rw blood thirsty killer attempts to do makeover

once a killer, always a killer?

  • yes, her re-branding doesn't change anything

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • no, her rebranding campaign has lessened my visceral hatred of her

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I still hate her w/ the power of 1000 supernovas :)

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
Thread summary: We can add "killing endangered species" to the list of "morally reprehensible things conservatives support just to piss off liberals".
So libs support grinding them up in windmills because........
No. No animal lover hunts down a defenseless animal, shoots and kills it, then poses with it to put on their Facebook page.

She is still a sick bitch.

yet your Avatar says "hunter killer"....with a dead body in the background.....

Hunter Killer is a term from a movie. You guess which one.

so?....for all anyone here knows you might just think that kind of violence is exciting?....:dunno:
Thread summary, progressive idiots do not understand that herd thinning is an actual conservation tool, even among endangered animals.

Your justifications for bad behavior by conservatives are getting funnier.

Please, give us some details about the need for herd thinning among White Rhinos. Last I checked, poachers more than took care of any "thinning" needs.

And if someone wants to play the "but ... but ... hunting permit fees go towards conservation, so we're really saving animals!", I will point out nothing is stopping people from donating money and then _not_ shooting endangered species.
Do you support abortion? What makes a human being worth less than an animal?

But abortion doesn't kill humans, Dave. Nobody thinks abortion is murder, and only whiny little liars pretend that it is, just so they have yet another excuse to piss themselves and scream like the little bitches that they are.

And instead of continuing to derail the thread with such crazy lies, you should just go back to stroking yourself over the thought of massacring endangered species.
Do you support abortion? What makes a human being worth less than an animal?

But abortion doesn't kill humans, Dave. Nobody thinks abortion is murder, and only whiny little liars pretend that it is, so they have yet another excuse to piss themselves and scream like the little bitches that they are.

And instead of continuing to derail the thread with crazy lies, you should just go back to stroking yourself over the thought of massacring endangered species.

So says you. If the abortion is not performed a person enters the world, if it gets aborted that life will never be born. It is all a mater of perception and belief of when life begins. Does the baby have a soul even in the early stages..............................
Thread summary, progressive idiots do not understand that herd thinning is an actual conservation tool, even among endangered animals.

Your justifications for bad behavior by conservatives are getting funnier.

Please, give us some details about the need for herd thinning among White Rhinos. Last I checked, poachers more than took care of any "thinning" needs.

And if someone wants to play the "but ... but ... hunting permit fees go towards conservation, so we're really saving animals!", I will point out nothing is stopping people from donating money and then _not_ shooting endangered species.
Keep reading. The people responsible for conserving white rhinos say it's necessary.

The input of a butthurt liberal is immaterial.
Do you support abortion? What makes a human being worth less than an animal?

But abortion doesn't kill humans, Dave. Nobody thinks abortion is murder, and only whiny little liars pretend that it is, just so they have yet another excuse to piss themselves and scream like the little bitches that they are.

And instead of continuing to derail the thread with such crazy lies, you should just go back to stroking yourself over the thought of massacring endangered species.

Wow. You're insane. A genetically-distinct human being is not a human being?

You pro-aborts can make yourselves believe any old stupid shit, can't you?

No. No animal lover hunts down a defenseless animal, shoots and kills it, then poses with it to put on their Facebook page.

She is still a sick bitch.

No animal lover would ever hunt down a sick animal and kill it? They would just leave it to suffer and die in pain?

Good to know, and one reason I will never be an animal lover like you.
Thread summary, progressive idiots do not understand that herd thinning is an actual conservation tool, even among endangered animals.

Your justifications for bad behavior by conservatives are getting
Please, give us some details about the need for herd thinning among White Rhinos. Last I checked, poachers more than took care of any "thinning" needs.

And if someone wants to play the "but ... but ... hunting permit fees go towards conservation, so we're really saving animals!", I will point out nothing is stopping people from donating money and then _not_ shooting endangered species.

When was the last time you checked, 1725?
can you imagine leveling your scope on a majestic animal then pulling ther trigger like her :( Sara Paylan prolly influenced her no doubt by shooting wolves from the safety of a helicopter.

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