Ryan 2015 starts with: Repeal Obamacare"

Ryan's budget moderate and sensible. Its a good starting point for a discussion

So naturally Obamoran insults and disparages it immediately.
He's the most partisan asshole in the country. But now he wants bipartisanship .???....lol.

Keep in mind, Obamoran's own budget proposal garnered zero votes in 5 attempts. Npt even Democrats will support his fantasyland budgets. Obviously because he's so f'n "brilliant"

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They're up to maybe 10 million Americans that they would have to take healthcare coverage away from if they repealed the ACA. The Democrats have to run in 2014 with those people at the forefront of their campaigns.

More than half of those people didnt want healthcare coverage anyway. They only got it because it was the law.

Yea, because God knows nobody needs health insurance. I mean we all know that health insurance is only for sick people.

Isn't it grand that we are lucky enough to have you liberal/socialists around to ensure that we all do what is good for us? It seems that the same assholes that cannot run their own lives adequately, want to tell the rest of us how we should live ours.

And no, repealing Obamacare would not require taking health care away from anyone. This is not an all or nothing world.
As for other parts of Ryan's plan, he does believe in cutting federal subsidies to alternative energy sources while continuing federal subsidies to oil and coal and the like.

He also wants to cut farm subsidies and further reform agricultural disaster insurance.

He wants to greatly reduce the Department of Energy's influence.

We should eliminate the Department of Energy. It has no useful function.
We should eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency. Its useful function is over.
We should eliminate the Department of Agriculture and end farm subsidies of all types.
We should eliminate all federal subsidies to all private enterprises.
We should eliminate the Department of Education. It never had a useful function.
We should eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
We should eliminate the Drug Enforcement Administration.
We should eliminate the Department of Health and Human Services.
Ryan's budget moderate and sensible. Its a good starting point for a discussion

So naturally Obamoram insults and disparages it immediately.
He's the most partisan asshole in the country. But now he wants bipartisanship .???....lol.

Keep in mind, Obamoran's own budget proposal garnered zero votes in 5 attempts. Npt even Democrats will support his fantasyland budgets. Obviously because he's so f'n "brilliant"

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It was useful to start discussion 4 years ago. Why he hasn't improved is the question. It STILL keeps tax benefits for stuff like coal and focuses on removing social benfits for old people and students.

The fact that he's still trotting out this dead horse makes me question his sincerity on fiscal terms and show possibly he is simply another social issue loser the gop has to trot out it's dead horse.
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Most "infrastructure" spending is done on the state and local levels.
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Most "infrastructure" spending is done on the state and local levels.

he has to be a programmed robot
nobody can be that dumb not to know how our government works
I am going to pare down my previous long post to the relevant part which exposes the ignorance of edthecynic's post:

He also wants to ensure insurance companies don't boot sicker seniors:

Moreover, it would set up a carefully monitored exchange for Medicare plans. Health plans that chose to participate in the Medicare Exchange would agree to offer insurance to all Medicare beneficiaries, to avoid cherry-picking, and to ensure that Medicare’s sickest and highest-cost beneficiaries receive coverage.


If an insurance company does not cover the sickest and highest-cost beneficiaries, they don't get to participate in the Medicare exchange.
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Ryan's budget moderate and sensible. Its a good starting point for a discussion

So naturally Obamoram insults and disparages it immediately.
He's the most partisan asshole in the country. But now he wants bipartisanship .???....lol.

Keep in mind, Obamoran's own budget proposal garnered zero votes in 5 attempts. Npt even Democrats will support his fantasyland budgets. Obviously because he's so f'n "brilliant"

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It was useful to start discussion 4 years ago. Why he hasn't improved is the question. It STILL keeps tax benefits for stuff like coal and focuses on removing social benfits for old people and students.

The fact that he's still trotting out this dead horse makes me question his sincerity on fiscal terms and show possibly he is simply another social issue loser the gop has to trot out it's dead horse.
It's hard to have a serious dialogue when the POTUS, the leader of the Democrat party, calls the proposal "a stinkburger". Why bother to be bipartisan? Republicans need to win elections, then say FUCK YOU WE WON. Like Obama.

it's a 2 way street. Just wait until the PPACA is repealed using a simple majority via reconcilliation......:eek:
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Most "infrastructure" spending is done on the state and local levels.

That in no way means federal funding is insignificant.

The United States’ surface transportation infrastructure is funded through a combination of federal, state and local revenue. This revenue is primarily collected through transportation user fees, including state and federal taxes on fuel purchases. Federal fuel taxes on gasoline and diesel make up about 90 percent of revenue for the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), the primary fund for federal investment in surface transportation infrastructure.

Issue Brief: Federal Funding for U.S. Transit and Roadway Infrastructure | Environmental and Energy Study Institute

On January 17th, the President signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. The bill funds much of the federal government for fiscal year 2014 activities, including a $600 million authorization for National Infrastructure Investments, referred to by DOT as TIGER Discretionary Grants.

TIGER Discretionary Grants | Department of Transportation

Do you believe the states could make up that kind of shortfall if the federal government cut back?
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Medicare has already been screwed with, obozo took 400 billion out of it to partially fund the disaster known as obamacare.

Think Matt, where does the money for infrastructure projects come from? Do you think the govt has some secret stash that has an unlimited amount just sitting there?

if you want more spent on infrastructure, and I agree with you on that, then less needs to be spent on something else.

What would you cut? let me guess-----defence, right? At a time when Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, al qaeda, hezbollah, and hamas are all building up and all hating the USA----------do you really think we should reduce our military capability?
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Medicare has already been screwed with, obozo took 400 billion out of it to partially fund the disaster known as obamacare.

Think Matt, where does the money for infrastructure projects come from? Do you think the govt has some secret stash that has an unlimited amount just sitting there?

if you want more spent on infrastructure, and I agree with you on that, then less needs to be spent on something else.

What would you cut? let me guess-----defence, right? At a time when Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, al qaeda, hezbollah, and hamas are all building up and all hating the USA----------do you really think we should reduce our military capability?

Our Defense spending, even when adjusted for inflation, is at a level not seen since World War II.

We are not in a World War.

It is higher than when we had an actual existential threat during the Cold War. It is higher than at even the hottest points of the Cold War.

There is no justification for this.
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Most "infrastructure" spending is done on the state and local levels.

not really, look at the signs around any highway project--------they usually say something like " funded by $20 million in state and county funds and $100 million in federal funds"
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Medicare has already been screwed with, obozo took 400 billion out of it to partially fund the disaster known as obamacare.

Think Matt, where does the money for infrastructure projects come from? Do you think the govt has some secret stash that has an unlimited amount just sitting there?

if you want more spent on infrastructure, and I agree with you on that, then less needs to be spent on something else.

What would you cut? let me guess-----defence, right? At a time when Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, al qaeda, hezbollah, and hamas are all building up and all hating the USA----------do you really think we should reduce our military capability?

Our Defense spending, even when adjusted for inflation, is at a level not seen since World War II.

We are not in a World War.

It is higher than when we had an actual existential threat during the Cold War. It is higher than at even the hottest points of the Cold War.

There is no justification for this.

There are more threats now than there were then, and military hardware costs have exceeded inflation due to improvements in technology etc.

But I would like to see us close every base in every foreign country unless the host country agreed to pay 100% of the cost. The savings should be given to the Coast Guard and the border patrol.
1. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70 and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living decades longer than our ancestors who established Social Security, we should be working longer than they did.

2. Ban all tax expenditures, and I mean all. That means no mortgage interest deduction (watch the faux righties fall out and scream like hippies at this point), no employer-sponsored health insurance tax exemption. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. You can't bribe a politician to give you a carve-out if he does not have the power to do so. This will also enable us to lower everyone's tax rates, AND pay down the federal debt. Once the debt is paid off, we can lower tax rates even more.

3. Make buying health insurance the same process as buying auto, life, or home insurance.

4. Cut Defense spending. Adjusted for inflation, we are spending far more than we spent during even the hottest moments of the Cold War when we faced an actual existential threat. There is no excuse for this.

5. Return power to the states, perhaps beginning with a repeal of the 17th amendment. Again, there is no point in bribing a federal politician if he doesn't have the power to give you what you want. And it is a lot harder to capture 50 state regulatory bodies than it is to capture one federal one. It is a lot harder to capture 50 state legislatures than it is to capture one Congress.

Notice I not only balanced the budget, I created an astronomical surplus and cut tax rates. Without threatening a single food stamp or Obamaphone. :D
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Medicare has already been screwed with, obozo took 400 billion out of it to partially fund the disaster known as obamacare.

Think Matt, where does the money for infrastructure projects come from? Do you think the govt has some secret stash that has an unlimited amount just sitting there?

if you want more spent on infrastructure, and I agree with you on that, then less needs to be spent on something else.

What would you cut? let me guess-----defence, right? At a time when Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, al qaeda, hezbollah, and hamas are all building up and all hating the USA----------do you really think we should reduce our military capability?

Yes we should. We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. If we would stop sticking our nose in everyone's business they wouldn't all hate us. Not our job to police the world. Can't afford it.
Medicare has already been screwed with, obozo took 400 billion out of it to partially fund the disaster known as obamacare.

Think Matt, where does the money for infrastructure projects come from? Do you think the govt has some secret stash that has an unlimited amount just sitting there?

if you want more spent on infrastructure, and I agree with you on that, then less needs to be spent on something else.

What would you cut? let me guess-----defence, right? At a time when Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, al qaeda, hezbollah, and hamas are all building up and all hating the USA----------do you really think we should reduce our military capability?

Our Defense spending, even when adjusted for inflation, is at a level not seen since World War II.

We are not in a World War.

It is higher than when we had an actual existential threat during the Cold War. It is higher than at even the hottest points of the Cold War.

There is no justification for this.

There are more threats now than there were then

Nope. Not even close. And I say that with some authority as a retired military veteran. Hostilities around the world are considerably diminished from 50 years ago.

, and military hardware costs have exceeded inflation due to improvements in technology etc.

That is a valid point. But there has also been a radical change in the way the technology is implemented. Less and less training is given to the troops to maintain and operate their gear, and more and more is given over to very expensive contractors.

But I would like to see us close every base in every foreign country unless the host country agreed to pay 100% of the cost. The savings should be given to the Coast Guard and the border patrol.

I'm totally with you on this one. We are funding and providing the defense for a lot of countries. This is a form of welfare which has created an unhealthy dependency.
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1. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70 and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living decades longer than our ancestors who established Social Security, we should be working longer than they did.

2. Ban all tax expenditures, and I mean all. That means no mortgage interest deduction (watch the faux righties fall out and scream like hippies at this point), no employer-sponsored health insurance tax exemption. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. You can't bribe a politician to give you a carve-out if he does not have the power to do so. This will also enable us to lower everyone's tax rates, AND pay down the federal debt. Once the debt is paid off, we can lower tax rates even more.

3. Make buying health insurance the same process as buying auto, life, or home insurance.

4. Cut Defense spending. Adjusted for inflation, we are spending far more than we spent during even the hottest moments of the Cold War when we faced an actual existential threat. There is no excuse for this.

5. Return power to the states, perhaps beginning with a repeal of the 17th amendment. Again, there is no point in bribing a federal politician if he doesn't have the power to give you what you want. And it is a lot harder to capture 50 state regulatory bodies than it is to capture one federal one. It is a lot harder to capture 50 state legislatures than it is to capture one Congress.

Notice I not only balanced the budget, I created an astronomical surplus and cut tax rates. Without threatening a single food stamp or Obamaphone. :D

I am with you on most of that, on 2. I think you meant tax deductions.

the mortgage deduction exists to encourage home ownership. without it we might have a majority of renters and a lot of rich landlords--do you think that would be good?

raising the SS age is fine but we should keep the option to retire at 62 at a reduced monthly payment, medicare should stay at 65.

I would also add that the SS tax should be collected on all income of all kinds, not just the first 106K of earned income.
Harvard’s Steven Pinker has collected war data in his superb book “The Better Angels of Our Nature.” In a more recent essay, he points out that “after a 600-year stretch in which Western European countries started two new wars a year, they have not started one since 1945. Nor have the 40 or so richest nations anywhere in the world engaged each other in armed conflict.” Colonial wars, a routine feature of international life for thousands of years, are extinct. Wars between countries — not just major powers, not just in Europe — have also dropped dramatically, by more than 50 percent over the past three decades. Scholars at the University of Maryland have found that the past decade has seen the lowest number of new conflicts since World War II.

Fareed?s Take ? Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs
It's just dumb...

Reducing infrastructure at a time it is all ready as low as it has been in 2 decades = asking for trouble.
Screwing with medicare is just asking for trouble,

This isn't moderate but down right retarded.

Medicare has already been screwed with, obozo took 400 billion out of it to partially fund the disaster known as obamacare.

Think Matt, where does the money for infrastructure projects come from? Do you think the govt has some secret stash that has an unlimited amount just sitting there?

if you want more spent on infrastructure, and I agree with you on that, then less needs to be spent on something else.

What would you cut? let me guess-----defence, right? At a time when Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, al qaeda, hezbollah, and hamas are all building up and all hating the USA----------do you really think we should reduce our military capability?

Yes we should. We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. If we would stop sticking our nose in everyone's business they wouldn't all hate us. Not our job to police the world. Can't afford it.

I agree, we are not the world's police force or its morals enforcer. We need to stay out of other countries business unless they pose a direct threat to this country.

What we don't need is what obama is doing, cutting the military across the board and retaining our police role.

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