Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead

In this time of divisiveness, we could all learn from RBG and Scalia’s friendship

T H I S ^^^

Those two knew how to put their political differences aside and also how to value their friendship more.

Why can't some of you do that?


Because they have been such assholes for so long.

That doesn't mean we should repay it in kind.
no we should do it 20 fold

I will not take part in this savagery.
those who sit it out will be the victims of the leftists
Just reporting
We should not celebrate her death. Treat the woman with respect damn it.

As far as many are concerned....she didn't treat the Constitution or our rights with respect...

Hence the celebration

Now the election will be declared a fraud and John Roberts cannot now stop trump from stopping the deep state

A 4 to 4 tie cannot stop trump
This entire thread makes me seethe with rage. Nothing much triggers me, but this did. This display of utter contempt and hatred is more triggering than anything a vile right or left troll could ever say to me on this board.
I contend that one can be sorrowful regarding her passing and also optimistic about getting the SC out of the hands of activist justices.

I don't have a problem with that. With people who can delineate between those two situations.

Seeing death as an opportunity to fulfill a goal is... not very palatable to me.

Dems will see this as an opportunity to rile up their base, I give it 48 hours before CNN goes full blast on what a threat Trump nominating someone in this period would be.
I would've half expected (seriously) Ginsburg's staff to prop her up like Bernie from "Weekend at Bernie's" and claim she was still alive until January 21st, 2021.

Trump's not even dead but he still gets propped up by his staff with Adderall, orange face make up and a half a can of Aquanet on his 21" comb-over before he shoves his fat ass out in front of the podium and lies his fat ass off.

but he is still standing and RBG will be replaced.
There is Mitt, Collins, Murkowski, and who knows who else, who may not vote for whomever the nominee a lame duck session....especially if Biden wins in Nov.
There will be a new SCOTUS appointment and confirmation before the election.
According to Tucker Carlson it seems that a family member claims that Ginsburg's dying words were "please don't let the current president appoint my successor". Anybody believe it?
I would've half expected (seriously) Ginsburg's staff to prop her up like Bernie from "Weekend at Bernie's" and claim she was still alive until January 21st, 2021.

Trump's not even dead but he still gets propped up by his staff with Adderall, orange face make up and a half a can of Aquanet on his 21" comb-over before he shoves his fat ass out in front of the podium and lies his fat ass off.
4 more years and two more Supreme court Justice appointments lol
CNN just reported that RBG told her granddaughter before she died that she did not want Trump picking her successor.

Not her decision. Too bad. Trump will nominate and the person will be confirmed. Deal with it.
What if Collins, Mukowski, and Romney say no?
Then it goes til next year..........after you lose the election or win by harvesting the votes......don't play the game that you want Mail In Votes for safety. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
This entire thread makes me seethe with rage. Nothing much triggers me, but this did. This display of utter contempt and hatred is more triggering than anything a vile right or left troll could ever say to me on this board.
I contend that one can be sorrowful regarding her passing and also optimistic about getting the SC out of the hands of activist justices.

I don't have a problem with that. With people who can delineate between those two situations.

Seeing death as an opportunity to fulfill a goal is... not very palatable to me.

Dems will see this as an opportunity to rile up their base, I give it 48 hours before CNN goes full blast on what a threat Trump nominating someone in this period would be.

So you admit to watching CNN, too?
This entire thread makes me seethe with rage. Nothing much triggers me, but this did. This display of utter contempt and hatred is more triggering than anything a vile right or left troll could ever say to me on this board.
I contend that one can be sorrowful regarding her passing and also optimistic about getting the SC out of the hands of activist justices.

I don't have a problem with that. With people who can delineate between those two situations.

Seeing death as an opportunity to fulfill a goal is... not very palatable to me.

Dems will see this as an opportunity to rile up their base, I give it 48 hours before CNN goes full blast on what a threat Trump nominating someone in this period would be.

and cities will burn. Cops will be shot, and you will ware your mask and hush.
normally i would say they took advantage of the biden rule on obama, time to do as they say, so to speak.

but we're way beyond normal times. really doesn't matter what i think, the dems made this war and in war, you do what you have to do.
Thank you this is war and you hit until the enemy can no longer fight and then you hit them again and their families

How did that work out for you when you lost Virginia in the midterms there skippy?

You can expect a lot more of that. You thought women were energized in 2018, you ain't seen nothing yet son.
In this time of divisiveness, we could all learn from RBG and Scalia’s friendship

T H I S ^^^

Those two knew how to put their political differences aside and also how to value their friendship more.

Why can't some of you do that?


Because they have been such assholes for so long.

That doesn't mean we should repay it in kind.
no we should do it 20 fold

I will not take part in this savagery.
Neither will I ........I'm not an elected official............sorry....replacing a SCOTUS is not savage.

I didn't say anything about not replacing her. This country needs to move on. We cannot put our justice system in stasis to sate the sensibilities of overly sensitive people.

I am more taken aback by the savage behavior being displayed here on this thread.
You want to play fair while the democrats are burning the country down? Really?
And the left has been acting like savages...........BLM.........Antifa........murdering the MSM and DNC politicians hype it...................

Given that I have fallen victim to the savagery of my own emotions, I know for a fact that raw unfettered emotions drive people to action. Just like it already has with the groups you mentioned. Hatred and contempt are inherently savage emotions. I am seeing those savage emotions on display, right now. In this thread.

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