Ryan 2015 starts with: Repeal Obamacare"

Recommended Ryan 2015 Budget

1. Repeal Obmacare
2. Slash taxes on the wealthy
3. Make the poor pay their "fair share" in taxes
4. Slash Medicare
5. Ban Gay Marriage
6. Ban abortion
7. End Tuition subsidies
8. Repeal Obamacare some more
9. Drop capital gains taxes to 0
10. Reduce Social Security

Claim $5 Trillion in savings

1. Why won't they point out the areas to be fixed and work with the democrats to fix it?
2. The wealthy are paying to little.
3. Some poor can't afford to even eat. How about for people making enough to eat first???
4. Kick granny off the cliff!
5. Dumb.
6. Well, maybe later term.
7. Education is important to the health of the nation.
8. lol
9. Dropping it a little makes some sense. Dropping it to 0 is just plain dumb!
10. Yep, kick granny off the cliff!
Recommended Ryan 2015 Budget

1. Repeal Obmacare
2. Slash taxes on the wealthy
3. Make the poor pay their "fair share" in taxes
4. Slash Medicare
5. Ban Gay Marriage
6. Ban abortion
7. End Tuition subsidies
8. Repeal Obamacare some more
9. Drop capital gains taxes to 0
10. Reduce Social Security

Claim $5 Trillion in savings

1. Why won't they point out the areas to be fixed and work with the democrats to fix it?
2. The wealthy are paying to little.
3. Some poor can't afford to even eat. How about for people making enough to eat first???
4. Kick granny off the cliff!
5. Dumb.
6. Well, maybe later term.
7. Education is important to the health of the nation.
8. lol
9. Dropping it a little makes some sense. Dropping it to 0 is just plain dumb!
10. Yep, kick granny off the cliff!

You are an idiot.

Buried inside a Congressional Budget Office report this week was this nugget: when it comes to individual income taxes, the top 40 percent of wage earners in America pay 106 percent of the taxes. The bottom 40 percent...pay negative 9 percent.
Recommended Ryan 2015 Budget

1. Repeal Obmacare
2. Slash taxes on the wealthy
3. Make the poor pay their "fair share" in taxes
4. Slash Medicare
5. Ban Gay Marriage
6. Ban abortion
7. End Tuition subsidies
8. Repeal Obamacare some more
9. Drop capital gains taxes to 0
10. Reduce Social Security

Claim $5 Trillion in savings

1. Why won't they point out the areas to be fixed and work with the democrats to fix it?
2. The wealthy are paying to little.
3. Some poor can't afford to even eat. How about for people making enough to eat first???
4. Kick granny off the cliff!
5. Dumb.
6. Well, maybe later term.
7. Education is important to the health of the nation.
8. lol
9. Dropping it a little makes some sense. Dropping it to 0 is just plain dumb!
10. Yep, kick granny off the cliff!

You are an idiot.

Buried inside a Congressional Budget Office report this week was this nugget: when it comes to individual income taxes, the top 40 percent of wage earners in America pay 106 percent of the taxes. The bottom 40 percent...pay negative 9 percent.

Well, idiot,

The rich make a far larger percentage of the wealth then they pay. Do you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about as they make many hundreds of times more then the avg joe on the street. Nobility supporter!

On the other hand I am not against dropping the corporate to 22-25% to make it more fair for our businesses.
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I'm not sure about Ryan, but in general the gop rhyme on taxes on "the rich" fails to ring "true" because while their share of overall fed income taxes paid has risen, while middle class and the working poor has fallen is TRUE, that in itself is at best irrelevant, and can be seen as sophistry in not looking at all the picture. All this began with reaganomics. But the middle class has seen little to no real income gains, despite productivity of the tech revolution, while the upper levels of income (largely capital) have seen exponential gains. Further, payroll, sales, property taxes are all less progressive, and the result is the upper earners have seen a decreased % of their income going to those, as well as income tax.

All of which is generally meaningless and leads to class "warfare," but which has to be honestly faced rather than just saying "the rich are paying more."

the further we follow reaganomics the more those trends will continue to diverge. Admit it, live with it, and budget accordingly. If you're talking about cutting education, count me out.
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1. Why won't they point out the areas to be fixed and work with the democrats to fix it?
2. The wealthy are paying to little.
3. Some poor can't afford to even eat. How about for people making enough to eat first???
4. Kick granny off the cliff!
5. Dumb.
6. Well, maybe later term.
7. Education is important to the health of the nation.
8. lol
9. Dropping it a little makes some sense. Dropping it to 0 is just plain dumb!
10. Yep, kick granny off the cliff!

You are an idiot.

Buried inside a Congressional Budget Office report this week was this nugget: when it comes to individual income taxes, the top 40 percent of wage earners in America pay 106 percent of the taxes. The bottom 40 percent...pay negative 9 percent.

Well, idiot,

The rich make a far larger percentage of the wealth then they pay. Do you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about as they make many hundreds of times more then the avg joe on the street. Nobility supporter!

On the other hand I am not against dropping the corporate to 22-25% to make it more fair for our businesses.

Have you ever gotten a job from a poor man?

You stupid fuck!!
When they're paying 8-12% taxes they're paying less per dollar compared to the middle class.

There is no doubt as to that as a trend. So, if there's no data to show that cuts or hikes to the top 10% have caused growth, or loss, to gnp since 1988, why cut marginal rates?

I mean, logically, what will be the effect? We know the top incomes will grow faster than the rest ... unless we do something radical like go back to a top marginal rate of 50% or more, and no one proposes that. We know that absent a recession, the total dollar figure paid by the top 10% or so will continue to rise. So, if we cut them, we have less revenue than we otherwise would .... assuming we just left them where they are. So, cutting them will result in .... anyone .... anyone .... anyone ...... Less revenue than we'd have if we did nothing.

What does less revenue mean .... anyone, anyone, anyone ...... cutting entitlements or more debt!

If the bastard Ryan could just leave the revenue alone and cut entitlements not aimed at paying old people or getting young people better jobs .... the gop would be in a happy place.
Recommended Ryan 2015 Budget

1. Repeal Obmacare
2. Slash taxes on the wealthy
3. Make the poor pay their "fair share" in taxes
4. Slash Medicare
5. Ban Gay Marriage
6. Ban abortion
7. End Tuition subsidies
8. Repeal Obamacare some more
9. Drop capital gains taxes to 0
10. Reduce Social Security

Claim $5 Trillion in savings

Don't forget, more huge tax cuts for the wealthy "job creators" so they can finally start creating jobs.

WHO would be dumb enough to vote for this shit?

Correction, who would be dumb enough NOT to vote for this?

Answer: Obamabots.
You are in favor of the items on that list?!? You are in favor of reducing Social Security? Why? Are those elderly folks living too high on the hog to suit you? You would be in favor of reducing tuition subsidies? Why? Do you think that the cost of higher education is too low? Would you prefer a nation of folks without the benefit of higher education?

Would you like to see the Capital Gains tax eliminated? Are those who do not earn a wage more valuable than those who do? Would you balance the budget on the backs of the poor while you let those who can afford it skip away with lower taxes?

And why ban Gay Marriage? Have any same sex weddings adversely effected your marriage?

Those proposals make for a losing platform for any candidate. Republicans: the Party with the Fringe on the Top.
You are an idiot.

Buried inside a Congressional Budget Office report this week was this nugget: when it comes to individual income taxes, the top 40 percent of wage earners in America pay 106 percent of the taxes. The bottom 40 percent...pay negative 9 percent.

Well, idiot,

The rich make a far larger percentage of the wealth then they pay. Do you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about as they make many hundreds of times more then the avg joe on the street. Nobility supporter!

On the other hand I am not against dropping the corporate to 22-25% to make it more fair for our businesses.

Have you ever gotten a job from a poor man?

You stupid fuck!!
Every person I ever worked for told me THEY were POOR!
Well, idiot,

The rich make a far larger percentage of the wealth then they pay. Do you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about as they make many hundreds of times more then the avg joe on the street. Nobility supporter!

On the other hand I am not against dropping the corporate to 22-25% to make it more fair for our businesses.

Have you ever gotten a job from a poor man?

You stupid fuck!!
Every person I ever worked for told me THEY were POOR!

Why do you work for liars?
How does the money the wealthy have sequestered in off shore accounts benefit our economy? If the rich are such great job creators, why haven't they created jobs? They are richer than ever. The control more of the capital than everyone else. Why aren't they creating jobs? What's with the Conservative obsession with sheltering the rich? What have they done for us lately?
How does the money the wealthy have sequestered in off shore accounts benefit our economy? If the rich are such great job creators, why haven't they created jobs? They are richer than ever. The control more of the capital than everyone else. Why aren't they creating jobs? What's with the Conservative obsession with sheltering the rich? What have they done for us lately?

Look at history and you will always find "conservatives" fighting for the nobility. :eusa_boohoo: The poor always gets the shitty hand.
Repeal ACA?

I am beginning to think that republicans WANT to lose elections. It is possible. The casinos already know that addictive gamblers actually want, and expect to lose. All you have to do is go to a Vegas airport, and watch some guy's frustration that his flight is called before he has lost all his quarters.

There must be some up side to losing elections that we democrats have not yet discovered. Maybe it is a deep seated desire to be able to blame the other party for everything that is not right.
I'm not sure about Ryan, but in general the gop rhyme on taxes on "the rich" fails to ring "true" because while their share of overall fed income taxes paid has risen, while middle class and the working poor has fallen is TRUE, that in itself is at best irrelevant, and can be seen as sophistry in not looking at all the picture. All this began with reaganomics. But the middle class has seen little to no real income gains, despite productivity of the tech revolution, while the upper levels of income (largely capital) have seen exponential gains. Further, payroll, sales, property taxes are all less progressive, and the result is the upper earners have seen a decreased % of their income going to those, as well as income tax.

All of which is generally meaningless and leads to class "warfare," but which has to be honestly faced rather than just saying "the rich are paying more."

the further we follow reaganomics the more those trends will continue to diverge. Admit it, live with it, and budget accordingly. If you're talking about cutting education, count me out.

There are so many misconceptions out there that it is hard to know where to start.

First, productivity gains are rarely the product of labor. They are the result of mechanization and innovation that replaces or aids labor. Why do you believe that labor deserves some or all of productivity gains?

Second, very few of the rich are the ultra-rich, and taxes fall heaviest on those who are just getting rich. The ultra-rich can shield their income from taxation while those who are getting rich cannot. Those who are getting rich are the bulk of the job creators, and it is not the brightest idea to hamper them any more than they are currently being happered by taxes and regulations.

Rich people buy big houses, big cars, yachts, sailboats, airplanes, and vacation homes. Building these homes, cars, boat, and airplanes puts a lot of people to work. Maintaining them puts a lot more people to work. One hell of a lot of Americans owe their jobs to the business of catering to rich people and their toys.
Rinse and repeat

NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News

Republican House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan is unveiling his 2015 budget, a 100-page document that would cut spending by $5.1 trillion over the next ten years and spur dramatic changes to social programs.

The plan, which Ryan says would balance the budget over the course of the decade, would repeal the Affordable Care Act, restructure entitlement programs and reshape food stamp programs into block grants

are these cuts across the board or just for areas that he disapproves of?
Don't forget, more huge tax cuts for the wealthy "job creators" so they can finally start creating jobs.

WHO would be dumb enough to vote for this shit?

Correction, who would be dumb enough NOT to vote for this?

Answer: Obamabots.
You are in favor of the items on that list?!? You are in favor of reducing Social Security? Why? Are those elderly folks living too high on the hog to suit you? You would be in favor of reducing tuition subsidies? Why? Do you think that the cost of higher education is too low? Would you prefer a nation of folks without the benefit of higher education?

Would you like to see the Capital Gains tax eliminated? Are those who do not earn a wage more valuable than those who do? Would you balance the budget on the backs of the poor while you let those who can afford it skip away with lower taxes?

And why ban Gay Marriage? Have any same sex weddings adversely effected your marriage?

Those proposals make for a losing platform for any candidate. Republicans: the Party with the Fringe on the Top.

I never said I was in favor of the items on the list.

Reducing Social Security? I think means testing and maybe raising the retirement age would be a good start.

Healthcare cost is what's hurting the elderly. That could be reined in using free market solutions. Obamacare hurts them worse.

I favor abolishing tuition subsidies. Why? We can't afford it.

No I don't think the cost of higher education is too low.

Why would I want to prefer a nation without the benefit of higher education?

Capital gains tax: Not eliminated but maybe reduced. With the stock market reeling it would be a perfect time to make cuts in capital gain taxes. IMO

"Are those who do not earn a wage more valuable than those who do?"

Define valuable? If you mean more valuable to society as a whole, I would say yes.

"Would you balance the budget on the backs of the poor while you let those who can afford it skip away with lower taxes?"


Marriage should be up to the states and not the federal government.

How would a homosexual marriage affect my marriage?

Those proposals aren't from a Republican. They're from some liberal moron who thinks they know what the Republicans want.
What's weird is the nobility needs infrastructure as much as anyone. They know damn well a private corp couldn't do it without charging them out the ass either for it.

The current system is the best of both worlds...I guess they're just short sighted!

Short sighted is taking from the gas taxes, which are supposed to build and repair roads and bridges, and using those funds to build rail and subway systems in big cities in the East. Those funds are also used to subsidize the riders of these rail and subway systems. Have you received any subsidies for riding in your automobile?

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