Ryan Declares GOP Will 'Touch' 'The 3rd Rail' in 2018


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ryan: You'd better believe we'll take on entitlement spending in 2018 - Hot Air

"Ryan promised this morning that Congress would tackle that in the new year by delivering on entitlement reform."

Yup, GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryan declared 'this morning' that the GOP WILL take on Entitlement Reform in 2018.

"You’d better believe that Paul Ryan is either fooling us … or more likely, fooling himself. Republican leadership took a lot of heat over its deficit spending in the tax bill, adding at least $1.4 trillion to the national debt over the next ten years, although that’s from a baseline left by Barack Obama budgets that already had planned to add $45 trillion over the same period. That’s what made Nancy Pelosi’s lecture on the House floor yesterday so ironic and hypocritical; the woman who pushed through that massive deficit spending claimed the republic would end over an increase in it of less than 3%."

$1.4 versus $45 Trillion doesn't sound all that bad....especially since the human mind can't even really comprehend that much money, what it really means / equates to, etc.....

...but 'Entitlement Reform' is considered the '3rd Rail' in politics....painful self-destructive suicide.

It's the (no pun intended for the GOP) 'elephant in the room' - the leading 'sponge' sucking up tax dollars, the primary generator of massive - and growing - debt. It's the run-away locomotive barreling down the track as the country is tied to the tracks - everyone agrees - yet no one wants to do anything about it.

Eventually someone (one of the parties) will HAVE to in order to divert disaster...or both will end up being gutless cowards who will allow it to crash rather than be demonized by the other while trying to fix it....and whoever does it WILL be demonized by the other.

You can already hearing the DNC 'Hallelujah Chorus' warming up after Ryan's comment, preparing to spread across the country their inflated, 'Armageddon-like' tales of 'Fear-Mongering' - "THE GOP IS COMING AFTER / IS GOING TO KILL, TAKE AWAY, END YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY!"

(Let's be honest for a second - both parties put Social Security on the 'Green Mile' walk to the Death Chamber years ago when they popped the top off of the 'locked box' and began raiding the ever lovin' $H!T out of it as if it was a cookie jar on the top shelf in the kitchen from which they could dip into whenever they had a 'need' to do so...without putting any of the money back. One of the biggest mistakes in the world is asking a politician to hold onto your life savings - your retirement next egg you have been 'squirreling away' your whole life until you need it, intending to come back and get it from him later. - YES, that is the word 'STUPID' written on your forehead!)

SOMETHING has to be done. It's only common sense. To see the train coming and do nothing because 'you' don't want to be the 'messenger' - who WILL be 'shot in the face' - who has to stand before the people and tell them that due to the Federal Government's criminally fiscal mismanagement of THEIR money / retirement funds drastic, painful measures will have to be taken in an attempt to save SOME of their money.

Now gutless wonders like Mitch McConnell - who want nothing to do with ANYTHING that will piss off or offend voters, that will potentially cause him and his fellow career politicians on both sides of the aisle fired, cause them to lose their money, cause them to lose their perks and power - REFUSE to address / touch issues and programs like this. So I am wondering if Ryan just threw that out there - as in lied - or if he made that statement without notifying McConnell 1st, or he has suffered a brain injury in the last 48 hours ... or if it was a lack of sleep talking from staying up trying to pass the Tax Reform Bill.

One thing is for sure, if Republicans have truly decided to 'go after' Entitlement Reform they have suddenly 'grown a pair'.

Ryan, know the GOP will lose its majority next fall, may well try to go after the safety net.

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