Ryan: Obama has 'record of failure'


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
XFINITY - Ryan: Obama has 'record of failure'

Republican Mitt Romney's running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, wasted little time tearing into President Barack Obama on Saturday, lambasting the Democrat's "record of failure" just hours after being named to the GOP ticket.

Moving into a role as Romney's chief attack dog, Ryan declared Saturday that the nation under Obama's leadership is struggling through the "worst economic recovery in 70 years."

"No one disputes President Obama inherited a difficult situation," Ryan said, standing at Romney's side for the first time as the Republican presidential ticket on the USS Wisconsin, a retired battleship. "And, in his first two years, with his party in complete control of Washington, he passed nearly every item on his agenda. But that didn't make things better."

Worst president in History..........



Yeah! He's really. really good at shit.

Nutters are funny. They are waiting for Ryan to be an asshole so they can cheer like so many dopey college football fans.
Yeah! He's really. really good at shit.

Nutters are funny. They are waiting for Ryan to be an asshole so they can cheer like so many dopey college football fans.

You're just pissed because Biden could screw up a wet dream.
Well, I guess Ryan's first statement has nothing new in it. Come on guys, we have been hearing that since the day after Obama was elected. Anyone who is going to buy that bullshit already has. You need something new, and this just is not going to cut it. You need to draw in new people, and not the old idiots who were going to vote republican no matter who they offered.
How dare Ryan accuse Obama of not doing enough. He has this great economic plan.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjbyzPcIYzU]Obama: Let's Repeat Auto Bailout With Every Industry - YouTube[/ame]

He is going to bail out EVERY industry. He's not a Marxist though, no way.
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Well, I guess Ryan's first statement has nothing new in it. Come on guys, we have been hearing that since the day after Obama was elected. Anyone who is going to buy that bullshit already has. You need something new, and this just is not going to cut it. You need to draw in new people, and not the old idiots who were going to vote republican no matter who they offered.

So exactly what part of that statement is BS? Please name each thing said that was not correct and back it up. I'll wait.
nothing he said that isn't the TRUTH

now lets get at it...we need to hammer this HOME
Well, I guess Ryan's first statement has nothing new in it. Come on guys, we have been hearing that since the day after Obama was elected. Anyone who is going to buy that bullshit already has. You need something new, and this just is not going to cut it. You need to draw in new people, and not the old idiots who were going to vote republican no matter who they offered.

So exactly what part of that statement is BS? Please name each thing said that was not correct and back it up. I'll wait.

Right- more leftist hogwash....exactly as I thought. Thanks for that.
Yeah! He's really. really good at shit.

Nutters are funny. They are waiting for Ryan to be an asshole so they can cheer like so many dopey college football fans.

I cant wait until he tears into Obama and puts a BEATDOWN on Biden in the Debates....maybe ole Joe will ask another paralyzed guy to stand up!
Obama loves Capitalism.........Crony Capitalism. He wants to pick the winners and losers. Because he's real smart and stuff.....ya know, from all his business experience.

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