RWer Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) lambastes the GOP over "crackpots"

Another Communist/Progressive Democrat media fraud. Lots of them in the MSM. They pose as Republicans, and then unleash numerous criticisms of the Republican Party. It's been done before. But some still buy into it. Just an old Communist Media trick.

(cues doom music)


They are.
Maybe the reason for the 2014 low voter turnout is because the paranoids were too afraid of the commies under their beds and the Ebola-laden ISIS Honduran kids in their closets to come out from under their blankets.
All these 'Republicans' working for Communist/Progressive Media Outlets and sounding exactly like hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. Gee, how convenient.

Seriously peeps, these people are frauds. She's not anymore a RWer Republican than the Maddcow chick on NBC or the OP are. Hard to believe so many suckers still buying this tired shite.
Call me when the Dems are ready to rid itself of crackpotism. Hell, the entire leftwing is complete crackpotism.

How utterly laughable.

Yeah sure....we're not the ones cringing in fear over Obama's takeover in Texas (and I live in Texas)....we don't pay homage to Conspiracy theories as in this OP....yeah, you're utterly laughable.

No, you're the party that goes to sleep at night mumbling Bush, thinks all the world's ills will be fixed if we just spend and tax more, thinks Jews are the root of all evil and Islamic fundamentalists are misunderstood and the Christians are the real issue.
Where do you get such bullshit. We're just thankful Bush is no longer relevant...and the fact that Jeb gets his foreign policy from him should make it easy to knock Jeb out pretty quick. We don't want the middle-class to be taxed more, unlike most conservative wannabe Presidents, we just want the right wing to quit coddling the 1% - so where you get your misinformation is obvious, Faux News.

And, I don't know any Liberal that hates Jews, in fact Obama is well liked by Israel, just because he didn't fold to that right-wing nuts and Nut-and-yahoo doesn't mean that Obama hates Jews.

Israel Matzav Finally Netanyahu and Obama agree on something

And, Christians are not the real issue, I'm a Christian myself, it is just the extreme whack-a-do Christians that think rape is okay by God and contraceptives are bad, that are making all Christians look bad.

Completely delusional morons most of you..... as for Obama's takeover of Texas... I have no idea what you are babbling about.
Wow! A conservative Governor goes out on a whacky limb, wasting tax-payer money summoning the Texas Guard to oversee the military because some whacko conservatives think that Obama is planning a military take over of Texas and you have no idea what I'm talking about? No wonder your party is so misinformed....most of you are comatose.

Governor Abbott's move is the very essence of not only poor leadership, but destructive leadership. As governor, he is supposed to be the adult, yet by ordering up the State Guard, he's giving credence to the conspiracy fears that have been the DNA of the Tea Party and the Alex Jones mentalities which have plagued the nation throughout the Obama years.

Gov. Greg Abbott Thinks US Military May Try To Take Over Texas Orders Up State Guard - The New Civil Rights Movement

Perhaps they should make an announcement to the citizens first and maybe they remember what happened in 1999.
Is the Army invading Texas
Operation Last Dance began Feb. 8 with an explosive exercise in Kingsville, Texas, near Corpus Christi. Community leaders have come under heavy criticism from residents who were badly frightened when Night Stalkers fired live rounds and set off explosions very close to innocent civilians.

How would you like it if you knew nothing about the military exercizes and they started shooting rounds of ammo in your neighborhood and had military helicopters flying low around your backyard?
All these 'Republicans' working for Communist/Progressive Media Outlets and sounding exactly like hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. Gee, how convenient.

Seriously peeps, these people are frauds. She's not anymore a RWer Republican than the Maddcow chick on NBC or the OP are. Hard to believe so many suckers still buying this tired shite.
Here's my grievance: When these editorialists are asked to enumerate the "crackpot" doctrines in the GOP, they invariably name the ten-or-so doctrines that actually differ meaningfully between the two major US parties. When they're asked why they don't simply vote Democratic, they reply that they can't get on board with the Democratic Party candidate, but if the GOP were to "move a little closer to the center", which is a sure euphemism for "jettison all but possibly one or the doctrines that differentiates the GOP from the Democrats", they could see themselves voting for that sanitized platform.

If ever one of these op eds amounted to "the only thing I don't like about the Republicans is..." and the author limited criticism to 1-2 major doctrines, it would floor me. I've never come across one that ultimately didn't turn out to be a cheap political feint: "Hey, friends! I'm a conservative! I'm one of you! So, my conservative friends, here's how we can gut all of the actual conservatism out of the GOP platform so that mainstream America will vote for it. Who's with me?"
I wonder who can post the most truly conservative (much less pro Republican) piece ever authored in Rubin's WaPo blog.

I have seen a few examples of her work. I kinda doubt she even understands the basic precepts of Conservatism.

She surely doesn't agree with it.
Here's my grievance: When these editorialists are asked to enumerate the "crackpot" doctrines in the GOP, they invariably name the ten-or-so doctrines that actually differ meaningfully between the two major US parties. When they're asked why they don't simply vote Democratic, they reply that they can't get on board with the Democratic Party candidate, but if the GOP were to "move a little closer to the center", which is a sure euphemism for "jettison all but possibly one or the doctrines that differentiates the GOP from the Democrats", they could see themselves voting for that sanitized platform.

If ever one of these op eds amounted to "the only thing I don't like about the Republicans is..." and the author limited criticism to 1-2 major doctrines, it would floor me. I've never come across one that ultimately didn't turn out to be a cheap political feint: "Hey, friends! I'm a conservative! I'm one of you! So, my conservative friends, here's how we can gut all of the actual conservatism out of the GOP platform so that mainstream America will vote for it. Who's with me?"

"Jennifer Rubin" is her pen name.

One of her OTHER a/k/a's is "Jake Starkey."
All these 'Republicans' working for Communist/Progressive Media Outlets and sounding exactly like hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. Gee, how convenient.

Seriously peeps, these people are frauds. She's not anymore a RWer Republican than the Maddcow chick on NBC or the OP are. Hard to believe so many suckers still buying this tired shite.

I know right? A 'RWer Republican' working for a Communist/Progressive Media Outlet sounding exactly like a hateful Communist/Progressive Democrat. That's just so conveniently surprising.

Seriously, you've been duped again. This woman is a fraud.
You had no point -- but even if you could cobble one together (after the fact) there is precious little said in response to your endorsement of Rubin's musings that "proves" anything you claim(ed).[/QUOTE]

Of course, you're stating your OWN opinion....otherwise you'd have to admit that you're an idiot for coming up with THAT conclusion.
I wonder who can post the most truly conservative (much less pro Republican) piece ever authored in Rubin's WaPo blog.

I have seen a few examples of her work. I kinda doubt she even understands the basic precepts of Conservatism.

She surely doesn't agree with it.

She's as much a 'RWer Republican' as that Maddcow chick on NBC and this OP are. Just another Communist/Progressive sham.
All these 'Republicans' working for Communist/Progressive Media Outlets and sounding exactly like hateful Communist/Progressive Democrats. Gee, how convenient.

Seriously peeps, these people are frauds. She's not anymore a RWer Republican than the Maddcow chick on NBC or the OP are. Hard to believe so many suckers still buying this tired shite.

I know right? A 'RWer Republican' working for a Communist/Progressive Media Outlet sounding exactly like a hateful Communist/Progressive Democrat. That's just so conveniently surprising.

Seriously, you've been duped again. This woman is a fraud.
You had no point -- but even if you could cobble one together (after the fact) there is precious little said in response to your endorsement of Rubin's musings that "proves" anything you claim(ed).

Of course, you're stating your OWN opinion....otherwise you'd have to admit that you're an idiot for coming up with THAT conclusion.

And by what laughingly passes for "logic" in your petty shallow universe, natwit9.0, YOU would have to admit that you are a royal douche rag for arguing YOUR baseless opinion in much the same way that you criticize me for asserting an opinion.

damn, you are a stupid worthless piece of crap troll.

Now, here's your chance to redeem yourself, you dripping asshole:

Tell us what statiskalmange's alleged "point" was and then convincingly show us how the "responses" supposedly "prove" his alleged "point."

then fuck yourself up your ass with a rusty rasp.
oh they went to one website and took what ONE person was wondering over these Military exercises that is going to be done in Texas..... and took it and spread it around like it was all THE GOP. That's how low and desperate they are. its patethic

Ahhh, "patethic".

Is that an ethic with a pat on the head, or what?

And once again, you still cannot focus on the actual OP. You poor thing, you.
:laugh: Ha, the ole 'I'm gonna pose as a loyal Republican and then rip the Republican Party every chance i get' scam. Such a shallow lame Democrat trick.

And they wonder why less & less Americans are caring about what Communist/Progressive media outlets like the Washington Post say. Oh well, the 'Dinosaur Liberal Media.' Waddayagunnado, right?

Jennifer Rubin (source)​

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP - The Washington Post

(The blog that she contributes to on WAPO is called "Right Turn". She is a staunch Conservative)

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP

...Republicans have their own problem: They tolerate far too many crackpots.

Dr. Ben Carson joins Mike Huckabee in refusing to accept that Supreme Court decisions, on gay marriage for example, are binding. Pressed by Chris Wallace, Carson insisted that Marbury v. Madison and more than 200 years of history have not settled the issue. “It is an open question. It needs to be discussed.” Actually, it’s not open...

Huckabee has ... hawked “nutritional supplements” as a cure to diabetes. He insisted on Sunday, “One of the elements of the plan was dietary supplements, but it is not the fundamental thing.” (Then why encourage people to buy them?) He declared, “I don’t have to defend everything that I’ve ever done.” So he’s both a constitutional and dietary charlatan. Either one should disqualify him.

Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who cynically chooses to pander to the conspiracy-mongers who turning a military exercise primarily in Texas into a secret plan to impose martial law. Cruz has taken their nonsense as legitimate and made inquiries at the Pentagon. Rich Lowry hit the nail on the head on ABC, calling this “pandering to a vocal minority.”...

...How many times has Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) falsely suggested the National Security Agency is listening to the content of millions of phone calls? Before reversing himself, he also gave support to the anti-vaccine hooey. At what point do voters say, you know, that’s not the mindset or character of someone who we’d want as president?

Responsible conservatives should follow Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. ...

Who is Jennifer Rubin?

Jennifer Rubin journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jennifer Rubin is an American neoconservative columnist and a blogger for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. She also published at Politico, The New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and a variety of other media publications.


For discussion ---

This quoted material begs the question: are Conservatives out there in the real world going to be willing to listen to self-criticism? Once the Jade 15 exercises are completed and people like Ted Cruz are going to look like complete and utter fools for having tried to make this into a nefarious gubbermint plot to enslave Texans and what-not, are Conservatives going to wake up and realize that a number of their candidates are often saying things that are considered absolutely insane by the overwhelming majority of people who are sane?

I accept criticism of Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, etc, because I know that no candidate is a perfect person. Are Conservatives willing to do the same, or are they going to just grumble that somehow, Jen Rubin is not really a Conservative?

I gotta say, from my perspective, the crop of GOP candidates that is forming for 2016 makes the 2012 GOP crop look tame, lily-livered and Liberal in comparison. They make Barry Goldwater look like Lenin. And their 2012 nominee lost decisively against an embattled Democratic president during economic rough times. I see the same conundrum forming for 2016 as formed for 2012: that GOP candidates are tacking so unbelievably hard to the Right in order to feed enough "red-meat" to a crazed ultra-Conservative base, "red-meat" that then turns into a poison-pill for the GOP when the General Election campaign starts up after both nominations are completed. It appears that Jeb Bush recognizes this conundrum, but even before officially getting out of the starting gate, he has put his foot in his mouth about the Iraq War that may very well jettison any hope of him even launching, which I suspect causes Scott Walker to whoop with glee.

So, what do you think of Jen Rubin's words?

Let's see who can actually debate like a real adult on this thread and put his emotions in his side pocket and actually debate the quoted material...

Oh, and nat4900 - thanks for trying this once already. This material DESERVES to be debated.

she is hardly a 'staunch conservative.'

She is a waffling platitude-spewing, left-wing respect seeking bundle of contradictions.

Levin has repeatedly called Rubin out:

* * * * Rubin's smears of Cruz, Lee, Paul, et al and numerous conservative groups, explain her popularity as a guest on MSNBC and a paid hack as a Washington Post blogger. But if you're looking for insight, substance or scholarship, she's incapable of it.
-- Mark Levin Show - The idiotic Jennifer Rubin again

Back in March of 2013 Mark Levin summarized what Rubin is and isn't:

* * * * I'm tired of stand-for-nothing, unprincipled, putative Republicans who've done nothing for conservatism but trash it and misrepresent it, lecturing us from their basements. Jennifer Rubin knows nothing about Russell Kirk or Edmund Burke. She knows nothing about Locke or Montesquieu. She knows nothing of Madison, Jefferson, or Adams. She's your typical big mouth know-nothing RINO who found her way from LA to DC and spews her idiocy in the pages of the Washington Post.
-- Mark Levin Show - Jennifer Rubin is just another idiot

Send up a flare when the alleged "staunch [sic] conservative [sic]" actually authors a blog that addresses the idiocy of the modern American liberal political philosophy. We won't be holding our breath.
I thanked you not because I agree with you, but rather, because you were at least willing to bring additional information to this thread.

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I don't think there is too much chance that your "thank you" was to be deemed agreement. :)

I get what you are saying.

I fundamentally disagree with Rubin as touted in your OP for the same reasons so often aired by Mark Levin.

And I can accept that. Only, Levin is about as far right as you can go, so, well, uhm, ok...
Here's my grievance: When these editorialists are asked to enumerate the "crackpot" doctrines in the GOP, they invariably name the ten-or-so doctrines that actually differ meaningfully between the two major US parties. When they're asked why they don't simply vote Democratic, they reply that they can't get on board with the Democratic Party candidate, but if the GOP were to "move a little closer to the center", which is a sure euphemism for "jettison all but possibly one or the doctrines that differentiates the GOP from the Democrats", they could see themselves voting for that sanitized platform.

If ever one of these op eds amounted to "the only thing I don't like about the Republicans is..." and the author limited criticism to 1-2 major doctrines, it would floor me. I've never come across one that ultimately didn't turn out to be a cheap political feint: "Hey, friends! I'm a conservative! I'm one of you! So, my conservative friends, here's how we can gut all of the actual conservatism out of the GOP platform so that mainstream America will vote for it. Who's with me?"

"Jennifer Rubin" is her pen name.

One of her OTHER a/k/a's is "Jake Starkey."
There's countless more articles just like this. They're ubiquitous. I don't understand the popularity of the "make your party more like the opposition, and people will vote for it" 'constructive criticism from a friend' ploy.

Are there people in this world who fall for that? They agree and voluntarily transform their own party into a clone of the opposition, not realizing they've been had?
Call me when the Dems are ready to rid itself of crackpotism. Hell, the entire leftwing is complete crackpotism.

How utterly laughable.

Yeah sure....we're not the ones cringing in fear over Obama's takeover in Texas (and I live in Texas)....we don't pay homage to Conspiracy theories as in this OP....yeah, you're utterly laughable.

No, you're the party that goes to sleep at night mumbling Bush, thinks all the world's ills will be fixed if we just spend and tax more, thinks Jews are the root of all evil and Islamic fundamentalists are misunderstood and the Christians are the real issue.
Where do you get such bullshit. We're just thankful Bush is no longer relevant...and the fact that Jeb gets his foreign policy from him should make it easy to knock Jeb out pretty quick. We don't want the middle-class to be taxed more, unlike most conservative wannabe Presidents, we just want the right wing to quit coddling the 1% - so where you get your misinformation is obvious, Faux News.

And, I don't know any Liberal that hates Jews, in fact Obama is well liked by Israel, just because he didn't fold to that right-wing nuts and Nut-and-yahoo doesn't mean that Obama hates Jews.

Israel Matzav Finally Netanyahu and Obama agree on something

And, Christians are not the real issue, I'm a Christian myself, it is just the extreme whack-a-do Christians that think rape is okay by God and contraceptives are bad, that are making all Christians look bad.

Completely delusional morons most of you..... as for Obama's takeover of Texas... I have no idea what you are babbling about.
Wow! A conservative Governor goes out on a whacky limb, wasting tax-payer money summoning the Texas Guard to oversee the military because some whacko conservatives think that Obama is planning a military take over of Texas and you have no idea what I'm talking about? No wonder your party is so misinformed....most of you are comatose.

Governor Abbott's move is the very essence of not only poor leadership, but destructive leadership. As governor, he is supposed to be the adult, yet by ordering up the State Guard, he's giving credence to the conspiracy fears that have been the DNA of the Tea Party and the Alex Jones mentalities which have plagued the nation throughout the Obama years.

Gov. Greg Abbott Thinks US Military May Try To Take Over Texas Orders Up State Guard - The New Civil Rights Movement

Perhaps they should make an announcement to the citizens first and maybe they remember what happened in 1999.
Is the Army invading Texas
Operation Last Dance began Feb. 8 with an explosive exercise in Kingsville, Texas, near Corpus Christi. Community leaders have come under heavy criticism from residents who were badly frightened when Night Stalkers fired live rounds and set off explosions very close to innocent civilians.

How would you like it if you knew nothing about the military exercizes and they started shooting rounds of ammo in your neighborhood and had military helicopters flying low around your backyard?

Honestly, Peach, WND?

I thought Republicans were so fond of the Military? You mean to tell me that the Military, which many on this forum claim is Republican, would go along with a conspiracy to attack Texas for a Democratic President? Really? That you believe that is more whacko than the whole "Texas is being taken over by Obama" bs.
Call me when the Dems are ready to rid itself of crackpotism. Hell, the entire leftwing is complete crackpotism.

How utterly laughable.

Yeah sure....we're not the ones cringing in fear over Obama's takeover in Texas (and I live in Texas)....we don't pay homage to Conspiracy theories as in this OP....yeah, you're utterly laughable.

No, you're the party that goes to sleep at night mumbling Bush, thinks all the world's ills will be fixed if we just spend and tax more, thinks Jews are the root of all evil and Islamic fundamentalists are misunderstood and the Christians are the real issue.
Where do you get such bullshit. We're just thankful Bush is no longer relevant...and the fact that Jeb gets his foreign policy from him should make it easy to knock Jeb out pretty quick. We don't want the middle-class to be taxed more, unlike most conservative wannabe Presidents, we just want the right wing to quit coddling the 1% - so where you get your misinformation is obvious, Faux News.

And, I don't know any Liberal that hates Jews, in fact Obama is well liked by Israel, just because he didn't fold to that right-wing nuts and Nut-and-yahoo doesn't mean that Obama hates Jews.

Israel Matzav Finally Netanyahu and Obama agree on something

And, Christians are not the real issue, I'm a Christian myself, it is just the extreme whack-a-do Christians that think rape is okay by God and contraceptives are bad, that are making all Christians look bad.

Completely delusional morons most of you..... as for Obama's takeover of Texas... I have no idea what you are babbling about.
Wow! A conservative Governor goes out on a whacky limb, wasting tax-payer money summoning the Texas Guard to oversee the military because some whacko conservatives think that Obama is planning a military take over of Texas and you have no idea what I'm talking about? No wonder your party is so misinformed....most of you are comatose.

Governor Abbott's move is the very essence of not only poor leadership, but destructive leadership. As governor, he is supposed to be the adult, yet by ordering up the State Guard, he's giving credence to the conspiracy fears that have been the DNA of the Tea Party and the Alex Jones mentalities which have plagued the nation throughout the Obama years.

Gov. Greg Abbott Thinks US Military May Try To Take Over Texas Orders Up State Guard - The New Civil Rights Movement

Perhaps they should make an announcement to the citizens first and maybe they remember what happened in 1999.
Is the Army invading Texas
Operation Last Dance began Feb. 8 with an explosive exercise in Kingsville, Texas, near Corpus Christi. Community leaders have come under heavy criticism from residents who were badly frightened when Night Stalkers fired live rounds and set off explosions very close to innocent civilians.

How would you like it if you knew nothing about the military exercizes and they started shooting rounds of ammo in your neighborhood and had military helicopters flying low around your backyard?

Uhm, they did. MONTHS AGO. And they worked out individual contracts with private landowners willilng to allow some of the exercises to be on their property. None of this has been kept secret.

What, you don't get news where you live?

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