unrest?

You are getting to a real threat, I will give you that.

An answer?

Say hello to our little friend.


As if Russia doesn't have Nukes?
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.
You are over stating the situation.............EU isn't happy with us because Trump is calling them out on Trade deals and their increasing military spending for their own protection.........

In regards to military operations around the world the United States does the Lion's share of the fighting and costs............they usually only send token forces..............we thank them for their support but not many show................

That will not put them with Iran, Russia, and China............the main objection to those is economic and them making money off those countries through business deals.....doesn't mean they would ever join them to fight us.........

Civil War.............we are at each others throats politically.........yup.............but no one better butt into it............find out real quick that both sides would turn on that group butting in real quick.

They need us more than we need them..........stop hyper ventilating.

The situation for the U.S.A is getting worse each year, regardless.
We don't want those stinking deserts..............all yours.............if they get bold with Israel or Turkey.........they will regret it.

Take out the remaining barbarians and end it.

Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.

Neither Russia nor China, nor both together have the ability to transport and support forces that far.

Well, they'd probably use Mexico, and Canada as proxies, and support some forces here, anyways.

Yes, the Trump admin has isolated out Mexico, and Canada too.

On foreign affairs the Trump admin is definitely retarded.

Mexico has been fucking US for quite some time. And if all it takes for Canada to support an invasion is some harsh language, then they were never our friends to begin with.

If you want to assume Russia, China, Canada AND Mexico, in a surprise attack while the US is distracted by civil unrest?

You are getting to a real threat, I will give you that.

An answer?

Say hello to our little friend.


As if Russia doesn't have Nukes?

It's called mutually assured destruction. If they really threaten our homeland, we burn it all down, no one gets to win.

You think we are too evolved to be sore losers?
Regret it?
Well, try that with 2 factors as deterrents?

Factor #1, Democrats / Republicans killing each other in the streets in a civil war.

Factor #2, EU, Russia, and Iran all invading the U.S.A.

It seems the U.S.A couldn't muster much with either factor, very well.

The factor #1 was predictable.
as for factor #2 it was an odd-ball curve ball thrown by idiot Zionist Neocons like John Bolton who's actions are uniting most of Eurasia against the U.S.A.

Neither Russia nor China, nor both together have the ability to transport and support forces that far.

Well, they'd probably use Mexico, and Canada as proxies, and support some forces here, anyways.

Yes, the Trump admin has isolated out Mexico, and Canada too.

On foreign affairs the Trump admin is definitely retarded.

Mexico has been fucking US for quite some time. And if all it takes for Canada to support an invasion is some harsh language, then they were never our friends to begin with.

If you want to assume Russia, China, Canada AND Mexico, in a surprise attack while the US is distracted by civil unrest?

You are getting to a real threat, I will give you that.

An answer?

Say hello to our little friend.


As if Russia doesn't have Nukes?

It's called mutually assured destruction. If they really threaten our homeland, we burn it all down, no one gets to win.

You think we are too evolved to be sore losers?
Russia winning doesn't mean they conquer our land. It means we have to accommodate a multi polar economic order.
Neither Russia nor China, nor both together have the ability to transport and support forces that far.

Well, they'd probably use Mexico, and Canada as proxies, and support some forces here, anyways.

Yes, the Trump admin has isolated out Mexico, and Canada too.

On foreign affairs the Trump admin is definitely retarded.

Mexico has been fucking US for quite some time. And if all it takes for Canada to support an invasion is some harsh language, then they were never our friends to begin with.

If you want to assume Russia, China, Canada AND Mexico, in a surprise attack while the US is distracted by civil unrest?

You are getting to a real threat, I will give you that.

An answer?

Say hello to our little friend.


As if Russia doesn't have Nukes?

It's called mutually assured destruction. If they really threaten our homeland, we burn it all down, no one gets to win.

You think we are too evolved to be sore losers?
Russia winning doesn't mean they conquer our land. It means we have to accommodate a multi polar economic order.

LOL!!!!!! Why? Because if they take Estonia, they flip the global balance of power? LOL!!!
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
My bank account says YOU SIR ARE FULL OF SHIT
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
My bank account says YOU SIR ARE FULL OF SHIT

Typical Westerner, only knows, and understand money.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
My bank account says YOU SIR ARE FULL OF SHIT

Typical Westerner, only knows, and understand money.
Pretty much, yeah
Well, they'd probably use Mexico, and Canada as proxies, and support some forces here, anyways.

Yes, the Trump admin has isolated out Mexico, and Canada too.

On foreign affairs the Trump admin is definitely retarded.

Mexico has been fucking US for quite some time. And if all it takes for Canada to support an invasion is some harsh language, then they were never our friends to begin with.

If you want to assume Russia, China, Canada AND Mexico, in a surprise attack while the US is distracted by civil unrest?

You are getting to a real threat, I will give you that.

An answer?

Say hello to our little friend.


As if Russia doesn't have Nukes?

It's called mutually assured destruction. If they really threaten our homeland, we burn it all down, no one gets to win.

You think we are too evolved to be sore losers?
Russia winning doesn't mean they conquer our land. It means we have to accommodate a multi polar economic order.

LOL!!!!!! Why? Because if they take Estonia, they flip the global balance of power? LOL!!!
Because that is what Russia is seeking.

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