rw blood thirsty killer attempts to do makeover

once a killer, always a killer?

  • yes, her re-branding doesn't change anything

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • no, her rebranding campaign has lessened my visceral hatred of her

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I still hate her w/ the power of 1000 supernovas :)

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
why don't you people go out and shoot some wolves. Why are you dithering here?


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There's a time and place for everything. Personally, I'm not in the mood for barbequed wolf tonight.
Maybe some good old pulled pork however. Got a pig ?

If there is a God and if He created all the world's animals surely He didn't create this one to be killed for sport. Perhaps He created some of nature's wonders just for the love of pure awe-inspiring beauty?

Thread summary: We can add "killing endangered species" to the list of "morally reprehensible things conservatives support just to piss off liberals".

We should just kill babies like you guys do. Maybe then you wouldn't get mad when women arm themselves.

At the root of this thread...festering hatred towards women. DC hates her because she will never be one of the types of women that liberals admire..the type that "lay back and enjoy" rape, then get an abortion.
why don't you people go out and shoot some wolves. Why are you dithering here?


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why are you scared of me Dottie?.....i cant hurt you....i know you read what i say about you.....that ignore shit aint foolin no one....will you always be a big pussy?.....come on grow a pair....
on the cost of an African safari. These numbers seem to be fairly typical.

14 day Leopard hunt..........................$28,000
Leopard kill fee..................................$15,000
Suggested "tips" for guides, etc.....+/- $2,400

Extras Include: Gun import fee @ $250 per gun, airport pick-ups and ground transport @ $200, dip and pack of trophies, and $5,000 area change fee if applicable.
Hunt Total Includes: All fees for given safari (excluding all trophy fees, all travel, all costs before and after hunt). Extra baiting vehicle @ $350 per day.

This is one lucky young lady, good looks, wealthy family. Not sure about her parents though. Teaching her that having money entitles her to kill one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet just for sport strikes an off-key note in my ear.
Thread summary: We can add "killing endangered species" to the list of "morally reprehensible things conservatives support just to piss off liberals".

Thread summary, progressive idiots do not understand that herd thinning is an actual conservation tool, even among endangered animals.
Thread summary: We can add "killing endangered species" to the list of "morally reprehensible things conservatives support just to piss off liberals".

Given your support of abortion, I'd point out your inherent hypocrisy, but you're not capable of the level of introspection that would let it sink in.
Here's the thing Dot.

I personally don't really approve of this kind of hunting...hunting for sport.

But who am I to judge.

I hunt. I kill Bambi's Mom and Thumper and whatever that hyperactive squirrels name is from Over the Hedge.

And a lot of folks would judge me as a blood thirsty right winger.

I personally don't hunt for sport, some folks do...and it's perfectly legal for them to do so.

The majority donate the meat to Missouri food banks, and it goes to good use feeding the less fortunate.

Here is what I read about white rhino hunting...because my gut reaction after reading the OP was to oppose it.

Southern white rhino hunting

Limited hunting of Southern white rhino has been undertaken since 1968. This has clearly been sustainable because, since hunting began, numbers of Southern white rhino have increased from 1,800 to 11,100 in the wild, with a further 740 in captivity worldwide. This has helped give white rhinos an economic value and increased the incentives for the private sector and communities to conserve white rhino. By 2003, 3,250 of Africa’s southern white rhino were privately owned and the limited hunting in part contributed to this large expansion of rhino range. However, it is interesting that on the whole, live sale prices have been higher for breeding females than for old, potentially trophy males indicating the desire of the private sector primarily to breed up rhino.​

So, like the sport hunters in Missouri, she is actually helping, not hurting the sustainability of the species.

And that is direct from "Save the Rhinos".

In light of these circumstance, I say good on her.

It's nice to see a woman step across gender boundaries into a typically male dominated pursuit.
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