Sad Truth about Marilyn Manson

I think there are evil ACTS though. Definitely evil acts. I think the people who commit "evil" acts are suffering though.
I agree. They are suffering from demonic possession, fear, anxiety, depression, sociopath tendencies, lack of conscience, fragmented personalities - all the work of demons. That is what happens when someone opens that door to evil and sells their soul to Satan. They need deliverance and only Jesus Christ can offer them that, Chris. They have to choose to be delivered and set free. God won't force His will on anyone.
I'm not a big fan, but I don't think he's a satanist. :lol: He's just a silly entertainer.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Jesus told us we would know a tree by its fruit. What is the fruit of Manson's work? Evil.
Jesus did think the Jews of Jerusalem were of their father , the devil.
His disciples were all Jewish - he said that to the Pharisees who were rejecting Him, Penelope.
I'm not a big fan, but I don't think he's a satanist. :lol: He's just a silly entertainer.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Jesus told us we would know a tree by its fruit. What is the fruit of Manson's work? Evil.
Jesus did think the Jews of Jerusalem were of their father , the devil.
His disciples were all Jewish - he said that to the Pharisees who were rejecting Him, Penelope.

He said that to the group who were following him around.
This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

You take shit too seriously
aaronleland said:
This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

He doesn't mention them because they would kill him. He's merely a showman who knows that weak minded people will give him lots of money to act the way he does. He is however, not stupid, so values his life more than the few bucks he would gather by attacking Islam.

I disagree. He never attacked Islam because when he was popular Islam wasn't on anybody's radar. The OP is talking about an artist who hit his peak in the mid 90's. And people give him lots of money because he is extremely talented, and an excellent performer. Smells Like Children and AntiChrist Superstar were some of the best albums created that decade.

And why bother to attack Islam anyway? If it wasnt for Christian false compassion and guilt wed just shoot them at the airport.

Is that why you believe Marilyn Manson is mocking Jesus Christ, the King James Bible and Heaven? Because he loathes their false compassion and guilt? I beg to differ with you! There is far more to it than that! He's mocking Jesus Christ because he despises Jesus Christ. He is an enemy of God - through and through. The man needs deliverance. He needs to be saved.
I'm not a big fan, but I don't think he's a satanist. :lol: He's just a silly entertainer.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Jesus told us we would know a tree by its fruit. What is the fruit of Manson's work? Evil.
Jesus did think the Jews of Jerusalem were of their father , the devil.
His disciples were all Jewish - he said that to the Pharisees who were rejecting Him, Penelope.

He said that to the group who were following him around.
No - you are confusing his followers (who were also Jewish) and his disciples ( who were all Jewish ) with the Pharisees - a specific group of religious Jewish leaders - Penelope.
I think there are evil ACTS though. Definitely evil acts. I think the people who commit "evil" acts are suffering though.
I agree. They are suffering from demonic possession, fear, anxiety, depression, sociopath tendencies, lack of conscience, fragmented personalities - all the work of demons. That is what happens when someone opens that door to evil and sells their soul to Satan. They need deliverance and only Jesus Christ can offer them that, Chris. They have to choose to be delivered and set free. God won't force His will on anyone.

Well, I don't believe in demons, Jeri, so I believe it is a malfunction in their brain or chemistry. I think they need to be medicated and to receive therapy, and in very severe cases, have to be separated from society, but I do not think that Jesus Christ heals insanity. I'm sorry, but I don't.
As a matter of fact, there have been very many instances of very religious people who have been quite delusional and did some pretty "evil" acts themselves. Because they were delusional in their beliefs. Sometimes religious preoccupations and delusions are a symptom of a mental illness.
This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

You take shit too seriously

Can you say trophy points?
I'm not a big fan, but I don't think he's a satanist. :lol: He's just a silly entertainer.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Jesus told us we would know a tree by its fruit. What is the fruit of Manson's work? Evil.
Jesus did think the Jews of Jerusalem were of their father , the devil.
His disciples were all Jewish - he said that to the Pharisees who were rejecting Him, Penelope.

He said that to the group who were following him around.
No - you are confusing his followers (who were also Jewish) and his disciples ( who were all Jewish ) with the Pharisees - a specific group of religious Jewish leaders - Penelope.

You know what, its time you learn who is behind killing Christianity, its the American Jews, They hate Christians and Muslims. The people you worship are the ones who are trying to wipe out Christian. Moses has his full face in the center of congress, Jesus is not there. Wake up please.
As a matter of fact, there have been very many instances of very religious people who have been quite delusional and did some pretty "evil" acts themselves. Because they were delusional in their beliefs. Sometimes religious preoccupations and delusions are a symptom of a mental illness.
If you do not believe in God and the Holy Bible than I can understand how you would believe it is a sickness that can be cured with a pill. I do believe in the Bible and I know that while a pill may mask the problem it won't solve it. And you cannot counsel a demon out of someone so there is only one real alternative. Deliverance.
As a matter of fact, there have been very many instances of very religious people who have been quite delusional and did some pretty "evil" acts themselves. Because they were delusional in their beliefs. Sometimes religious preoccupations and delusions are a symptom of a mental illness.
If you do not believe in God and the Holy Bible than I can understand how you would believe it is a sickness that can be cured with a pill. I do believe in the Bible and I know that while a pill may mask the problem it won't solve it. And you cannot counsel a demon out of someone so there is only one real alternative. Deliverance.

That's not true at all though. Many religious people are actually quite mentally ill.

Is this the guy, yes he is a wacko. Creepy.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Jesus told us we would know a tree by its fruit. What is the fruit of Manson's work? Evil.
Jesus did think the Jews of Jerusalem were of their father , the devil.
His disciples were all Jewish - he said that to the Pharisees who were rejecting Him, Penelope.

He said that to the group who were following him around.
No - you are confusing his followers (who were also Jewish) and his disciples ( who were all Jewish ) with the Pharisees - a specific group of religious Jewish leaders - Penelope.

You know what, its time you learn who is behind killing Christianity, its the American Jews, They hate Christians and Muslims. The people you worship are the ones who are trying to wipe out Christian. Moses has his full face in the center of congress, Jesus is not there. Wake up please.
I do not worship Jews, Penelope. That is ridiculous. I do my best to treat you with respect and them with respect - people are people. You cannot put them in a box.
As a matter of fact, there have been very many instances of very religious people who have been quite delusional and did some pretty "evil" acts themselves. Because they were delusional in their beliefs. Sometimes religious preoccupations and delusions are a symptom of a mental illness.
If you do not believe in God and the Holy Bible than I can understand how you would believe it is a sickness that can be cured with a pill. I do believe in the Bible and I know that while a pill may mask the problem it won't solve it. And you cannot counsel a demon out of someone so there is only one real alternative. Deliverance.

That's not true at all though. Many religious people are actually quite mentally ill.

Because religious people do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They are as you point out "religious". Being religious never saved anyone Chris. I am not a religious person. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I've met religious people who were some of the most unhappy, oppressed people I've ever met in my life. It's sad.
aaronleland said:
This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

He doesn't mention them because they would kill him. He's merely a showman who knows that weak minded people will give him lots of money to act the way he does. He is however, not stupid, so values his life more than the few bucks he would gather by attacking Islam.

I disagree. He never attacked Islam because when he was popular Islam wasn't on anybody's radar. The OP is talking about an artist who hit his peak in the mid 90's. And people give him lots of money because he is extremely talented, and an excellent performer. Smells Like Children and AntiChrist Superstar were some of the best albums created that decade.

And why bother to attack Islam anyway? If it wasnt for Christian false compassion and guilt wed just shoot them at the airport.

Is that why you believe Marilyn Manson is mocking Jesus Christ, the King James Bible and Heaven? Because he loathes their false compassion and guilt? I beg to differ with you! There is far more to it than that! He's mocking Jesus Christ because he despises Jesus Christ. He is an enemy of God - through and through. The man needs deliverance. He needs to be saved.

Jews HATE Jesus! They are quite open about it. Its not a secret.

And before you mentioned satanism breaking up the family unit?

100% of the feminists in the 50s where it started in newyork, were jewesses! 100% of the big name ones to this day are Ashkenazi Jewesses!

% 100 of the porn film industry was started by male jews. 100% of gay activists are Jews. Every communist appointed member of the Polish parliament following ww2 was a jew or married to a jewess!

wtf is wrong with you? Satanism? You are worried about a virtually nonexistsnt religion? Wtf?

Wtf is wrong with you??

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