Sacramento protester blocking traffic walks in front of Sheriff's, SUV gets hit claims victimhood


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Sacramento: Protester Blocking Traffic Walks In Front Of Sheriff’s SUV, Gets Hit, Claims Victimhood
A protester seeking martyrdom walked in front of a Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department SUV despite being ordered to move repeatedly, then told local media she felt like the victim of a “a hit and run.”

Well when you a Trump hating idiot this is what happens don't like it stop being a moron you all aren't all that, you all aren't so special you are above the law, you all aren't so special SOROS bails you out of everything .

Society is losing pitty for leftist morons
traffic blockers should be criminally prosecuted. They ENDANGER
the public
Maybe they should prosecute him for assaulting a police car or damage to government property.
hahhaha they call her a ''social justice warrior''--- should read ''criminal lover/enabler/DUMBASS''
boy--what would these jackasses do if you blocked them so they couldn't get to work/donut shop/etc?
of if you blocked their grandam/pa??
F--them ---I couldn't care less if they died ...blocking a road ...bastards
If you refuse to do what a cop tells you to do, what do you think is going to happen???

God bless you always!!!

At the very least these idiots should be tasered and thrown in jail by the police.
Cars hurt when they hit you
Dogs know that, liberal loons pretend otherwise

... how is it...

... she didn't see...

... the sheriff's car comin'?

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