RW's want , RW's get

We wanted Nancy Pelosi to call off the false impeachment. We're not getting it without a knock down drag out.

bullshit -

weak ass RW's stall, and wait for election results
Siete sez: "bullshit -"​

Yep. the false impeachment is not being called off, because it, too is "bullshit -"

Stephen Percy "Steve Harris" is a bassist of heavy metal band Iron Maiden.

Congressional Republicans up for reelection got a taste of "public opinion" last night at the baseball game - you can bet your knock down drag out ass they want no part of a knock down drag out impeachment process .....
Seedy sez: "you live in the trump bubble"​

Do I? If you're speaking of President Trump, the truth is in there. Your problem is you're living out so many false narratives in the Democrat Party, there is no bubble, there is no joy, just plans to ensnare some poor Republican into getting badmouthed to death and then blamed for it. The naughty is on you.

your Obama hypocrisy make me want to puke -

I despise communism, whether it's Hillary's "it takes a village" concept of removing children from their families and making them part of Hillary's Village or whether it's Obama pushing communism on this nation while he and his ministers put Constitutional freedoms at risk and the Constitution always on the back burner in his little stove of horrors.

As for your problem, go buy yourself a bottlf of ipecac, because you're going to need it when I'm done with the current Democrat control freaks in Congress who are trying to screw America out of the president we elected with our voting power.
There was no baseball game last night.

sure there was -

instant replay ...... deal with it.
Instant replay is not a live game what you saw was from Sunday night genius. Congratulations on highlighting something the rest of us knew about two days ago your as sharp as a butter knife.

since you dumb shits take so long to figure the difference between deficit/debt game 5 repetition is a crap shoot ---

I’m not the stupid asshole that doesn’t understand that a game being rebroadcast is not the same as playing an actual game. Now get off mommy and daddy’s computer before they discover how stupid you truly are.

OH, OK -

so the booing crowd wasnt really booing because a rebroadcast isnt the same .

these fuckers are trippn' ..................
No they werent boing last night they were booing Sunday night I will explain this so even you can understand it if someone reads one your of your moronic post from today tomorrow they are not reading something you posted on the 30th.
No, YOU shut the f*** up cero. That’s how many working brain cells you obviously have. Basing your analysis on reaction from a bunch of liberals at a baseball game? :laughing0301:
Obviously you don’t pay attention to the real world. The one where all those Dems are getting destroyed at their town halls and told how worthless they are. The people do not want this and when next year comes, those idiots voting for impeachment are done.

meanwhile, inside the trump bubble - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

So you have no argument. As always. Your forfeit is accepted.

why argue with a frog walker like you ?

go rant about Obama or Clinton then cry about how unfair it is to shit on Goldilocks like the rest of the board Russians -


Hey moron, point out where I mentioned Clinton or Obozo. You can’t because it didn’t happen. So now you’re a proven illiterate as well as a liar. You’re 0 for 2 loser. Keep swinging as I laugh at your feeble excuses.

ya see froggieboi, I mentioned RW hypocrisy and you chime in about the comment, so, in fact, you did mention them.

try and keep up dumbass.

You truly are a moron. YOU bring up Clinton and Obozo as you can’t remove your lips from their posteriors, then claim somebody else talked about them when saying they did not and demanding you prove your lie. You are slapped again. Keep trying loser.

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