Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions

The fact that he hasn't held a press conference in over 2 months is telling.

Really? Have you ever had that complaint about a President before? Or is it only a problem because it's Obama?

Eveything about Obama is a problem for me. Is that honest enough for you?

Complete evasion. WHY is this a problem for you? Have you always had a problem with the current frequency of press conferences by a President, or did it only become a problem when it came to Obama?
So far, Ryan's been everywhere talking to everyone who asks a question.

How much is it going to hurt obama to not have a VP campaigning with him at all?

An open challenge.

Say one complete sentence without a fucking lie in it.

Watch the cheap shot.....
Hmmm. You are way too smart for me That is an interesting take. Given Palin's stellar endorsement record, Romney would be crazy not to enlist her as a surrogate on his campaign. When exactly will he be doing that?

She's already in her De-facto roll. Stir up the base, keep the enthusiasm gap strongly in Republican favor. She will work her angle and Romney will work his. Time will tell if any official coordination occurs, I doubt it will.

Romney hasn't hired her and likely will not and she hasn't endorsed him. (though she eventually will)

Romney's angling for Libertarians like me who still might vote for Gary Johnson. Thus the Ryan pick. Strategically it's wise for them to work toward the same goal each in their own wheelhouse.

How do you walk?

I'll ignore the hogwash that you just served about Palin/Romney as it is just too much.

But I am interested to know why a Libertarian would be enthusiastic about voting for Romney because he added a proven big government spender to the ticket.

I'm not an enthusiastic Romney voter at all. I'm voting for Gary Johnson unless Ohio is within the "margin of lawyer" come November. (to me that's at least a 2.1 point lead by either Romney or Obama)

Why "hold my nose" and vote Romney? I'd rather take the Republican driven coal powered choo choo over the financial cliff than the Democrat driven Japanese bullet train.
She's already in her De-facto roll. Stir up the base, keep the enthusiasm gap strongly in Republican favor. She will work her angle and Romney will work his. Time will tell if any official coordination occurs, I doubt it will.

Romney hasn't hired her and likely will not and she hasn't endorsed him. (though she eventually will)

Romney's angling for Libertarians like me who still might vote for Gary Johnson. Thus the Ryan pick. Strategically it's wise for them to work toward the same goal each in their own wheelhouse.

How do you walk?

I'll ignore the hogwash that you just served about Palin/Romney as it is just too much.

But I am interested to know why a Libertarian would be enthusiastic about voting for Romney because he added a proven big government spender to the ticket.

I'm not an enthusiastic Romney voter at all. I'm voting for Gary Johnson unless Ohio is within the "margin of lawyer" come November. (to me that's at least a 2.1 point lead by either Romney or Obama)

Why "hold my nose" and vote Romney? I'd rather take the Republican driven coal powered choo choo over the financial cliff than the Democrat driven Japanese bullet train.

Which makes you no better than straight GOP or Dem voting sheeple.
How do you walk?

I'll ignore the hogwash that you just served about Palin/Romney as it is just too much.

But I am interested to know why a Libertarian would be enthusiastic about voting for Romney because he added a proven big government spender to the ticket.

I'm not an enthusiastic Romney voter at all. I'm voting for Gary Johnson unless Ohio is within the "margin of lawyer" come November. (to me that's at least a 2.1 point lead by either Romney or Obama)

Why "hold my nose" and vote Romney? I'd rather take the Republican driven coal powered choo choo over the financial cliff than the Democrat driven Japanese bullet train.

Which makes you no better than straight GOP or Dem voting sheeple.

A cross we swing State Libertarian voters must bear. :razz:
I'll ignore the hogwash that you just served about Palin/Romney as it is just too much.

But I am interested to know why a Libertarian would be enthusiastic about voting for Romney because he added a proven big government spender to the ticket.

No mention of Romney as Palin serves up anti-Obama red meat – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Shannon Travis of CNN said pretty much the same thing a little while back so maybe it's hogwash after all. Hmm. (or maybe it's just politics)
I'm not an enthusiastic Romney voter at all. I'm voting for Gary Johnson unless Ohio is within the "margin of lawyer" come November. (to me that's at least a 2.1 point lead by either Romney or Obama)

Why "hold my nose" and vote Romney? I'd rather take the Republican driven coal powered choo choo over the financial cliff than the Democrat driven Japanese bullet train.

Which makes you no better than straight GOP or Dem voting sheeple.

A cross we swing State Libertarian voters must bear. :razz:

Actually, it seems to me that "swing state Libertarian" is the cross you bear. At the core, you're just another duopoly supporting Republicrat embracing the false dichotomy.

When you vote, you vote for your candidate, period! No matter how close the front runners are. No matter how close the front runners are, no matter how much of a long shot your candidate supposedly is, you vote for you candidate. Do you hear me? Otherwise, you're just spending an hour of your time to go pick up a not so pretty sticker. God damn faithless posers.

This November I plan to write in Buddy Roemer as my vote for President. I don't care if I'm the last person to vote in my state and Obama and Romney are perfectly tied up to that point. I'm voting my candidate.
Which makes you no better than straight GOP or Dem voting sheeple.

A cross we swing State Libertarian voters must bear. :razz:

Actually, it seems to me that "swing state Libertarian" is the cross you bear. At the core, you're just another duopoly supporting Republicrat embracing the false dichotomy.

When you vote, you vote for your candidate, period! No matter how close the front runners are. No matter how close the front runners are, no matter how much of a long shot your candidate supposedly is, you vote for you candidate. Do you hear me? Otherwise, you're just spending an hour of your time to go pick up a not so pretty sticker. God damn faithless posers.

This November I plan to write in Buddy Roemer as my vote for President. I don't care if I'm the last person to vote in my state and Obama and Romney are perfectly tied up to that point. I'm voting my candidate.

I'd be happy if that was the scenario in EVERY last State in the Union after the votes are tallied after Election Day.

A tie goes to the House.





President Romney thanks you for your support.
Which makes you no better than straight GOP or Dem voting sheeple.

A cross we swing State Libertarian voters must bear. :razz:

Actually, it seems to me that "swing state Libertarian" is the cross you bear. At the core, you're just another duopoly supporting Republicrat embracing the false dichotomy.

When you vote, you vote for your candidate, period! No matter how close the front runners are. No matter how close the front runners are, no matter how much of a long shot your candidate supposedly is, you vote for you candidate. Do you hear me? Otherwise, you're just spending an hour of your time to go pick up a not so pretty sticker. God damn faithless posers.

This November I plan to write in Buddy Roemer as my vote for President. I don't care if I'm the last person to vote in my state and Obama and Romney are perfectly tied up to that point. I'm voting my candidate.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLG0F7suqSI]Frasier: I am wounded - YouTube[/ame]

Why don't you vote how you like and I'll do the same.

Hell, I just learned today that I have three times more in common with Jimmy "The Rent is too Damn High" McMillan than I do with President Obama. I'd hold my nose and vote for McMillan if I thought he could beat Obama and I'd sleep like a log the night he pulled it off.

We've gone from no budget restraint Republican's to no budget at all Dimwits and enough is enough. Obviously the difference between the major parties is not nearly big enough for my taste but it can be measured. (in the trillions)
Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe

Ryan, the nation's most controversial budget architect, is often described as the intellectual leader of the House Republican caucus. But Romney's presidential campaign headquarters in Boston seems, for now, to prefer that the 42-year-old father of three talks about camping and milking cows instead of the fiscal proposals that made him a conservative hero.

Ryan, who wrote a plan to overhaul Medicare as chairman of the House Budget Committee, did not use the word "Medicare" with voters over the first four days as the vice presidential candidate. When he finally touched on the health care insurance program for seniors, he did so only in broad strokes after Romney himself first outlined the campaign's talking points.

"We will not duck the tough issues," Ryan said Friday in Virginia. "We will lead."

But Ryan has been directed to avoid taking questions from reporters who travel with him, and to agree only to a few carefully selected interviews. He is known for sketching budget graphs on napkins to explain his ideas, but this past week it was Romney who used a white board during a news conference to help detail his own plan — one he says is virtually identical to Ryan's.

Romney wants his risky pick to play it safe - Yahoo! News

even from that left wing commie, brit hume?
Nancy Odell is a highly skilled investigative journalist/reporter adept at grilling even the most reluctant highly placed government officials.

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