Sad Truth about Marilyn Manson

Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
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This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

He doesn't mention them because they would kill him. He's merely a showman who knows that weak minded people will give him lots of money to act the way he does. He is however, not stupid, so values his life more than the few bucks he would gather by attacking Islam.

I disagree. He never attacked Islam because when he was popular Islam wasn't on anybody's radar. The OP is talking about an artist who hit his peak in the mid 90's. And people give him lots of money because he is extremely talented, and an excellent performer. Smells Like Children and AntiChrist Superstar were some of the best albums created that decade.
This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

He doesn't mention them because they would kill him. He's merely a showman who knows that weak minded people will give him lots of money to act the way he does. He is however, not stupid, so values his life more than the few bucks he would gather by attacking Islam.

I disagree. He never attacked Islam because when he was popular Islam wasn't on anybody's radar. The OP is talking about an artist who hit his peak in the mid 90's. And people give him lots of money because he is extremely talented, and an excellent performer. Smells Like Children and AntiChrist Superstar were some of the best albums created that decade.

He's still popular, Aaron. Obviously someone is going to his concerts. Are you telling me that he doesn't know about 9/11, Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Hamas or Hizbollah? If he has Jewish parents certainly he knows something about the religion of Islam and yet? Not a peep.
I'm not a big fan, but I don't think he's a satanist. :lol: He's just a silly entertainer.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Jesus told us we would know a tree by its fruit. What is the fruit of Manson's work? Evil.
Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
I disagree. Rome was behind it - they were for it before they were against it and now they are for it again - as we can see by their latest representative. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Do you believe Satan is real or is do you believe he is just a figment of the imagination - as he is hoping for?
This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

He doesn't mention them because they would kill him. He's merely a showman who knows that weak minded people will give him lots of money to act the way he does. He is however, not stupid, so values his life more than the few bucks he would gather by attacking Islam.

I disagree. He never attacked Islam because when he was popular Islam wasn't on anybody's radar. The OP is talking about an artist who hit his peak in the mid 90's. And people give him lots of money because he is extremely talented, and an excellent performer. Smells Like Children and AntiChrist Superstar were some of the best albums created that decade.

He's still popular, Aaron. Obviously someone is going to his concerts. Are you telling me that he doesn't know about 9/11, Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Hamas or Hizbollah? If he has Jewish parents certainly he knows something about the religion of Islam and yet? Not a peep.

I saw him play in 2001. Like most artists he plays his older, more popular stuff. He has never gotten much into politics. When a celebrity refuses to get into politics people accuse them of being dismissive. When they get into politics people accuse them of being too preachy.
Do you believe that there is such a thing as evil, Chris? Do you believe in an absolutes such as good and evil? Do you believe in God? Do you believe Satan is real?
Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
I disagree. Rome was behind it - they were for it before they were against it and now they are for it again - as we can see by their latest representative. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Do you believe Satan is real or is do you believe he is just a figment of the imagination - as he is hoping for?
Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
I disagree. Rome was behind it - they were for it before they were against it and now they are for it again - as we can see by their latest representative. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Do you believe Satan is real or is do you believe he is just a figment of the imagination - as he is hoping for?

Read the link by a famous Rabbi. You need to know the truth. Rome was not behind communist Russia or anything else. Even your leader Luther, gave up on the Jews.
Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
I disagree. Rome was behind it - they were for it before they were against it and now they are for it again - as we can see by their latest representative. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Do you believe Satan is real or is do you believe he is just a figment of the imagination - as he is hoping for?
Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
I disagree. Rome was behind it - they were for it before they were against it and now they are for it again - as we can see by their latest representative. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Do you believe Satan is real or is do you believe he is just a figment of the imagination - as he is hoping for?

Read the link by a famous Rabbi. You need to know the truth. Rome was not behind it communist Russia or anything else.
What famous Rabbi?
Do you believe that there is such a thing as evil, Chris? Do you believe in an absolutes such as good and evil? Do you believe in God? Do you believe Satan is real?

No. I do believe in mental illness though. Not sure if I believe in a god or not. I think that if there is a god, you people have him pegged all wrong, that's for sure. Lol.
I don't really believe in a Satan or a devil, no. I think people choose their own paths in life.
Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
I disagree. Rome was behind it - they were for it before they were against it and now they are for it again - as we can see by their latest representative. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Do you believe Satan is real or is do you believe he is just a figment of the imagination - as he is hoping for?
Here Jeremiah, Jew reinvented themselves, most Jews became atheist: The atheist jews or Zionist whoever they are , wanted Israel to be a secular state , not religious. These same jews are the ones leading Israel and have been in power in Israel, faking belief in God. You need to understand what Israel is all about.

When the Reds finally gained the upper hand they set about with a vengeance to make sure the surviving Jews were going to be Bolsheviks like them. To do so they established a bureau of the Communist Party devoted to Jewish affairs. This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia.

At the same time, the Jewish socialists in Russia, especially those members of the Bund, came to a sad and appropriate end. The Yevsektsia said they did not need a second organization to help them in their “sacred” task and forced the Bund into the communist party. Then, to insure that it would not continue, they killed its leaders, thereby guaranteeing the subservience of the Jewish people to the Soviet regime.

Jewish Europe Between the Wars
I believe the Jesuits were behind that - the history that Alberto Rivera covers some of that time period and it was Rome behind much of it. Even the protocols was actually authored by the Jesuits - not Jews following Judaism.

The link is to a jewish site. Rome wasn't behind communism. The jew atheist were anti EO churches in Russia and religion. That is a jew site, check it out. Its by a Rabbi who wrote several books on Jewish history.
I disagree. Rome was behind it - they were for it before they were against it and now they are for it again - as we can see by their latest representative. What do you think about Marilyn Manson? Do you believe Satan is real or is do you believe he is just a figment of the imagination - as he is hoping for?

Read the link by a famous Rabbi. You need to know the truth. Rome was not behind it communist Russia or anything else.
What famous Rabbi?

Read the link. Hit on it and your can read about him.

Here:Berel Wein (born March 25, 1934) is an American-born Orthodox rabbi, lecturer and writer. He authored several books concerning Jewish history and popularized the subject through more than 1,000 audio tapes, newspaper articles and international lectures. Throughout his career, he has retained personal and ideological ties to both Modern Orthodox and Haredi Judaism.

(one can lead a horse to water , but can't make him drink)
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This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

He doesn't mention them because they would kill him. He's merely a showman who knows that weak minded people will give him lots of money to act the way he does. He is however, not stupid, so values his life more than the few bucks he would gather by attacking Islam.

I disagree. He never attacked Islam because when he was popular Islam wasn't on anybody's radar. The OP is talking about an artist who hit his peak in the mid 90's. And people give him lots of money because he is extremely talented, and an excellent performer. Smells Like Children and AntiChrist Superstar were some of the best albums created that decade.

He's still popular, Aaron. Obviously someone is going to his concerts. Are you telling me that he doesn't know about 9/11, Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Hamas or Hizbollah? If he has Jewish parents certainly he knows something about the religion of Islam and yet? Not a peep.

Wwhy should he support foriegn wars and the resulting mass importation of muslims into the West? What kind of war is it when victory results in the defeated occupying the victors lands?

He doesnt want to live in israel, clearly, and he wants no Jewish trust funds from the Federal Reserve. And yes, they do exist. Older jews with no money suddenly get winndfalls to buy a house. A long lost distant relative in South Africa dies and leaves an inheritance... their elderly mother gifts it to them... theres always a lie about where the windfall comes from and they always sound off.
aaronleland said:
This video exposes the truth about the spiritual warfare that is happening right now throughout the world. There is a war on for your soul and Satan is working non-stop to drag yours to hell. Watch this video and notice the emphasis Satan's worker, Marilyn Manson, puts on Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christianity. People should wonder why he never mentions the Koran, the religion of Islam, LDS or the book of Mormon, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other ism (or religion). Satan and his workers are focused on only one faith and that is the faith of Christians in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. What Manson and his followers do not realize is the battle has already been won and those of us who abide in Jesus Christ and have His Word abiding in us are more than Conquerors through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. We need to pray for these people. They are on their way to hell and have no idea what is waiting for them.

clip of message posted underneath video -
Caring parents need to keep their teens away from this menace of society. Marilyn Manson is a disgrace to America. It is tragic that over 11,000,000 of Manson's albums have been sold in the U.S.! Manson blasphemes the precious name of Jesus Christ, rips apart holy Bibles on stage, and sells shirts that sarcastically say, "Kill your parents!"

While TSA guards stick their hands down into passenger's pants now at all U.S. airports; doesn't anyone think it very strange that Marilyn Manson is still freely allowed to promote such evil to our children? I guarantee you that if the shirt said, "Kill your teachers," then the police would DO something about it immediately!!! It's all part of the New World Order's agenda to destroy families.......

He doesn't mention them because they would kill him. He's merely a showman who knows that weak minded people will give him lots of money to act the way he does. He is however, not stupid, so values his life more than the few bucks he would gather by attacking Islam.

I disagree. He never attacked Islam because when he was popular Islam wasn't on anybody's radar. The OP is talking about an artist who hit his peak in the mid 90's. And people give him lots of money because he is extremely talented, and an excellent performer. Smells Like Children and AntiChrist Superstar were some of the best albums created that decade.

And why bother to attack Islam anyway? If it wasnt for Christian false compassion and guilt wed just shoot them at the airport.

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