RWNjs Harass A Leech

In this world of pain and turmoil and crazy people why is this woman a target of the self righteous vigilantes I wonder. We have lots in Philly most don't dress as neatly as her, and I often talk to them and occasionally give them a buck or two. No big deal. Who is this woman hurting? The conscience of the holier than thou group? I often hate comparison or analogies that stretch our parameters of justice and common sense but American is full of real thieves and crooks and even evil people, one must wonder why the vigilantes don't change direction and go after those who actually hurt our nation and others? Someone once said he without sin cast the first stone, anyone remember who that was?

How about these guys go after those who pollute the earth harming others, suggest it to them should you ever meet such holy people. That would count for something.
In this world of pain and turmoil and crazy people why is this woman a target of the self righteous vigilantes I wonder. We have lots in Philly most don't dress as neatly as her, and I often talk to them and occasionally give them a buck or two. No big deal. Who is this woman hurting? The conscience of the holier than thou group? I often hate comparison or analogies that stretch our parameters of justice and common sense but American is full of real thieves and crooks and even evil people, one must wonder why the vigilantes don't change direction and go after those who actually hurt our nation and others? Someone once said he without sin cast the first stone, anyone remember who that was?

How about these guys go after those who pollute the earth harming others, suggest it to them should you ever meet such holy people. That would count for something.

Hmmm, she got arrested for throwing a rock at a moving vehicle. So clearly she was trying to harm them. Clearly just another LWNJ who also happens to be violent. Seems to be a pattern with LWNJ's.

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