RWer Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) lambastes the GOP over "crackpots"

some on the left know the right still can't find their lost clue and their lost Cause; simply because they can Only muster infidels, protestants, and renegades to their "gospel Truth" Cause.

holy smokes put down the bottle. :alcoholic::cuckoo:
She is a neoconservative, might as well say more in line with the Democrats and that is the only type that the left can accept.
If you are closer to our ideology you are tolerated.

While real conservatives and libertarians who agree with our freedom from government is nothing but insane and nuts.

The lefts ideology is like borg drones - must destroy any ideology that does not conform to our collective control.
these loser democrat sheep used to use Fox news to insult a Republican. as if they didn't look stupid then

NOW they are taking this Jade Helm and using it as how ALL the Gop is crackpot.

they look even MORE stupid.

OH WELL...majority of us just laughs at them. their crackpots with their sheep's help.

JUST got their Democrat party kicked into minority in congress. but don't tell anyone...because they are: trying to pretend they are: the non-crackpots.
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She took Carson and Huckabee's views out of context on the Supreme Court, yet it was fine when FDR was against the Supreme Court and wanted to pack the court because they ruled 6 of his 8 new deals as unconstitutional.
The GOP really needs to run a pure Tea Party ticket, President and Vice President.

100% purity. Cruz/Palin or Palin/Cruz.

Let's get past this and move on.


and the Democrats need to run Rosanne Barr/Mother Sheehan.
both parties have their nut jobs. the Democrats just has more in my book.
but to post something from some NOBODY from the DNC Compost no less.... because she calls the GOP, crackpots.

it's stupid and desperate

Stupid and desperate is how you rabid nutters ALWAYS rush to change the subject, derail the thread. In so doing, you prove the OP is correct. If you want to talk about Dems or Obama, start a thread. Meanwhile, try addressing the subject of THIS thread.

I would like to know what percentage of the right are the willfully ignorant knee jerkers like post here.

Are there any Conservatives left in the US?

Why are there no true Conservatives running for president?
some on the left know the right still can't find their lost clue and their lost Cause; simply because they can Only muster infidels, protestants, and renegades to their "gospel Truth" Cause.

holy smokes put down the bottle. :alcoholic::cuckoo:
i try to make sure the bottle is only a problem for recreational drug use purposes. it causes me to only have diversions and be full of fallacy while claiming to believe in a "gospel Truth" Cause and wanting to muster with an honest Injeun contingent.
This is the problem with the modern Republican Party, the just wanna' be Democrat Light and go to all the DC Insider Parties. Trade the Presidency every 4-8 years.

Filled with NeoCons. F*ck these people.
She is a neoconservative, might as well say more in line with the Democrats and that is the only type that the left can accept.
If you are closer to our ideology you are tolerated.

While real conservatives and libertarians who agree with our freedom from government is nothing but insane and nuts.

The lefts ideology is like borg drones - must destroy any ideology that does not conform to our collective control.
this is anecdotal evidence of the Right having only cognitive dissonance for their Cause and being willing to practice communism for any social and moral Cause while blaming the left for doing it for health and safety reasons.
We have a dynamic, robust Party with varied opinions; Democrats are more like the Borg Collective

If you want to get an idea of how splintered and fractured the GOP really is, just look at any of their own polls. Not one of their wacko tee potty candidates ever gets more than 10-15% of the "votes".

Come the election, the right will hold their noses in order to vote for one of the wackos and for no other reason that the R behind his name.

That's what we saw in the last two elections. We even saw the RWs here saying the same thing. You all fell madly in love with your Candidate du Jour - until he crashed and burned and then you went on to the next one.
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

Are you saying that after all of these years, you have never heard of Jennifer Rubin?

Fer Chrissakes, she worked for Romney's campaign and supported him.

Are you a Republican or not?

And once again, you demonstrate, by your very own words, why the GOP is sinking itself all on its own, without any help from the Left: your own inability to:

a.) comprehend
b.) discern
c.) exercise self-criticism.

These things will be the Right's undoing in 2016.

Mark my words.

Why is it you guys always find these credible Republicans nobody's heard of before?
We have a dynamic, robust Party with varied opinions; Democrats are more like the Borg Collective
And yet, you absolutely cannot focus on the OP content at all.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

What content? You want us to be like the democrat collective and embrace the candidate we're instructed to support?

No, thanks
The quotes in the OP, for starters. It's called "content" among adults.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
these loser democrat sheep used to use Fox news to insult a Republican. as if they didn't look stupid then

NOW they are taking this Jade Helm and using it as how ALL the Gop is crackpot.

they look even MORE stupid.

OH WELL...majority of us just laughs at them. their crackpots with their sheep's help.

JUST got their Democrat party kicked into minority in congress. but don't tell anyone...because they are: trying to pretend they are: the non-crackpots.

should the left claim to be bakers on a for-profit basis to be able to claim religious forms of liberty in public accommodations?
She is a neoconservative, might as well say more in line with the Democrats and that is the only type that the left can accept.
If you are closer to our ideology you are tolerated.

While real conservatives and libertarians who agree with our freedom from government is nothing but insane and nuts.

The lefts ideology is like borg drones - must destroy any ideology that does not conform to our collective control.
this is anecdotal evidence of the Right having only cognitive dissonance for their Cause and being willing to practice communism for any social and moral Cause while blaming the left for doing it for health and safety reasons.

The Feds need to stay out of the social issues.
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

Are you saying that after all of these years, you have never heard of Jennifer Rubin?

Fer Chrissakes, she worked for Romney's campaign and supported him.

Are you a Republican or not?

And once again, you demonstrate, by your very own words, why the GOP is sinking itself all on its own, without any help from the Left: your own inability to:

a.) comprehend
b.) discern
c.) exercise self-criticism.

These things will be the Right's undoing in 2016.

Mark my words.

Why is it you guys always find these credible Republicans nobody's heard of before?
You have never heard of Jen Rubin? You live under a rock?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
2nd post from the clown faces on this issue. Yeah right, keep believing Jennifer Rubin is a "staunch conservative" that the Washington Post would hire. Ask her about her views on abortion.
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

Are you saying that after all of these years, you have never heard of Jennifer Rubin?

Fer Chrissakes, she worked for Romney's campaign and supported him.

Are you a Republican or not?

And once again, you demonstrate, by your very own words, why the GOP is sinking itself all on its own, without any help from the Left: your own inability to:

a.) comprehend
b.) discern
c.) exercise self-criticism.

These things will be the Right's undoing in 2016.

Mark my words.

Why is it you guys always find these credible Republicans nobody's heard of before?

Do you have any idea how funny that is?

You saying 'nobody has heard of credible Republicans' pretty much says it all.

She is a neoconservative, might as well say more in line with the Democrats and that is the only type that the left can accept.
If you are closer to our ideology you are tolerated.

While real conservatives and libertarians who agree with our freedom from government is nothing but insane and nuts.

The lefts ideology is like borg drones - must destroy any ideology that does not conform to our collective control.
this is anecdotal evidence of the Right having only cognitive dissonance for their Cause and being willing to practice communism for any social and moral Cause while blaming the left for doing it for health and safety reasons.

The Feds need to stay out of the social issues.
sure; let's ditch the drug war.

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