RWs Hero Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Ah years and years after a thug getting his ass blown away and you cupcakes still can't get over it. Like ANY of you actually give a shit about the little thug bastard.....doubtful. You only care as far as using his death will get you politically.

No actually the thug in this story just walked away free after murdering a boy who havent done anything wrong what so ever...
Ah years and years after a thug getting his ass blown away and you cupcakes still can't get over it. Like ANY of you actually give a shit about the little thug bastard.....doubtful. You only care as far as using his death will get you politically.

No actually the thug in this story just walked away free after murdering a boy who havent done anything wrong what so ever...

murdering a boy who havent done anything wrong what so ever...

Still havent' read the transcript from the trial?

Martin was banging Georges head on a concrete walkway.

assault, battery, possibly with intent to kill.

And who is your witness?

Ahhhhh.... right..... zimmerman......

self explanatory

forensic evidence...

Ya, forensic evidence shows zimmerman got his ass handed over to him... thats for sure...

Yeah, Trayvon showed him, eh?
And who is your witness?

Ahhhhh.... right..... zimmerman......
Like I said previously; forensic evidence and eyewitnesses

And where is your evidence that he was trying to kill poor tiny zimmerman?

Ohhhhh, thats right... because zimmerman said so...

Got it...
The forensic evidence presented at trial. The fact you dodged the question on proving Zimmerman was, as you claimed, harassing Martin tells me you aren't woefully misinformed, so that means you're lying. Correct?

There is no eyewitness. Thats the reason your boy only mentioms forensic evidence in the post you yourself quoted. They looked at zimmermans rightfully beat up face and took his word... just like how you all zimmermam fanboys did...
Well, i counted at least 7 on this thread alone...
You counted wrong, but since I've proven you are a liar already, I will not give you the benefit of the doubt that you are simply mistaken.

Saying Zimmerman is innocent of your false accusations that he was stalking or harassing Martin and saying Martin assaulted Zimmerman first is not making either one a hero. It's simply the facts presented at trial.

IMHO, if you added up the IQs of both those knuckleheads, you'd be lucky to get 180....that's assuming you can add since it's obvious you can't count. ;)

You still havent proved your lie claiming zimmerman was a neighborhood watch ... have some shame please...
No actually the thug in this story just walked away free after murdering a boy who havent done anything wrong what so ever...
No actually the thug in this story just walked away free after murdering a boy who havent done anything wrong what so ever...

murdering a boy who havent done anything wrong what so ever...

Still havent' read the transcript from the trial?

Martin was banging Georges head on a concrete walkway.

assault, battery, possibly with intent to kill.

And who is your witness?

Ahhhhh.... right..... zimmerman......

self explanatory

forensic evidence...

Ya, forensic evidence shows zimmerman got his ass handed over to him... thats for sure...

Yeah, Trayvon showed him, eh?

Try stalking any able bodied man on the street for no reason other than their skin color, and they will show you what you need to see...
Well, i counted at least 7 on this thread alone...
You counted wrong, but since I've proven you are a liar already, I will not give you the benefit of the doubt that you are simply mistaken.

Saying Zimmerman is innocent of your false accusations that he was stalking or harassing Martin and saying Martin assaulted Zimmerman first is not making either one a hero. It's simply the facts presented at trial.

IMHO, if you added up the IQs of both those knuckleheads, you'd be lucky to get 180....that's assuming you can add since it's obvious you can't count. ;)

You still havent proved your lie claiming zimmerman was a neighborhood watch ... have some shame please...

not a lie, show some sense
Ya, forensic evidence shows zimmerman got his ass handed over to him... thats for sure...
Thanks for admitting you were lying before; you know Zimmerman got his ass beat by a punk kid a third his age. I figured you did know it, but couldn't prove it until now.
Try stalking any able bodied man on the street for no reason other than their skin color, and they will show you what you need to see...
And then, if you are in fear of your life as you get your "ass handed over", you can legally pull your concealed weapon and shoot them.

God Bless America!
Still havent' read the transcript from the trial?

Martin was banging Georges head on a concrete walkway.

assault, battery, possibly with intent to kill.

And who is your witness?

Ahhhhh.... right..... zimmerman......

self explanatory

forensic evidence...

Ya, forensic evidence shows zimmerman got his ass handed over to him... thats for sure...

Yeah, Trayvon showed him, eh?

Try stalking any able bodied man on the street for no reason other than their skin color, and they will show you what you need to see...

Try stalking

Try proving "Following someone on the street is called stalking"

Or that it "is legally; harassment ..."

Or run away again.....
Ya, forensic evidence shows zimmerman got his ass handed over to him... thats for sure...
Thanks for admitting you were lying before; you know Zimmerman got his ass beat by a punk kid a third his age. I figured you did know it, but couldn't prove it until now.

Of course he did. I never claimed otherwise. Anybody would beat zimmerman good for what he was doing to that kid... anybody with any street smart i should say.
The dough boys like you tho, wouldnt even know you were stalked before somebody jumped over you...
Try stalking any able bodied man on the street for no reason other than their skin color, and they will show you what you need to see...
And then, if you are in fear of your life as you get your "ass handed over", you can legally pull your concealed weapon and shoot them.

God Bless America!

Yes, the boy was in danger for sure. Somebody suspiciously stalking him, and he defended himself... and he did very good too. beat him up good...
I would have told him; well done son, if he was alive...
Just because he legally defended himself and killed a thug in the process doesn't make him a hero.

There you go... jackpot...
Could you please keep going and enlighten us?
He is somewhat of a icon to you, not?
Or you wish you were in his place so you could shot and kill a teenage boy in his early life because, well, he was black... not?

Keep goin please...

No asswipe...he didn't kill the young thug because he was black.....he shot the thug because the young thug had violently attacked him and was pounding his head against the sidewalk...that is called a felony.....

Good good... keep it coming...
So it is a felony for a 17 year old unarmed kid to get shot and killed by an armed adult...
Very enlightening and educating indeed ...

Wow...are you really this stupid or do you just pretend to be on the internet?

It is a felony for a 17 year old thug to attack a stranger and pound their head against a sidewalk....that is attempted murder...regardless of age.....

Ohhh, this unarmed 17 year old kid attacked and brutally pound this adult males head to the sidewalk... so he just shot and killed the kid... because he couldnt defend himself against a 17 year old kid...

What else did this 17 year old kid did to him?

Zimmerman was and A-hole for not obeying the 911 dispatcher, he followed Trevon and from what was figured out in the case , Trevon most likely circled back and jumped ZImmerman. I dont really blame Trevon for doing that if that was a rough neighborhood, maybe he thought this guy was going to rob him. But neverthe less, the news media put out a photo of martin when he was a little kid to mislead people. Trevon was as big or bigger than Zimmerman except that Zimmerman was maybe fatter, so Zimmerman ended up having to defend himself for his life, all because he disobeyed the dispatcher and tried to play cop.

But get it straight, that doesn't equal 1st degree murder which the prosecution tried to pin on him. He should have been tried and found guilty for manslaughter, a charge that would have stuck. There is no way the jury could have found him guilty of 1st degree with the evidence presented. Unless you want juries to start giving into public opinion, which I kinda think the loons on the left want when it comes to anything to do with RACE.

Because the jury found him innocent of 1st degree murder doesn't mean he was anyone's hero except for deranged nut cases who like it when people die. I hope you can someday figure out that what most people wanted, was just a fair trial in this case and not some kangaroo court
You still havent proved your lie claiming zimmerman was a neighborhood watch ... have some shame please...
You are free to deny my previous posts proving your wrong about stalking and Zimmerman's participation in his neighborhood watch, but others can see it for themselves and know which of us is presenting factual evidence and which is a lying sack of shit.

How about posting your facts about zimmerman being a neighborhood watch?

Ahhh, thats right... you dont have one...
That's it? You've dodged all questions, ignored all evidence and all requests for evidence backing up your wild accusations and opinions just to stand on this point after I answered it twice? Okay. How about this:

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia
On the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, United States, George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school student. Zimmerman, a 28-year-old mixed race Hispanic man,[Note 1]was the neighborhood watch coordinator for the gated community where Martin was temporarily living and where the shooting took place.

Zimmerman Arraignment Set For May
Martin was visiting with his father at his father's girlfriend's home in the gated community and was walking back from a 7-Eleven when he was shot by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, on the night of Feb. 26.

Trayvon Martin shooting death Sanford: Baltimore evangelist to rally in Sanford for justice in Trayvon Martin's fatal shooting
The lifelong Sanford resident was one of nearly 400 people, including many influential local civil-rights leaders and pastors, who packed the Allen Chapel AME Church to call for an arrest in the slaying of the unarmed black teen by a white crime-watch volunteer last month....During an altercation, Zimmerman shot Trayvon. That is not in dispute. The crime-watch volunteer claimed he acted in self-defense, and police have said some evidence supports that claim, though they would not release details.
There you go... jackpot...
Could you please keep going and enlighten us?
He is somewhat of a icon to you, not?
Or you wish you were in his place so you could shot and kill a teenage boy in his early life because, well, he was black... not?

Keep goin please...

No asswipe...he didn't kill the young thug because he was black.....he shot the thug because the young thug had violently attacked him and was pounding his head against the sidewalk...that is called a felony.....

Good good... keep it coming...
So it is a felony for a 17 year old unarmed kid to get shot and killed by an armed adult...
Very enlightening and educating indeed ...

Wow...are you really this stupid or do you just pretend to be on the internet?

It is a felony for a 17 year old thug to attack a stranger and pound their head against a sidewalk....that is attempted murder...regardless of age.....

Ohhh, this unarmed 17 year old kid attacked and brutally pound this adult males head to the sidewalk... so he just shot and killed the kid... because he couldnt defend himself against a 17 year old kid...

What else did this 17 year old kid did to him?

Zimmerman was and A-hole for not obeying the 911 dispatcher, he followed Trevon and from what was figured out in the case , Trevon most likely circled back and jumped ZImmerman. I dont really blame Trevon for doing that if that was a rough neighborhood, maybe he thought this guy was going to rob him. But neverthe less, the news media put out a photo of martin when he was a little kid to mislead people. Trevon was as big or bigger than Zimmerman except that Zimmerman was maybe fatter, so Zimmerman ended up having to defend himself for his life, all because he disobeyed the dispatcher and tried to play cop.

But get it straight, that doesn't equal 1st degree murder which the prosecution tried to pin on him. He should have been tried and found guilty for manslaughter, a charge that would have stuck. There is no way the jury could have found him guilty of 1st degree with the evidence presented. Unless you want juries to start giving into public opinion, which I kinda think the loons on the left want when it comes to anything to do with RACE.

Because the jury found him innocent of 1st degree murder doesn't mean he was anyone's hero except for deranged nut cases who like it when people die. I hope you can someday figure out that what most people wanted, was just a fair trial in this case and not some kangaroo court

Who cares what they charged him with or what he was found guilty or not... the kid is dead...

And for no good reason...

Any human being with empathy could agree to that like you did, rather than bullshitting for pages...
You still havent proved your lie claiming zimmerman was a neighborhood watch ... have some shame please...
You are free to deny my previous posts proving your wrong about stalking and Zimmerman's participation in his neighborhood watch, but others can see it for themselves and know which of us is presenting factual evidence and which is a lying sack of shit.

How about posting your facts about zimmerman being a neighborhood watch?

Ahhh, thats right... you dont have one...
That's it? You've dodged all questions, ignored all evidence and all requests for evidence backing up your wild accusations and opinions just to stand on this point after I answered it twice? Okay. How about this:

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia
On the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, United States, George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school student. Zimmerman, a 28-year-old mixed race Hispanic man,[Note 1]was the neighborhood watch coordinator for the gated community where Martin was temporarily living and where the shooting took place.

Zimmerman Arraignment Set For May
Martin was visiting with his father at his father's girlfriend's home in the gated community and was walking back from a 7-Eleven when he was shot by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, on the night of Feb. 26.

Trayvon Martin shooting death Sanford: Baltimore evangelist to rally in Sanford for justice in Trayvon Martin's fatal shooting
The lifelong Sanford resident was one of nearly 400 people, including many influential local civil-rights leaders and pastors, who packed the Allen Chapel AME Church to call for an arrest in the slaying of the unarmed black teen by a white crime-watch volunteer last month....During an altercation, Zimmerman shot Trayvon. That is not in dispute. The crime-watch volunteer claimed he acted in self-defense, and police have said some evidence supports that claim, though they would not release details.

Yes, we have all seen how you have been miserably trying to defend a thug calling himself the neighborhood watch killing an unarmed kid...
RWs Hero Zimmerman

People continue to make this claim, I have yet to see any evidence that he is anyone's hero. He's an enormous douche to be sure, but I have never heard anyone call him a hero, well, except for people an the left claiming he is a hero to the right...
Zimmerman did what he had to do in a tough situation that only self righteous fagots like you slam him for.

But he is no hero for doing that.

He is a hero because he pisses ass holes like you off so much, lol.
Who cares what they charged him with or what he was found guilty or not... the kid is dead...

And for no good reason....

That little thug is dead because he assaulted a man, you fucking liar.

Piss on Treyvon Martin and his whole thug family.
Who cares what they charged him with or what he was found guilty or not... the kid is dead...

And for no good reason....

That little thug is dead because he assaulted a man, you fucking liar.

Piss on Treyvon Martin and his whole thug family.

Ya, he kicked zimmermans sorry ass pretty good ha...
thats why you zimmerman fanboys are still butt hurt...
Not wanting to see someone get railroaded does not mean you think they are heroic. This is a concept some left wingers have a lot of trouble grasping.
Ya, he kicked zimmermans sorry ass pretty good ha...
thats why you zimmerman fanboys are still butt hurt...
Yeah, Zimmerman walked away, while ape boy is feeding worms, dumbass.

You are gonna be feeding the worms one day too... maybe sooner than you think...
But the difference is; when your sorry ass dies, nobody will give a shit and will dump you in a dumpster... where you belong...

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