Rut-Roh, Shellie's pissed

Zimmerman has been served with divorce papers. They have divided up the property. It's just a matter of time and getting the paperwork done.

She wants to hurt her ex-husband. A lot of ex-wives are like that.
Oh my gosh, i guess obama is going to come out and say. If i married a white woman, she would look like mrs zimmerman. Sheesh
Zimmerman has been served with divorce papers. They have divided up the property. It's just a matter of time and getting the paperwork done.

She wants to hurt her ex-husband. A lot of ex-wives are like that.

Since when? She filed, yes. but he has not been served.

George Zimmerman -- You Can't Divorce Me ... If You Can't Find Me |

I read that he went on some sort of sicko "victory tour" without her but is now in hiding.

I think it would be damn funny if she wrote a scummy tell-all book and/or sold her story for a slimy crime of the week movie.

His money has dried up. He's not benig supported by KKK lovers. Nobody is gonna buy his story. That would be TOO creepy. But, she could make a few bucks off his crime. Serve him right.
Zimmerman has been served with divorce papers. They have divided up the property. It's just a matter of time and getting the paperwork done.

She wants to hurt her ex-husband. A lot of ex-wives are like that.

Since when? She filed, yes. but he has not been served.

George Zimmerman -- You Can't Divorce Me ... If You Can't Find Me |

George Zimmerman is a congenital liar. Why a jury would take the word of a congenital liar is beyond me.
Zimmerman...another Obama/Democrat failure, Lord make it stop..:eusa_pray:


The failure is of the regressive/repressive stand your ground law that doesn't allow a black kid to stand his ground and defend himself against an armed stalker who murdered him in cold blood.

That law was not passed by Obama or Dems.
Zimmerman has been served with divorce papers. They have divided up the property. It's just a matter of time and getting the paperwork done.

She wants to hurt her ex-husband. A lot of ex-wives are like that.

Since when? She filed, yes. but he has not been served.

George Zimmerman -- You Can't Divorce Me ... If You Can't Find Me |

The reason why he had gone to her house, when they had that fight and she called the police was that he was said to be unhappy with the property division. Indicating that he had both been served and the property had been divided. To imagine that he couldn't be found is pretty senseless since he showed up at her house!
Of course Zimmermans wife will now "tell all."

Of course she wasn't there and has no fucking idea what happened but what the hey. Good way to get on the news shows.

Gotta LAMO. She's divorcing him so now he's a peice of shit as far as she's concerned. Ya gotta know anything that reflects badly on him is AOK with her.

Honestly. Nothing ever changes.

Doubt I would believe word one coming out of her mouth.

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