RWer Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) lambastes the GOP over "crackpots"


Jennifer Rubin (source)​

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP - The Washington Post

(The blog that she contributes to on WAPO is called "Right Turn". She is a staunch Conservative)

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP

...Republicans have their own problem: They tolerate far too many crackpots.

Dr. Ben Carson joins Mike Huckabee in refusing to accept that Supreme Court decisions, on gay marriage for example, are binding. Pressed by Chris Wallace, Carson insisted that Marbury v. Madison and more than 200 years of history have not settled the issue. “It is an open question. It needs to be discussed.” Actually, it’s not open...

Huckabee has ... hawked “nutritional supplements” as a cure to diabetes. He insisted on Sunday, “One of the elements of the plan was dietary supplements, but it is not the fundamental thing.” (Then why encourage people to buy them?) He declared, “I don’t have to defend everything that I’ve ever done.” So he’s both a constitutional and dietary charlatan. Either one should disqualify him.

Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who cynically chooses to pander to the conspiracy-mongers who turning a military exercise primarily in Texas into a secret plan to impose martial law. Cruz has taken their nonsense as legitimate and made inquiries at the Pentagon. Rich Lowry hit the nail on the head on ABC, calling this “pandering to a vocal minority.”...

...How many times has Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) falsely suggested the National Security Agency is listening to the content of millions of phone calls? Before reversing himself, he also gave support to the anti-vaccine hooey. At what point do voters say, you know, that’s not the mindset or character of someone who we’d want as president?

Responsible conservatives should follow Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. ...

Who is Jennifer Rubin?

Jennifer Rubin journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jennifer Rubin is an American neoconservative columnist and a blogger for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. She also published at Politico, The New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and a variety of other media publications.


For discussion ---

This quoted material begs the question: are Conservatives out there in the real world going to be willing to listen to self-criticism? Once the Jade 15 exercises are completed and people like Ted Cruz are going to look like complete and utter fools for having tried to make this into a nefarious gubbermint plot to enslave Texans and what-not, are Conservatives going to wake up and realize that a number of their candidates are often saying things that are considered absolutely insane by the overwhelming majority of people who are sane?

I accept criticism of Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, etc, because I know that no candidate is a perfect person. Are Conservatives willing to do the same, or are they going to just grumble that somehow, Jen Rubin is not really a Conservative?

I gotta say, from my perspective, the crop of GOP candidates that is forming for 2016 makes the 2012 GOP crop look tame, lily-livered and Liberal in comparison. They make Barry Goldwater look like Lenin. And their 2012 nominee lost decisively against an embattled Democratic president during economic rough times. I see the same conundrum forming for 2016 as formed for 2012: that GOP candidates are tacking so unbelievably hard to the Right in order to feed enough "red-meat" to a crazed ultra-Conservative base, "red-meat" that then turns into a poison-pill for the GOP when the General Election campaign starts up after both nominations are completed. It appears that Jeb Bush recognizes this conundrum, but even before officially getting out of the starting gate, he has put his foot in his mouth about the Iraq War that may very well jettison any hope of him even launching, which I suspect causes Scott Walker to whoop with glee.

So, what do you think of Jen Rubin's words?

Let's see who can actually debate like a real adult on this thread and put his emotions in his side pocket and actually debate the quoted material...

Oh, and nat4900 - thanks for trying this once already. This material DESERVES to be debated.
BFD there are just as many crack pots in the Dem,green,indi party as well,thinking other wise is idiotic.
these loser democrat sheep used to use Fox news to insult a Republican. as if they didn't look stupid then

NOW they are taking this Jade Helm and using it as how ALL the Gop is crackpot.

they look even MORE stupid.

OH WELL...majority of us just laughs at them. their crackpots with their sheep's help.

JUST got their Democrat party kicked into minority in congress. but don't tell anyone...because they are: trying to pretend they are: the non-crackpots.
Bbbbb...Bbbbb... but you yourself have supported the jade 15 crackpots....

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She is a neoconservative, might as well say more in line with the Democrats and that is the only type that the left can accept.
If you are closer to our ideology you are tolerated.

While real conservatives and libertarians who agree with our freedom from government is nothing but insane and nuts.

The lefts ideology is like borg drones - must destroy any ideology that does not conform to our collective control.
this is anecdotal evidence of the Right having only cognitive dissonance for their Cause and being willing to practice communism for any social and moral Cause while blaming the left for doing it for health and safety reasons.

The Feds need to stay out of the social issues.
sure; let's ditch the drug war.

Ditch it or overhaul it.
It sure isn't working now.
Here's the deal, the radical left is so filled with fear and hatred for the Tea Party that they lost their minds. Instead of talking about the future of the democrat party which has drifted so far left that the president's wife complains about being a victim of racism, they constantly search op-eds that nobody reads for provocative comments that they confuse with politics. Jennifer Rubin thinks Ron Paul and Barry Hussein are similar. She thought the Boston bombing terrorists were making a statement about abortion. When is the left going to get it's collective head out of the sand and confront the fact that Republicans won the biggest mid term landslide in political history barely six months ago and are likely to trounce Hillary and/or brain damaged Joe Biden or any other democrat?
She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

I've yet to see her railing about the current administration not respecting the courts, whether Obama ridiculing them during a SOTU speech or outright defiance. US Work permits issued after immigration action delayed -

HOUSTON — The U.S. government says it "erroneously" awarded three-year work permits to 2,000 people under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after a judge had put the plan on hold.

The revelation is the second time the federal government has had to clarify whether part of the immigration plan had been implemented after a court order that put it on hold...

Jennifer Rubin (source)​

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP - The Washington Post

(The blog that she contributes to on WAPO is called "Right Turn". She is a staunch Conservative)

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP

...Republicans have their own problem: They tolerate far too many crackpots.

Dr. Ben Carson joins Mike Huckabee in refusing to accept that Supreme Court decisions, on gay marriage for example, are binding. Pressed by Chris Wallace, Carson insisted that Marbury v. Madison and more than 200 years of history have not settled the issue. “It is an open question. It needs to be discussed.” Actually, it’s not open...

Huckabee has ... hawked “nutritional supplements” as a cure to diabetes. He insisted on Sunday, “One of the elements of the plan was dietary supplements, but it is not the fundamental thing.” (Then why encourage people to buy them?) He declared, “I don’t have to defend everything that I’ve ever done.” So he’s both a constitutional and dietary charlatan. Either one should disqualify him.

Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who cynically chooses to pander to the conspiracy-mongers who turning a military exercise primarily in Texas into a secret plan to impose martial law. Cruz has taken their nonsense as legitimate and made inquiries at the Pentagon. Rich Lowry hit the nail on the head on ABC, calling this “pandering to a vocal minority.”...

...How many times has Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) falsely suggested the National Security Agency is listening to the content of millions of phone calls? Before reversing himself, he also gave support to the anti-vaccine hooey. At what point do voters say, you know, that’s not the mindset or character of someone who we’d want as president?

Responsible conservatives should follow Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. ...

Who is Jennifer Rubin?

Jennifer Rubin journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jennifer Rubin is an American neoconservative columnist and a blogger for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. She also published at Politico, The New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and a variety of other media publications.


For discussion ---

This quoted material begs the question: are Conservatives out there in the real world going to be willing to listen to self-criticism? Once the Jade 15 exercises are completed and people like Ted Cruz are going to look like complete and utter fools for having tried to make this into a nefarious gubbermint plot to enslave Texans and what-not, are Conservatives going to wake up and realize that a number of their candidates are often saying things that are considered absolutely insane by the overwhelming majority of people who are sane?

I accept criticism of Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, etc, because I know that no candidate is a perfect person. Are Conservatives willing to do the same, or are they going to just grumble that somehow, Jen Rubin is not really a Conservative?

I gotta say, from my perspective, the crop of GOP candidates that is forming for 2016 makes the 2012 GOP crop look tame, lily-livered and Liberal in comparison. They make Barry Goldwater look like Lenin. And their 2012 nominee lost decisively against an embattled Democratic president during economic rough times. I see the same conundrum forming for 2016 as formed for 2012: that GOP candidates are tacking so unbelievably hard to the Right in order to feed enough "red-meat" to a crazed ultra-Conservative base, "red-meat" that then turns into a poison-pill for the GOP when the General Election campaign starts up after both nominations are completed. It appears that Jeb Bush recognizes this conundrum, but even before officially getting out of the starting gate, he has put his foot in his mouth about the Iraq War that may very well jettison any hope of him even launching, which I suspect causes Scott Walker to whoop with glee.

So, what do you think of Jen Rubin's words?

Let's see who can actually debate like a real adult on this thread and put his emotions in his side pocket and actually debate the quoted material...

Oh, and nat4900 - thanks for trying this once already. This material DESERVES to be debated.

Indeed, wise Stat......right wingers should heed the advice of sane republicans that, unless, they reject the "unhinged" candidates and their dwindling number of advocates, they may be heading toward nullification.

I'll voice this again.....Keep your eye on the democraphics of Texas.....that state will turn purple in the next decade or so, and if the GOP loses the Texan electoral votes, they will NOT have one of their own step into the oval office for a very. very long time.

Jennifer Rubin (source)​

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP - The Washington Post

(The blog that she contributes to on WAPO is called "Right Turn". She is a staunch Conservative)

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP

...Republicans have their own problem: They tolerate far too many crackpots.

Dr. Ben Carson joins Mike Huckabee in refusing to accept that Supreme Court decisions, on gay marriage for example, are binding. Pressed by Chris Wallace, Carson insisted that Marbury v. Madison and more than 200 years of history have not settled the issue. “It is an open question. It needs to be discussed.” Actually, it’s not open...

Huckabee has ... hawked “nutritional supplements” as a cure to diabetes. He insisted on Sunday, “One of the elements of the plan was dietary supplements, but it is not the fundamental thing.” (Then why encourage people to buy them?) He declared, “I don’t have to defend everything that I’ve ever done.” So he’s both a constitutional and dietary charlatan. Either one should disqualify him.

Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who cynically chooses to pander to the conspiracy-mongers who turning a military exercise primarily in Texas into a secret plan to impose martial law. Cruz has taken their nonsense as legitimate and made inquiries at the Pentagon. Rich Lowry hit the nail on the head on ABC, calling this “pandering to a vocal minority.”...

...How many times has Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) falsely suggested the National Security Agency is listening to the content of millions of phone calls? Before reversing himself, he also gave support to the anti-vaccine hooey. At what point do voters say, you know, that’s not the mindset or character of someone who we’d want as president?

Responsible conservatives should follow Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. ...

Who is Jennifer Rubin?

Jennifer Rubin journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jennifer Rubin is an American neoconservative columnist and a blogger for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. She also published at Politico, The New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and a variety of other media publications.


For discussion ---

This quoted material begs the question: are Conservatives out there in the real world going to be willing to listen to self-criticism? Once the Jade 15 exercises are completed and people like Ted Cruz are going to look like complete and utter fools for having tried to make this into a nefarious gubbermint plot to enslave Texans and what-not, are Conservatives going to wake up and realize that a number of their candidates are often saying things that are considered absolutely insane by the overwhelming majority of people who are sane?

I accept criticism of Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, etc, because I know that no candidate is a perfect person. Are Conservatives willing to do the same, or are they going to just grumble that somehow, Jen Rubin is not really a Conservative?

I gotta say, from my perspective, the crop of GOP candidates that is forming for 2016 makes the 2012 GOP crop look tame, lily-livered and Liberal in comparison. They make Barry Goldwater look like Lenin. And their 2012 nominee lost decisively against an embattled Democratic president during economic rough times. I see the same conundrum forming for 2016 as formed for 2012: that GOP candidates are tacking so unbelievably hard to the Right in order to feed enough "red-meat" to a crazed ultra-Conservative base, "red-meat" that then turns into a poison-pill for the GOP when the General Election campaign starts up after both nominations are completed. It appears that Jeb Bush recognizes this conundrum, but even before officially getting out of the starting gate, he has put his foot in his mouth about the Iraq War that may very well jettison any hope of him even launching, which I suspect causes Scott Walker to whoop with glee.

So, what do you think of Jen Rubin's words?

Let's see who can actually debate like a real adult on this thread and put his emotions in his side pocket and actually debate the quoted material...

Oh, and nat4900 - thanks for trying this once already. This material DESERVES to be debated.

Indeed, wise Stat......right wingers should heed the advice of sane republicans that, unless, they reject the "unhinged" candidates and their dwindling number of advocates, they may be heading toward nullification.

I'll voice this again.....Keep your eye on the democraphics of Texas.....that state will turn purple in the next decade or so, and if the GOP loses the Texan electoral votes, they will NOT have one of their own step into the oval office for a very. very long time.


Which also explains why Nebraska has yet to reverse it's elector-splitting law, in spite of the fact that to this day, some Conservatives are still fuming that Obama picked up NE-02 in 2008. This is a topic we hashed out together on a thread once before.

You will notice that Righties here in USMB are reacting very, very allergically to self-critique from within their own party. David Frum tried to warn his fellow Republicans in 2008, and they didn't listen then, either.
She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

I've yet to see her railing about the current administration not respecting the courts, whether Obama ridiculing them during a SOTU speech or outright defiance. US Work permits issued after immigration action delayed -

HOUSTON — The U.S. government says it "erroneously" awarded three-year work permits to 2,000 people under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after a judge had put the plan on hold.

The revelation is the second time the federal government has had to clarify whether part of the immigration plan had been implemented after a court order that put it on hold...


Then who is the one who is really doing that like he said?
Hillary Clinton

Jennifer Rubin (source)​

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP - The Washington Post

(The blog that she contributes to on WAPO is called "Right Turn". She is a staunch Conservative)

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP

...Republicans have their own problem: They tolerate far too many crackpots.

Dr. Ben Carson joins Mike Huckabee in refusing to accept that Supreme Court decisions, on gay marriage for example, are binding. Pressed by Chris Wallace, Carson insisted that Marbury v. Madison and more than 200 years of history have not settled the issue. “It is an open question. It needs to be discussed.” Actually, it’s not open...

Huckabee has ... hawked “nutritional supplements” as a cure to diabetes. He insisted on Sunday, “One of the elements of the plan was dietary supplements, but it is not the fundamental thing.” (Then why encourage people to buy them?) He declared, “I don’t have to defend everything that I’ve ever done.” So he’s both a constitutional and dietary charlatan. Either one should disqualify him.

Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who cynically chooses to pander to the conspiracy-mongers who turning a military exercise primarily in Texas into a secret plan to impose martial law. Cruz has taken their nonsense as legitimate and made inquiries at the Pentagon. Rich Lowry hit the nail on the head on ABC, calling this “pandering to a vocal minority.”...

...How many times has Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) falsely suggested the National Security Agency is listening to the content of millions of phone calls? Before reversing himself, he also gave support to the anti-vaccine hooey. At what point do voters say, you know, that’s not the mindset or character of someone who we’d want as president?

Responsible conservatives should follow Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. ...

Who is Jennifer Rubin?

Jennifer Rubin journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jennifer Rubin is an American neoconservative columnist and a blogger for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. She also published at Politico, The New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and a variety of other media publications.


For discussion ---

This quoted material begs the question: are Conservatives out there in the real world going to be willing to listen to self-criticism? Once the Jade 15 exercises are completed and people like Ted Cruz are going to look like complete and utter fools for having tried to make this into a nefarious gubbermint plot to enslave Texans and what-not, are Conservatives going to wake up and realize that a number of their candidates are often saying things that are considered absolutely insane by the overwhelming majority of people who are sane?

I accept criticism of Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, etc, because I know that no candidate is a perfect person. Are Conservatives willing to do the same, or are they going to just grumble that somehow, Jen Rubin is not really a Conservative?

I gotta say, from my perspective, the crop of GOP candidates that is forming for 2016 makes the 2012 GOP crop look tame, lily-livered and Liberal in comparison. They make Barry Goldwater look like Lenin. And their 2012 nominee lost decisively against an embattled Democratic president during economic rough times. I see the same conundrum forming for 2016 as formed for 2012: that GOP candidates are tacking so unbelievably hard to the Right in order to feed enough "red-meat" to a crazed ultra-Conservative base, "red-meat" that then turns into a poison-pill for the GOP when the General Election campaign starts up after both nominations are completed. It appears that Jeb Bush recognizes this conundrum, but even before officially getting out of the starting gate, he has put his foot in his mouth about the Iraq War that may very well jettison any hope of him even launching, which I suspect causes Scott Walker to whoop with glee.

So, what do you think of Jen Rubin's words?

Let's see who can actually debate like a real adult on this thread and put his emotions in his side pocket and actually debate the quoted material...

Oh, and nat4900 - thanks for trying this once already. This material DESERVES to be debated.

Indeed, wise Stat......right wingers should heed the advice of sane republicans that, unless, they reject the "unhinged" candidates and their dwindling number of advocates, they may be heading toward nullification.

I'll voice this again.....Keep your eye on the democraphics of Texas.....that state will turn purple in the next decade or so, and if the GOP loses the Texan electoral votes, they will NOT have one of their own step into the oval office for a very. very long time.


Which also explains why Nebraska has yet to reverse it's elector-splitting law, in spite of the fact that to this day, some Conservatives are still fuming that Obama picked up NE-02 in 2008. This is a topic we hashed out together on a thread once before.

You will notice that Righties here in USMB are reacting very, very allergically to self-critique from within their own party. David Frum tried to warn his fellow Republicans in 2008, and they didn't listen then, either.

You think we are allergic to the GOP?
Talk about nonsense.
You are getting desperate.
...Republicans have their own problem: They tolerate far too many crackpots..

My favorite "gay marraige" equivalent fringe (middle vote alienating) stances on the far right, and lack of logic (which is what appeals to the middle voter at their core)

1. Abortion. An overwhelming closeted faction of both men and women even within the GOP voting ranks believe that it's better to end a life before its fully formed than to raise it in a life of endless pain, misery and poverty.

1 (a) The notion that the swelling unwanted ranks of children gained by denying #1, can somehow manifest jobs and income out of a dry well to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stay off welfare" (higher taxes for the wealthier to support that system)

2. Not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes. See #1 & #1(a).

3. Pro-carbon energy policies. As the waves of the rising sea levels lap closer and closer to their beachfront porches..& swarms of Winter "snownados" chew up swaths of their favorite ski resorts and golf courses.

4. Stance against universal healthcare: while the swelling ranks of the unwanted poor lives become poorer and poorer as each new member of the 99% is added. The GOP genuinely wonders why consumption/demand is down for their products. They genuinely do. It's a great mystery to them. They're certain that health costs that often equal having two mortgages instead of one for the average family, will somehow still spur business and allow regular folks to have extra income each month to buy their products.

5. A complete lack of logical thinking by the GOP. See #s 1, 1(a), 2, 3 & 4.

You're right, this is a topic worthy of debating. The fringe on the far right caught up in #s 1, 2, 3 & 4 are as myopic, stupid and bullheaded and morally-warped as their close cousins in the rainbow parade. A spectrum in a certain dimension loops around where its two extreme ends meet. Clearly this is the case with the base manner of thinking. It's just that the wrappings on the box are different. The mechanisms inside though are exactly the same.
Last edited:
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

No, you are supposed to clean house and kick the psychos, liars, hypocrites, and retards who have infected the party to the curb.

Most importantly, you are supposed to stop being a parroting rube for the hacks and whackos you have been.
She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

OMG! You're comparing whack-dos Carson and Huckabee to FDR! You need not say're probably one of the Bastrop's nuts responsible for Gregg Abbott going looney on us.

Note the code language. At no point does the Governor so much as suggest that the nuts who are panicking about the entirely imaginary threat of Obama taking over Texas and taking their guns and property are, you know, nuts. Instead, he spends tax monies to prevent Obama from doing what Obama was never going to do, thereby giving credence to the nuts. What’s even more impressive is that he artfully genuflects to his base’s worship of the military by suggesting that, should The Order come from Obama to attack Texas and take their guns, property and women and march the freedom-loving citizens of the Lone Star state into his FEMA-run shariah re-education camps, our troops will do the right thing and mutiny rather than obey the Kenyan Communist Muslim would-be tyrant. It’s a brilliant “have your cake and eat it” move. You get to insinuate that the US military is, at the highest levels, part of a huge conspiracy to stage a coup and install a dictator while at the same time pretending to reverence the troops, wave the flag, and blame everything on the Hated Bogeyman.
Obama s Sooper Secret Plan to Take Over Texas
2nd post from the clown faces on this issue. Yeah right, keep believing Jennifer Rubin is a "staunch conservative" that the Washington Post would hire. Ask her about her views on abortion.

Yep, They'll lower themselves to whatever it takes. FOR THEIR PARTY

all heil the Democrat party is their motto

embarrassing and pathetic.
Call me when the Dems are ready to rid itself of crackpotism. Hell, the entire leftwing is complete crackpotism.

How utterly laughable.
She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.

I've yet to see her railing about the current administration not respecting the courts, whether Obama ridiculing them during a SOTU speech or outright defiance. US Work permits issued after immigration action delayed -

HOUSTON — The U.S. government says it "erroneously" awarded three-year work permits to 2,000 people under President Barack Obama's executive immigration action after a judge had put the plan on hold.

The revelation is the second time the federal government has had to clarify whether part of the immigration plan had been implemented after a court order that put it on hold...

Only, that is a lie, which, coming from you, is no surprise to me. Rubin has criticized literally every single aspect of the Obama administration, for instance:

Obama s nominees settle it A more radical confrontational term - The Washington Post

Democrats abandon Obama on trade deal - The Washington Post

Being weak leaves us friendless - The Washington Post

Does anyone trust Obama - The Washington Post

Iran inspections don t matter if the Obama administration doesn t call foul - The Washington Post

Obama and Power AWOL on Syria - The Washington Post

Democrats under truth serum - The Washington Post

Obama is again driving a wedge between allies - The Washington Post

Why Israel has to be cynical - The Washington Post

Any more questions before you lie again?
2nd post from the clown faces on this issue. Yeah right, keep believing Jennifer Rubin is a "staunch conservative" that the Washington Post would hire. Ask her about her views on abortion.

Yep, They'll lower themselves to whatever it takes. FOR THEIR PARTY

all heil the Democrat party is their motto

embarrassing and pathetic.

You still have not written one single word as to the actual content of the OP. This proves unequivocally that you are mentally retarded.
Call me when the Dems are ready to rid itself of crackpotism. Hell, the entire leftwing is complete crackpotism.

How utterly laughable.
We can always count on the Tu Quoque Brigade™ to deflect from the issue at hand. God forbid you should do a little navel gazing.
And just from my own perspective, I HOPE that Conservatives DON'T listen to Jen Rubin. I HOPE that they don't heed her warning.

Because the more outer-space kind of stuff they say, the more of an image as the "Party of the Loons" they build, which will not help them in 2016.

I think that Jen Rubin is trying to do her party a favor, but I doubt that many Conservatives will actually listen to her.

I can see why you think that and if you're a democrat, you hope the GOP stays right on the track it is on since they will never be successful nationally cultivating hate the way they do. However, I'm tired of only having one choice nationally.
Call me when the Dems are ready to rid itself of crackpotism. Hell, the entire leftwing is complete crackpotism.

How utterly laughable.

Yeah sure....we're not the ones cringing in fear over Obama's takeover in Texas (and I live in Texas)....we don't pay homage to Conspiracy theories as in this OP....yeah, you're utterly laughable.

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