Ryan 2015 starts with: Repeal Obamacare"

Unless, of course, you are "Liberals" like Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II. Then deficits don't matter.

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

You see, I'm not a partisan hack like you. You'll be hard pressed to find me defending overspending by politicians of either party. Glad to see you've given up the low information voter side of things and now support fiscal responsibility. Welcome.

You're the cut, slash and burn tea partier that wishes to end the epa, nws, nhc, cdc, nasa, on down the list. The fact that you can't see the difference between useless welfare and organizions that better our country makes you a hack. Live with it or consider thinking about why the slashing is so stupid.

As I told your circle jerk partner Ed, I'm not tea party. What I am is responsible. I don't spend more than I make......no matter how badly I want or think I need something. I believe the government should do the same. Personal responsibility, give it a try. You'll like it more than you think.
Unless, of course, you are "Liberals" like Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II. Then deficits don't matter.

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

You see, I'm not a partisan hack like you. You'll be hard pressed to find me defending overspending by politicians of either party. Glad to see you've given up the low information voter side of things and now support fiscal responsibility. Welcome.

You're the cut, slash and burn tea partier that wishes to end the epa, nws, nhc, cdc, nasa, on down the list. The fact that you can't see the difference between useless welfare and organizions that better our country makes you a hack. Live with it or consider thinking about why the slashing is so stupid.

And YOU are the moron who doesn't know what he stands for. Bridges? Give em to me. Blacks? Animals.

That is your posting history, own it
You see, I'm not a partisan hack like you. You'll be hard pressed to find me defending overspending by politicians of either party. Glad to see you've given up the low information voter side of things and now support fiscal responsibility. Welcome.

You're the cut, slash and burn tea partier that wishes to end the epa, nws, nhc, cdc, nasa, on down the list. The fact that you can't see the difference between useless welfare and organizions that better our country makes you a hack. Live with it or consider thinking about why the slashing is so stupid.

As I told your circle jerk partner Ed, I'm not tea party. What I am is responsible. I don't spend more than I make......no matter how badly I want or think I need something. I believe the government should do the same. Personal responsibility, give it a try. You'll like it more than you think.

No he won't. He's a liberal retard who changes his political spectrum every other thread.
You see, I'm not a partisan hack like you. You'll be hard pressed to find me defending overspending by politicians of either party. Glad to see you've given up the low information voter side of things and now support fiscal responsibility. Welcome.

You're the cut, slash and burn tea partier that wishes to end the epa, nws, nhc, cdc, nasa, on down the list. The fact that you can't see the difference between useless welfare and organizions that better our country makes you a hack. Live with it or consider thinking about why the slashing is so stupid.

And YOU are the moron who doesn't know what he stands for. Bridges? Give em to me. Blacks? Animals.

That is your posting history, own it

When did I ever say that all blacks were animals? I said that blacks would do violent crimes against their follow man were. Certainly, I did describe blacks that supported violence as a community as idiotic. Why won't assholes like you own your silent support of said monsters. :mad:
Recommended Ryan 2015 Budget

1. Repeal Obmacare
2. Slash taxes on the wealthy
3. Make the poor pay their "fair share" in taxes
4. Slash Medicare
5. Ban Gay Marriage
6. Ban abortion
7. End Tuition subsidies
8. Repeal Obamacare some more
9. Drop capital gains taxes to 0
10. Reduce Social Security

Claim $5 Trillion in savings

This is why most people get over Randianism before they leave college. Lyin ' Ryan OTOH...
You're the cut, slash and burn tea partier that wishes to end the epa, nws, nhc, cdc, nasa, on down the list. The fact that you can't see the difference between useless welfare and organizions that better our country makes you a hack. Live with it or consider thinking about why the slashing is so stupid.

And YOU are the moron who doesn't know what he stands for. Bridges? Give em to me. Blacks? Animals.

That is your posting history, own it

When did I ever say that all blacks were animals? I said that blacks would do violent crimes against their follow man were. Certainly, I did describe blacks that supported violence as a community as idiotic. Why won't assholes like you own your silent support of said monsters. :mad:

Thanks for proving my point you racist liberal douchebag
You see, I'm not a partisan hack like you. You'll be hard pressed to find me defending overspending by politicians of either party. Glad to see you've given up the low information voter side of things and now support fiscal responsibility. Welcome.

You're the cut, slash and burn tea partier that wishes to end the epa, nws, nhc, cdc, nasa, on down the list. The fact that you can't see the difference between useless welfare and organizions that better our country makes you a hack. Live with it or consider thinking about why the slashing is so stupid.

As I told your circle jerk partner Ed, I'm not tea party. What I am is responsible. I don't spend more than I make......no matter how badly I want or think I need something. I believe the government should do the same. Personal responsibility, give it a try. You'll like it more than you think.
Hilarious, the hater dupes are almost inpossible to pin down lol. They're not TP, they're Libertarian or classical liberals lol, don't listen to Rush, only Beck lol etc etc etc.

BREAKING: It's ALL the same ignorant BS propaganda for the chumps of the greedy idiot racist mega rich Pubs...
Ryan is a dick

He puts out an annual budget that appeals to his base and has no hope of passing.
In a statement, White House press secretary Jay Carney said the budget would "slow the economy, stack the deck against the middle class, and threaten the guaranteed benefits seniors have paid for and earned."

This is yet another example of reckless, irresponsible governance on the part of republicans, who adhere blindly to failed conservative fiscal dogma. Once the economy is fully recovered, and Americans back to work, then and only then should Congress consider plans to balance the budget.

A NBC/WSJ poll released last month found that 69 percent of voters say they are less likely to vote for a candidate who supports reductions in Medicare and Social Security benefits to address the budget deficit -- the worst candidate quality in the poll.
And understandably so, the American people are intelligent and sophisticated enough to know that the budget can’t be balanced on the backs of working Americans, disabled Americans, children, retired Americans, and the poor.
They're up to maybe 10 million Americans that they would have to take healthcare coverage away from if they repealed the ACA. The Democrats have to run in 2014 with those people at the forefront of their campaigns.

More than half of those people didnt want healthcare coverage anyway. They only got it because it was the law.

Yea, because God knows nobody needs health insurance. I mean we all know that health insurance is only for sick people.

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