Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead

This is amazing news...the twisted old troll spearheaded the Lefts movement. America is better now.
Attrition works.

Yes it does. And the attrition is on the white conservative side. You won't have to be voted out of power, you're going to be generationally cleansed out of it.
May she rest in peace. I had to admire her for she stayed true to her values and beliefs and worked tirelessly all of her adult life.
She able to achieve a lot in an era when woman were still held back. And she stayed sharp to the end.

Sharp as a tack.

normally i would say they took advantage of the biden rule on obama, time to do as they say, so to speak.

but we're way beyond normal times. really doesn't matter what i think, the dems made this war and in war, you do what you have to do.
Thank you this is war and you hit until the enemy can no longer fight and then you hit them again and their families

How did that work out for you when you lost Virginia in the midterms there skippy?

You can expect a lot more of that. You thought women were energized in 2018, you ain't seen nothing yet son.
Virginia wasn't about Trump you fucking imbecile
a majority of the state told the governor to go fuck himself.

Well, that will crank up the Senate.
OK we've mourned long enough,, time to put a constitutionalist like ted cruz or mike lee in there,,,

If that happens, The Biden administration will be well within its right to expand the entire federal court system, including the Supreme Court. This one would cost Republicans big time, if they go down that road.

FDR tried that

and failed

Wrong. McConnell has been doing exactly what FDR tried, and has succeeded. You are also going to find out this isn't the 1930's. You are now exactly 25 years away from whites in America no longer being the majority of the population.

But white conservatives are already losing politically. The women vote, along with the African American, and an exploding Latino vote, will be making huge changes to the country over just the next 5-10 years. You let a far right zealot come on the court and overturn Roe v Wade, and you'll be done starting with the next election.

I would very confidently predict the flipping of at least 5 solidly red states to purple in just two elections, and 5 more purple swing states turning solidly blue.

This means more Democratic leaning districts after the next Census, and from that point it's the beginning f the end for much of conservative America on every issue dear to their hearts.

America is becoming less white and less conservative my friend. That's a fact of life whether you can deal with it or not. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be an aging white male the day black and latina women start deciding how the end of your life is going to be.
Actually, anyone who has seen any one of President Donald's rallies has seen total enthusiasm for his good common sense in the economy, uncommon patience that has not only been unfairly beaten up by Bob Mueller's take no prisoners snide pinch hitting for hurting the President, the President's policies have brought a peace between Middle East nations that has been ongoing badly for five thousand years.

God bless Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
And the left has been acting like savages...........BLM.........Antifa........murdering the MSM and DNC politicians hype it...................

Given that I have fallen victim to the savagery of my own emotions, I know for a fact that raw unfettered emotions drive people to action. Just like it already has with the groups you mentioned. Hatred and contempt are inherently savage emotions. I am seeing those savage emotions on display, right now. In this thread.
And...........I see these clowns destroying America..........the police ordered to stand down as americans are threatened......their businesses looted and burned to the ground........

You either support laws and protection of ALL PEOPLE'S RIGHTS......or you don't.........Where do you stand there..........

These assholes have taken the gloves off and expect us to play nice........Sorry.......I don't play nice when they do this.....if you do you are a fool...........

You have a choice......fight to stop them ........or SUBMIT.........which will it be..........
CNN just reported that RBG told her granddaughter before she died that she did not want Trump picking her successor.

I guess that's just tough shit, because Donald J Trump is President, and will be making an appointment.

Since Sleepy Joe doesn't like the Biden Rule that McConnell honored last time, we can expect the appointment for replacement immediately.

Remember Merrick Garland? The American people should make that decision in the upcoming election - which is only 45 days away. Remember Mitch McConnell's words for not allowing a Senate vote on Merrick Garland?

I do remember the big fuss about Merrick Garland, and I'm sure that Sen. McConnell does as well.

He took a lot of heat, a lot of senators felt that the sitting President should have been allowed to have a justice confirmed in his last year.

He isn't going to take that kind of heat again, especially as the author of the Biden Doctrine is now leader of the Dem Party.
You mean the McConnell doctrine. He set a precedent.

He deserved to take heat. But he is a hypocrite. What he does now has nothing to do with taking heat.

They call it the "Biden Rule" not McConnell's at all, and McConnell was obligated to follow it in 2016 and did.

And even though he followed the liberal rule, he was still literally crucified over it.

The point is, McConnell isn't going to go through that ordeal again.

Actually, the libs are the hypocrites if they don't agree to fast track the Trump nominee.
In this time of divisiveness, we could all learn from RBG and Scalia’s friendship

T H I S ^^^

Those two knew how to put their political differences aside and also how to value their friendship more.

Why can't some of you do that?


Because they have been such assholes for so long.

That doesn't mean we should repay it in kind.
no we should do it 20 fold

I will not take part in this savagery.
Neither will I ........I'm not an elected official............sorry....replacing a SCOTUS is not savage.

I didn't say anything about not replacing her. This country needs to move on. We cannot put our justice system in stasis to sate the sensibilities of overly sensitive people.

I am more taken aback by the savage behavior being displayed here on this thread.
You want to play fair while the democrats are burning the country down? Really?

Actually, nobody wants to play fair.

I know what it means to lose... and regain one's honor. Losing it a second time is far worse than the first.

I am sorry, but I have my limits, reb.
This entire thread makes me seethe with rage. Nothing much triggers me, but this did. This display of utter contempt and hatred is more triggering than anything a vile right or left troll could ever say to me on this board.
I contend that one can be sorrowful regarding her passing and also optimistic about getting the SC out of the hands of activist justices.

I don't have a problem with that. With people who can delineate between those two situations.

Seeing death as an opportunity to fulfill a goal is... not very palatable to me.

Dems will see this as an opportunity to rile up their base, I give it 48 hours before CNN goes full blast on what a threat Trump nominating someone in this period would be.

So you admit to watching CNN, too?

Opposition research. One stop shopping.

Used to read Daily Kos to see how the other side thinks, but CNN has gone so far off the deep end I don't need to go to both anymore.
This entire thread makes me seethe with rage. Nothing much triggers me, but this did. This display of utter contempt and hatred is more triggering than anything a vile right or left troll could ever say to me on this board.
I contend that one can be sorrowful regarding her passing and also optimistic about getting the SC out of the hands of activist justices.

I don't have a problem with that. With people who can delineate between those two situations.

Seeing death as an opportunity to fulfill a goal is... not very palatable to me.

Dems will see this as an opportunity to rile up their base, I give it 48 hours before CNN goes full blast on what a threat Trump nominating someone in this period would be.

and cities will burn. Cops will be shot, and you will ware your mask and hush.

More unrest is definitely possible.
This is amazing news...the twisted old troll spearheaded the Lefts movement. America is better now.
Attrition works.

Yes it does. And the attrition is on the white conservative side. You won't have to be voted out of power, you're going to be generationally cleansed out of it.

You better pray that doesn’t happen..who’s going to feed you dark pet humans? Have you looked around the globe at brown/black nations?
And the left has been acting like savages...........BLM.........Antifa........murdering the MSM and DNC politicians hype it...................

Given that I have fallen victim to the savagery of my own emotions, I know for a fact that raw unfettered emotions drive people to action. Just like it already has with the groups you mentioned. Hatred and contempt are inherently savage emotions. I am seeing those savage emotions on display, right now. In this thread.

better here then the local family dollar.
In this time of divisiveness, we could all learn from RBG and Scalia’s friendship

T H I S ^^^

Those two knew how to put their political differences aside and also how to value their friendship more.

Why can't some of you do that?


Because they have been such assholes for so long.

That doesn't mean we should repay it in kind.
no we should do it 20 fold

I will not take part in this savagery.
Neither will I ........I'm not an elected official............sorry....replacing a SCOTUS is not savage.

I didn't say anything about not replacing her. This country needs to move on. We cannot put our justice system in stasis to sate the sensibilities of overly sensitive people.

I am more taken aback by the savage behavior being displayed here on this thread.
You want to play fair while the democrats are burning the country down? Really?

Actually, nobody wants to play fair.

I know what it means to lose... and regain one's honor. Losing it a second time is far worse than the first.

I am sorry, but I have my limits, reb.
When the hell have the DNC played Fair in recent history.............they set up the rules of engagement and now cry when KARMA comes a calling.

We should RAM HOME a replacement..............they will have to play the OH HE'S A RACIST ROUTINE AGAIN........Tell you believe Ford had ANY CREDITABILITY AT ALL.........35 YEARS after the FACT.

I was disgusted by it..........same as what they did to Thomas........well.............
CNN just reported that RBG told her granddaughter before she died that she did not want Trump picking her successor.

I guess that's just tough shit, because Donald J Trump is President, and will be making an appointment.

Since Sleepy Joe doesn't like the Biden Rule that McConnell honored last time, we can expect the appointment for replacement immediately.

Remember Merrick Garland? The American people should make that decision in the upcoming election - which is only 45 days away. Remember Mitch McConnell's words for not allowing a Senate vote on Merrick Garland?

I do remember the big fuss about Merrick Garland, and I'm sure that Sen. McConnell does as well.

He took a lot of heat, a lot of senators felt that the sitting President should have been allowed to have a justice confirmed in his last year.

He isn't going to take that kind of heat again, especially as the author of the Biden Doctrine is now leader of the Dem Party.
You mean the McConnell doctrine. He set a precedent.

He deserved to take heat. But he is a hypocrite. What he does now has nothing to do with taking heat.

They call it the "Biden Rule" not McConnell's at all, and McConnell was obligated to follow it in 2016 and did.

And even though he followed the liberal rule, he was still literally crucified over it.

The point is, McConnell isn't going to go through that ordeal again.

Actually, the libs are the hypocrites if they don't agree to fast track the Trump nominee.
There was no “rule” until McConnell decide there was.

And now, conveniently...there isn’t.
And the left has been acting like savages...........BLM.........Antifa........murdering the MSM and DNC politicians hype it...................

Given that I have fallen victim to the savagery of my own emotions, I know for a fact that raw unfettered emotions drive people to action. Just like it already has with the groups you mentioned. Hatred and contempt are inherently savage emotions. I am seeing those savage emotions on display, right now. In this thread.

better here then the local family dollar.

Better it exists nowhere. So no action can be motivated by it.

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