Sad Facts: Liberal States and the Covid Virus

Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
SAD FACT: Red States Make Up 7 of Top 10 States for New Cases.
View attachment 359718
California is a red state? Where do you find this shit?
Guess you can read, but cannot count. If 7 our of 10 with highest number of new cases are Red states, I guess that leave 3 of the states with fastest growing infections as Blue states.
then click on countries
the click on United States
You can sort ascending or descending on any column heading. Have fun.

Deaths per state and how many are DNC run............Have fun
Already had my fun. T-Shirt is on the way. Good luck to you and your parents.
My parents passed a long time ago.

The Op is correct..........Liberal DNC run states have the LION'S SHARE OF THE DEATHS..........the only real question is THEIR DEFINITION OF A COVID DEATH.

I've heard about it here from real people with real death certificates...........the didn't die from Covid but it was on the death Certificate.....I also linked to another thread where they STATED the DEFINITION OF A COVID DEATH.........

No matter HOW THEY DIED....if positive of Covid the death was COVID..........DNC states and others are COOKING THE BOOKS bro in my FEED THE FEAR.
I have heard that, but hard to prove yes or no. I am just going by the numbers on the world o meter as I cannot make up my own. By the reaction of the Gov of Florida and Texas it looks like case count going up fast to the point of stressing some local hospitals again.
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
SAD FACT: Red States Make Up 7 of Top 10 States for New Cases.
View attachment 359718
California is a red state? Where do you find this shit?
Guess you can read, but cannot count. If 7 our of 10 with highest number of new cases are Red states, I guess that leave 3 of the states with fastest growing infections as Blue states.
then click on countries
the click on United States
You can sort ascending or descending on any column heading. Have fun.
Considering there are far more red states than blue 32 to 18, does 7 of ten seem shocking, especially considering where the deaths are?
Good point. The point I was making is that for the first 4 months of this pandemic most of the cases and most of the dying was going on in Democratic states. Now the trend is changing to faster growth and more daily death in Republican states. This is mostly because the Republican states are rebelling against the good advice of public health officials and what has worked all over the world, but not taken seriously here. My own Republic state is experiencing a surge. Mayor and County Mayor here went back to a mask order, starting night before last. We will be fine. Was in Kroger. All but two customers were masked. My county is holding at two deaths, as we have been for a couple of months, though case count has increase by a hundred in last 3 weeks.
I am sure your boyfriend is dissatisfied.
But your wife wasn't.
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
SAD FACT: Red States Make Up 7 of Top 10 States for New Cases.
View attachment 359718
California is a red state? Where do you find this shit?
Guess you can read, but cannot count. If 7 our of 10 with highest number of new cases are Red states, I guess that leave 3 of the states with fastest growing infections as Blue states.
then click on countries
the click on United States
You can sort ascending or descending on any column heading. Have fun.
Considering there are far more red states than blue 32 to 18, does 7 of ten seem shocking, especially considering where the deaths are?
Good point. The point I was making is that for the first 4 months of this pandemic most of the cases and most of the dying was going on in Democratic states. Now the trend is changing to faster growth and more daily death in Republican states. This is mostly because the Republican states are rebelling against the good advice of public health officials and what has worked all over the world, but not taken seriously here. My own Republic state is experiencing a surge. Mayor and County Mayor here went back to a mask order, starting night before last. We will be fine. Was in Kroger. All but two customers were masked. My county is holding at two deaths, as we have been for a couple of months, though case count has increase by a hundred in last 3 weeks.
I am visiting Virginia. There is hardly a mask to be seen in public. Those that are wearing the are military.
Go figure. Military has always had better discipline than the public. Have fun over there.:cool:
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
SAD FACT: Red States Make Up 7 of Top 10 States for New Cases.
View attachment 359718
California is a red state? Where do you find this shit?
Guess you can read, but cannot count. If 7 our of 10 with highest number of new cases are Red states, I guess that leave 3 of the states with fastest growing infections as Blue states.
then click on countries
the click on United States
You can sort ascending or descending on any column heading. Have fun.
Considering there are far more red states than blue 32 to 18, does 7 of ten seem shocking, especially considering where the deaths are?
Good point. The point I was making is that for the first 4 months of this pandemic most of the cases and most of the dying was going on in Democratic states. Now the trend is changing to faster growth and more daily death in Republican states. This is mostly because the Republican states are rebelling against the good advice of public health officials and what has worked all over the world, but not taken seriously here. My own Republic state is experiencing a surge. Mayor and County Mayor here went back to a mask order, starting night before last. We will be fine. Was in Kroger. All but two customers were masked. My county is holding at two deaths, as we have been for a couple of months, though case count has increase by a hundred in last 3 weeks.
I am sure your boyfriend is dissatisfied.
But your wife wasn't.
You know so little about women. Small wonder. Are there any straight white male liberals?
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
Do you think a virus cares how you vote?

Explain Texas, Florida, Arizona, Alabama! Why are their numbers spiking? Are they 'infested with Bolsheviks.' too? Are they 'liberal shitholes'? Is it more important to clumsily try to score what you think are political points in the midst of a pandemic, or actually try to solve the problem? When does leadership evolve from who has the sharpest comeback or most offensive insult to actually governing and leading with the best intentions for citizens instead of politics?

Those people are not dying!
Nobody is dying from COVID-19 in Texas, Florida, Arizona or Alabama? Really?
They are dying at a much slower pace than the blue states. That is a fact you cannot argue, dumbass!
Red/blue? How silly you are! These are Americans dying!
If you haven't been tested, Google is offering an online self-assessment.
I don't know if this was what Trump was talking about, but it's quick:

Desperation spin here............why the hell are your States Fucking up so badly.........or are you faking the death certificates for a higher death rate..........hmmm

7900 die a day in the United've been pushing them to COVID haven't you........I know people down here that it has already happened to..........3 specifically that died of Cancer...diabetes with gang green, and another from a heart Attack..........all 3 LABELED COVID......on the death certificate.......

The family said that was BS on all 3...............So these Blue States are COOKING THE BOOKS.......your side has been know to do that..........Housing collapse........Sallie Mae ring a bell........COOKED BOOKS.
Yeah....I mispellate a lot

But the death certificate said Covid..........My mother died from the same thing.........Not a good way to go.........
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
Do you think a virus cares how you vote?

Explain Texas, Florida, Arizona, Alabama! Why are their numbers spiking? Are they 'infested with Bolsheviks.' too? Are they 'liberal shitholes'? Is it more important to clumsily try to score what you think are political points in the midst of a pandemic, or actually try to solve the problem? When does leadership evolve from who has the sharpest comeback or most offensive insult to actually governing and leading with the best intentions for citizens instead of politics?

Those people are not dying!
Nobody is dying from COVID-19 in Texas, Florida, Arizona or Alabama? Really?
They are dying at a much slower pace than the blue states. That is a fact you cannot argue, dumbass!
Red/blue? How silly you are! These are Americans dying!
7900 Americans died every day historically before this the definition anyone positive of Covid that dies of ANY REASON will say Death By Covid.........and DNC FEAR MONGERING states are taking advantage of spread FEAR...........

Again..........either they are cooking the books.........or just a few DNC run states are making America Look Shitty..............82000 deaths from just a few states........all BLUE........

We are seeing the same fraud of it down here already.........
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
SAD FACT: Red States Make Up 7 of Top 10 States for New Cases.
View attachment 359718
California is a red state? Where do you find this shit?
Guess you can read, but cannot count. If 7 our of 10 with highest number of new cases are Red states, I guess that leave 3 of the states with fastest growing infections as Blue states.
then click on countries
the click on United States
You can sort ascending or descending on any column heading. Have fun.

Deaths per state and how many are DNC run............Have fun
Already had my fun. T-Shirt is on the way. Good luck to you and your parents.
My parents passed a long time ago.

The Op is correct..........Liberal DNC run states have the LION'S SHARE OF THE DEATHS..........the only real question is THEIR DEFINITION OF A COVID DEATH.

I've heard about it here from real people with real death certificates...........the didn't die from Covid but it was on the death Certificate.....I also linked to another thread where they STATED the DEFINITION OF A COVID DEATH.........

No matter HOW THEY DIED....if positive of Covid the death was COVID..........DNC states and others are COOKING THE BOOKS bro in my FEED THE FEAR.
I have heard that, but hard to prove yes or no. I am just going by the numbers on the world o meter as I cannot make up my own. By the reaction of the Gov of Florida and Texas it looks like case count going up fast to the point of stressing some local hospitals again.
That was expected when we reopened with the only question of Seasonality of the virus.....seems it's rocking in the heat right now......or more than likely in AC same air environments of Walmarts and such.

The younger generation is being hit now............but the deaths are way down and on them and that was always expected........many don't even know they have it or had it...............which has been said for a while now.

The federal government is classifying the deaths of patients infected with the coronavirus as COVID-19 deaths, regardless of any underlying health issues that could have contributed to the loss of someone's life.

Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House coronavirus task force, said the federal government is continuing to count the suspected COVID-19 deaths, despite other nations doing the opposite.

"There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition, and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU [intensive care unit] and then have a heart or kidney problem," she said during a Tuesday news briefing at the White House. "Some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death.

"The intent is ... if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that," she added.

How the deaths are recorded is completely different in other countries..........if they had a pre existing condition..........terminal cancer.......heart attack........etc...........not counted in some countries but counted here.

I now know of 3 deaths here that were not covid.....but the death certificate said covid. Mail lady had a mother die of a heart attack.........but covid death certificate ........imagine that......

According to this guy........hospitals get more money from Medicare for Covid and Ventilators.........

Here is the fact check on it.........but says misture.......aka unsure.
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
SAD FACT: Red States Make Up 7 of Top 10 States for New Cases.
View attachment 359718
California is a red state? Where do you find this shit?
Guess you can read, but cannot count. If 7 our of 10 with highest number of new cases are Red states, I guess that leave 3 of the states with fastest growing infections as Blue states.
then click on countries
the click on United States
You can sort ascending or descending on any column heading. Have fun.
Considering there are far more red states than blue 32 to 18, does 7 of ten seem shocking, especially considering where the deaths are?
Good point. The point I was making is that for the first 4 months of this pandemic most of the cases and most of the dying was going on in Democratic states. Now the trend is changing to faster growth and more daily death in Republican states. This is mostly because the Republican states are rebelling against the good advice of public health officials and what has worked all over the world, but not taken seriously here. My own Republic state is experiencing a surge. Mayor and County Mayor here went back to a mask order, starting night before last. We will be fine. Was in Kroger. All but two customers were masked. My county is holding at two deaths, as we have been for a couple of months, though case count has increase by a hundred in last 3 weeks.
I am visiting Virginia. There is hardly a mask to be seen in public. Those that are wearing the are military.
Go figure. Military has always had better discipline than the public. Have fun over there.:cool:
It is an Army requirement. I was at Fort Lee this morning.
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.

Don't forget Texas, Arizona and Florida. All states where REPUBLICAN Governors opened too early.

Establishing Herd Immunity while protecting the Elderly and letting everyone else get on with their lives---common sense. Look at the DEATHS!----which was the Subject of the OP.
You fucking idiot. We are barely at 8% infected. You need almost 10x as many people infected to achieve herd immunity even if thats possible. No one has proven this disease will not mutate. Matter of fact there are reports that it already has.


The prevalence of immunity to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 may be much higher than previous research suggests according to an intriguing new study.

Nope. You are jumping the gun....

Has not been peer reviewed yet

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review

According to this guy........hospitals get more money from Medicare for Covid and Ventilators.........

Here is the fact check on it.........but says misture.......aka unsure.
The republican legislator and doctor is an idiot, and liar....

Here is the guideline,

the guidelines, which say: "In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as 'probable' or 'presumed.'"

And your lying piece of crappie says, if they are hit by car and test positive from covid, he'll be a covid death, even if he died from car accident injuries....

LIAR LIAR Jensen is just a flat out liar, and should have his licence revoked.
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.

Don't forget Texas, Arizona and Florida. All states where REPUBLICAN Governors opened too early.

Establishing Herd Immunity while protecting the Elderly and letting everyone else get on with their lives---common sense. Look at the DEATHS!----which was the Subject of the OP.
There are 90 million HIGH risk elderly and sick, at the highest risk.... how can you keep that many safe by running around, without masks, without separation, without any precautions?

The economy is shit without these 90 million out and about working and spending.
Your concern and compassion for your fellow citizens is underwhelming. Let me guess -- Trump supporter, right?
Hey Bitch. What do you have to say about liberal shitholes run by dumbasses like Cuomo and De Blasio, with 14.5% of the population, having over 50% of the deaths? That was the subject of the post. Attacking the Messenger and running from the Messenger only makes you look like a coward and a dumbass.
You might start looking at the daily records being set in republican states then understand this is a worldwide pandemic and under a republican president our country leads the world in numbers of infected people.

Hey Bigoted Dumb-Ass. The post is about the DEAD people, like the thousands Cuomo killed in New York---not about the ones who get a bad cold while getting on with their lives---making a living, for example.

Over 50% Killed in shithole states with shithole cities like Chicago and New York---filled with Morons like you---even though those states have only 14.5% of the population.
Those states were hit first with the virus,

Now it is your turn in the Sun belt.....too bad you didn't learn from those northern states and their mistakes and good measures.....
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
Do you think a virus cares how you vote?

Explain Texas, Florida, Arizona, Alabama! Why are their numbers spiking? Are they 'infested with Bolsheviks.' too? Are they 'liberal shitholes'? Is it more important to clumsily try to score what you think are political points in the midst of a pandemic, or actually try to solve the problem? When does leadership evolve from who has the sharpest comeback or most offensive insult to actually governing and leading with the best intentions for citizens instead of politics?

Those people are not dying!
Nobody is dying from COVID-19 in Texas, Florida, Arizona or Alabama? Really?
They are dying at a much slower pace than the blue states. That is a fact you cannot argue, dumbass!
Red/blue? How silly you are! These are Americans dying!
There could have been a way in which different methods were and are tried without the rancor. Being a bit nicer to each other. You as Prog if you did not know, your Party puts the Party first. The agendas first. The movement first. And it does everything it can to do just that. The Repubs have their ways. But you invite the worse that people can be for the prize. And I say this again. When you have that power completely it is not the same as getting it. Declining resources and to many people will be yours to solve. You will solve it the old fashion way. And you are already good at it as we see.
There are 90 million HIGH risk elderly and sick, at the highest risk.... how can you keep that many safe by running around, without masks, without separation, without any precautions?

The economy is shit without these 90 million out and about working and spending.
The sick and the elderly rarely work. Almost all are on SS. Along with children, they are the least financially productive demographic.

Extremely vacuous comment.
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.

Don't forget Texas, Arizona and Florida. All states where REPUBLICAN Governors opened too early.

Establishing Herd Immunity while protecting the Elderly and letting everyone else get on with their lives---common sense. Look at the DEATHS!----which was the Subject of the OP.
There are 90 million HIGH risk elderly and sick, at the highest risk.... how can you keep that many safe by running around, without masks, without separation, without any precautions?

The economy is shit without these 90 million out and about working and spending.
My wife and I are two of those high risk. We stay at home. We order our groceries. Our children talk to us on the phone, and sent of videos of our grandchildren. And there is some app where we can watch them on the phone. And we tell our children to get on with their lives---which they have.

The old and sick tend to stay home anyway.

You may not even realize it, but you interpret all things in a way which best destroys the economy so Trump won't win. That's way way more selfish than my children going back to work.

TDS as work. If this wasn't an election year, this virus would be treated like the bad cold it is for everyone except us old people---who need to stay at home anyway.

Look at the outbreaks in Sane States like Florida....which all you TDS Sufferers are wringing your hands about. It still has had fewer deaths the last couple of days then New York---and Florida has more people!

Get Help!

And I haven't looked it up, but I seriously doubt there are 90 million old and sick. There are only 320 million in the country. You wouldn't Smollett us to help make your point, would you?

Florida is setting records.
Four state have accounted for over HALF the deaths in the United States while constituting only 14.5% of the population:


All liberal shitholes infested with Bolsheviks. Guess who they blame. Not Cuomo who killed a large portion in Nursing Homes.
Do you think a virus cares how you vote?

Explain Texas, Florida, Arizona, Alabama! Why are their numbers spiking? Are they 'infested with Bolsheviks.' too? Are they 'liberal shitholes'? Is it more important to clumsily try to score what you think are political points in the midst of a pandemic, or actually try to solve the problem? When does leadership evolve from who has the sharpest comeback or most offensive insult to actually governing and leading with the best intentions for citizens instead of politics?

Their death numbers are spiking or their cases are spiking? Funny how we don't talk about deaths now but only the number of cases!

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