Rye Catcher is the one and only Wry Catcher

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
Somehow my PW disappeared, and the only manner in which I could log on was to log in with a new nom de plume and a new PW.

I've appealed to the mods to resurrect Wry Catcher and they have been very helpful. However, the last comment from flacaltenn was to provide my e-mail an the Admin. to aid me.

Sadly Rye Catcher suddenly lost the ability to have a PM and was not allowed to respond to his last post. Rye is too new to use the PM system, even though Rye did have several conversations with the mods prior to the last.

For the time being Rye will be the same old liberal Democrat taking on the best and the worst posts with substance, thought and hopefully thoughtful provoking for the misguided.

Happy Holidays to all.

Rye (aka Wry)
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #8

For the record, "Wry" and "Catcher" are connected from the book by Bob Uecker. I too wore the tools of ignorance for 12 years.

Quotes form Bob Uecker:

When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team's dugout and they were already in street clothes.

The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up

Career highlights? I had two - I got an intentional walk from Sandy Koufax and I got out of a rundown against the Mets.

For the record, "Wry" and "Catcher" are connected from the book by Bob Uecker. I too wore the tools of ignorance for 12 years.

Quotes form Bob Uecker:

When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team's dugout and they were already in street clothes.

The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up

Career highlights? I had two - I got an intentional walk from Sandy Koufax and I got out of a rundown against the Mets.
In Sweden it means cum dumpster

For the record, "Wry" and "Catcher" are connected from the book by Bob Uecker. I too wore the tools of ignorance for 12 years.

Quotes form Bob Uecker:

When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team's dugout and they were already in street clothes.

The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up

Career highlights? I had two - I got an intentional walk from Sandy Koufax and I got out of a rundown against the Mets.
In Sweden it means cum dumpster

Idiot-gram ^^^; variety: Vulgar and childish
i dont care what these people say about you Wry....i enjoy jousting with you....if everybody here had cookies and milk with each other it would be one boring place....

As Ms. Hill expressed yesterday, we could all get along if and only if hate were suppressed and open minds prevailed. Under my Wry nom de plume I put on ignore half a dozen haters, who offered nothing of substance, nothing thoughtful nor thought provoking - posts which I consider Idiot-grams.

I don't express nor do I feel hate for those who support trump or W, and in my criticism for both Presidents is my way to express my patriotism, my support for our military personnel, the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
Wry Catcher......Wry catcher.

I seem to remember an authoritarian leftist without a liberal bone in his body who called himself that. As I recal, he had all the de rigueur leftist talking points down pat, but wasn't able to reason, analyze or indulge in anything close to original thought. He even used to insult anybody who did offer something original instead of hackneyed as indulging in what he called an " idiot gram".

I sure hope this new fellow with the sound alike name can do a whole lot better than the extremely predictable screed of last one.
Wry Catcher......Wry catcher.

I seem to remember an authoritarian leftist without a liberal bone in his body who called himself that. As I recal, he had all the de rigueur leftist talking points down pat, but wasn't able to reason, analyze or indulge in anything close to original thought. He even used to insult anybody who did offer something original instead of hackneyed as indulging in what he called an " idiot gram".

I sure hope this new fellow with the sound alike name can do a whole lot better than the extremely predictable screed of last one.

Well now, I need to respond to this long ad hominem with an open mind.

First and foremost I need to read from the person so fearful of dogs (to know I'm a dog owner and Roxy is well trained in protecting her owner...but I digress) that what are my "leftist talking points".

I have posted comprehensive posts in the past on gun control, public education, the Tax Fraud of 2017, abortion, voting rights and ID's, Addiction, health care, and generally most wedge issues.

Suggesting my comments are not original is fair, but in any debate most of the participants rely on past learning, cobbled from many sources. As for my comments being "leftist", we clearly differ. My political ideology is to the left, if what is understood that the left is pro WE the People and anti authoritarian. I am using that frame of reference what I support, democratic republicanism.
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Wry Catcher......Wry catcher.

I seem to remember an authoritarian leftist without a liberal bone in his body who called himself that. As I recal, he had all the de rigueur leftist talking points down pat, but wasn't able to reason, analyze or indulge in anything close to original thought. He even used to insult anybody who did offer something original instead of hackneyed as indulging in what he called an " idiot gram".

I sure hope this new fellow with the sound alike name can do a whole lot better than the extremely predictable screed of last one.

Well now, I need to respond to this long ad hominem with an open mind.

First and foremost I need to read from the person so fearful of dogs (to know I'm a dog owner and Roxy is well trained in protecting her owner...but I digress) that what are my "leftist talking points".

I have posted comprehensive posts in the past on gun control, public education, the Tax Fraud of 2017, abortion, voting rights and ID's, Addiction, health care, and generally most wedge issues.

Suggesting my comments are not original is fair, but in any debate most of the participants rely on past learning, cobbled from many sources. As for my comments being "leftist", we clearly differ. My political ideology is to the left, if what is understood that the left is pro WE the People and anti authoritarian. I am using that frame of reference what I support, democratic republicanism.
well, that dashes any hopes I might have had in regards to a new and improved Wrycatcher

where did you get that I am afraid of dogs? I have a Great Pyrenees I love very much.

what kind of dog do you have? You strike me as a toy poodle, shitzu kind of guy, but one never can tell.
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i dont care what these people say about you Wry....i enjoy jousting with you....if everybody here had cookies and milk with each other it would be one boring place....

True, but don't disparage cookies and milk:

“Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.”

Barbara Jordan
Wry Catcher......Wry catcher.

I seem to remember an authoritarian leftist without a liberal bone in his body who called himself that. As I recal, he had all the de rigueur leftist talking points down pat, but wasn't able to reason, analyze or indulge in anything close to original thought. He even used to insult anybody who did offer something original instead of hackneyed as indulging in what he called an " idiot gram".

I sure hope this new fellow with the sound alike name can do a whole lot better than the extremely predictable screed of last one.

Well now, I need to respond to this long ad hominem with an open mind.

First and foremost I need to read from the person so fearful of dogs (to know I'm a dog owner and Roxy is well trained in protecting her owner...but I digress) that what are my "leftist talking points".

I have posted comprehensive posts in the past on gun control, public education, the Tax Fraud of 2017, abortion, voting rights and ID's, Addiction, health care, and generally most wedge issues.

Suggesting my comments are not original is fair, but in any debate most of the participants rely on past learning, cobbled from many sources. As for my comments being "leftist", we clearly differ. My political ideology is to the left, if what is understood that the left is pro WE the People and anti authoritarian. I am using that frame of reference what I support, democratic republicanism.
well, that dashes any hopes I might have had in regards to a new and improved Wrycatcher

where did you get that I am afraid of dogs? I have a Great Pyranees I love very much.

what kind of dog do you have? You strike me as a toy poodle, shitzu kind of guy, but one never can tell.

Roxy is 3/4 Border Collie & 1/4 Australian Cattle Dog (according to the DNA test which my older son obtained). She comprehends English better than most of the Right Wingers who post here (see, Wry Catcher can respond to mock those who deserve to be mocked).

Just now she came into my den and dropped her "hyper pet" Frisbee on my foot. She will now "herd" me to our back yard for some spirited toss, catch and fetch.
Wry Catcher......Wry catcher.

I seem to remember an authoritarian leftist without a liberal bone in his body who called himself that. As I recal, he had all the de rigueur leftist talking points down pat, but wasn't able to reason, analyze or indulge in anything close to original thought. He even used to insult anybody who did offer something original instead of hackneyed as indulging in what he called an " idiot gram".

I sure hope this new fellow with the sound alike name can do a whole lot better than the extremely predictable screed of last one.

Well now, I need to respond to this long ad hominem with an open mind.

First and foremost I need to read from the person so fearful of dogs (to know I'm a dog owner and Roxy is well trained in protecting her owner...but I digress) that what are my "leftist talking points".

I have posted comprehensive posts in the past on gun control, public education, the Tax Fraud of 2017, abortion, voting rights and ID's, Addiction, health care, and generally most wedge issues.

Suggesting my comments are not original is fair, but in any debate most of the participants rely on past learning, cobbled from many sources. As for my comments being "leftist", we clearly differ. My political ideology is to the left, if what is understood that the left is pro WE the People and anti authoritarian. I am using that frame of reference what I support, democratic republicanism.
well, that dashes any hopes I might have had in regards to a new and improved Wrycatcher

where did you get that I am afraid of dogs? I have a Great Pyranees I love very much.

what kind of dog do you have? You strike me as a toy poodle, shitzu kind of guy, but one never can tell.

Roxy is 3/4 Border Collie & 1/4 Australian Cattle Dog (according to the DNA test which my older son obtained). She comprehends English better than most of the Right Wingers who post here (see, Wry Catcher can respond to mock those who deserve to be mocked).

Just now she came into my den and dropped her "hyper pet" Frisbee on my foot. She will now "herd" me to our back yard for some spirited toss, catch and fetch.
It's good to see that your are getting some supervision.

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