Ryan Lochte

Lochte embarrassed Rio and embarrassed the USA as well. What a chickenshit.

Kids will be kids

Him and his buddies are busted.

Holy fuck, you're the same guy who thought Trayvon and Tamir Rice were adult like. Then you look at three 20 somethings in the fucking Olympics...but theyre white. So theyre kids.

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Lochte embarrassed Rio and embarrassed the USA as well. What a chickenshit.

Kids will be kids

Him and his buddies are busted.

Holy fuck, you're the same guy who thought Trayvon and Tamir Rice were adult like. Then you look at three 20 somethings in the fucking ```...but theyre white. So theyre kids.


Two are thugs, 4 are drunken kids capiche ?
Lochte embarrassed Rio and embarrassed the USA as well. What a chickenshit.

Kids will be kids

Him and his buddies are busted.

Holy fuck, you're the same guy who thought Trayvon and Tamir Rice were adult like. Then you look at three 20 somethings in the fucking Olympics...but theyre white. So theyre kids.


Thanks for reminding me, again who portrayed those thugs to the public as kids?
Lochte embarrassed Rio and embarrassed the USA as well. What a chickenshit.

Kids will be kids

Him and his buddies are busted.

Holy fuck, you're the same guy who thought Trayvon and Tamir Rice were adult like. Then you look at three 20 somethings in the fucking Olympics...but theyre white. So theyre kids.


Thanks for reminding me, again who portrayed those thugs to the public as kids?

Their ages.
Lochte embarrassed Rio and embarrassed the USA as well. What a chickenshit.

Kids will be kids

Him and his buddies are busted.

Holy fuck, you're the same guy who thought Trayvon and Tamir Rice were adult like. Then you look at three 20 somethings in the fucking Olympics...but theyre white. So theyre kids.


Thanks for reminding me, again who portrayed those thugs to the public as kids?
IOC. Which have changed their minds, I guess, and now have issued an apology. Sort of. Kinda. Similar to the almost apology by Lochte himself, which in essence is no apology at all.
Rio took a load of shit for this Olympics

It was corrupt, bankrupt, dirty, polluted, crime ridden...a disaster waiting to happen

I thought they did a great job and some of the scenery and sites were spectacular

Then these morons get drunk and make up a lie to drive home that Nobody is safe in Rio and even the cops are corrupt

I hope they throw the book at them

What's up with ESPN radio this morning?

They were defending the heck out of them, saying a gun was pointed at them in a taxi cab?

Is this a new story? Fell asleep at 9 pm ET last night.
No. Not a new story. Just some spins.
Personal Opinion:

The United States Government should send Ryan back to answer for his crimes in Brazil. He knew it was going to be found out that he lied and he fled quickly leaving the other men behind.

Now that the truth is out Ryan should be banned from further Olympic events and all medals removed.

His stunt has overshadowed the great Olympics the American have been having and Phelps and the Women Olympic Team should whip Ryan ass when they get here!

Just my opinion and yes he should do some jail time in Brazil where he will learn being the piece of filth he is will get him the title Bride in the jail system...

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