Saddam Built A Better Army Than Bush And The Gop Spending American "trillions"

Look at the facts. Republicans had a clean slate in Iraq. They fired the entire Iraqi Army leaving hundreds of thousands of Saddam's men, armed and angry. Many, if not most of these guys now belong to Isis. This is why Isis is so much better at war and organized than al Qaeda.

Bush and the Republicans spent trillions of American wealth building the worst military in the world. One sign of conflict and they dropped their weapons and ran off screaming like little girls and waving their hands as if their wrists were broken.

Saddam held that country together with torture.

Even following in Saddam's footsteps, the GOP failed:


This is why listening to the Republicans is such a mistake. They fail even copying someone else with a hundred times the money.

Your going to compare the rough treatment of some prisoners to saddams brutalization of an entire population of people? We werent copying anything from saddam. And I wouldnt give ISIS as much credit as you do for being such a great fighting force, they are still basically thugs but they are more united under a radical ideology than the other forces in the area.
All these Interventionist Wars have resulted in the removal of Anti-Radical Islam secular leaders. Starting with Saddam Hussein. Then Gaddafi and Mubarak. And now, the West and Sunni Muslim Nations in the region are trying to remove Assad.

These are very poor misguided decisions. While those guys are no Saints, they're the better alternative. They were secular Anti-Radical Islam leaders. We'll be suffering the awful Blow Back on these interventions for many years to come.
Um...that would be Saddam's army that ours went through like the proverbial hot knife through butter. The same mighty military force that fought Iran for 8 a draw.

Another swing and a miss for deany. My, my...such consistency.

Republicans didn't build our army. They built Iraq's. Poor dum dum.
Look at the facts. Republicans had a clean slate in Iraq. They fired the entire Iraqi Army leaving hundreds of thousands of Saddam's men, armed and angry. Many, if not most of these guys now belong to Isis. This is why Isis is so much better at war and organized than al Qaeda.

Bush and the Republicans spent trillions of American wealth building the worst military in the world. One sign of conflict and they dropped their weapons and ran off screaming like little girls and waving their hands as if their wrists were broken.

Saddam held that country together with torture.

Even following in Saddam's footsteps, the GOP failed:


This is why listening to the Republicans is such a mistake. They fail even copying someone else with a hundred times the money.

Your going to compare the rough treatment of some prisoners to saddams brutalization of an entire population of people? We werent copying anything from saddam. And I wouldnt give ISIS as much credit as you do for being such a great fighting force, they are still basically thugs but they are more united under a radical ideology than the other forces in the area.

THE ENTIRE POPULATION? You must have a link to back that up. Otherwise, you would look like a fool. Please post the link.
Look at the facts. Republicans had a clean slate in Iraq. They fired the entire Iraqi Army leaving hundreds of thousands of Saddam's men, armed and angry. Many, if not most of these guys now belong to Isis. This is why Isis is so much better at war and organized than al Qaeda.

Bush and the Republicans spent trillions of American wealth building the worst military in the world. One sign of conflict and they dropped their weapons and ran off screaming like little girls and waving their hands as if their wrists were broken.

Saddam held that country together with torture.

Even following in Saddam's footsteps, the GOP failed:


This is why listening to the Republicans is such a mistake. They fail even copying someone else with a hundred times the money.

This, was the start of Al Qaeda in Iraq. And what we now know as ISIS/ISIL.
Should have kept the secular Anti-Radical Islam leaders in place. Hussein, Gaddafi, Mubarak, and Assad were all very Anti-Radical Islam. Now we'll have to pay the price for all these interventions.
Look at the facts. Republicans had a clean slate in Iraq. They fired the entire Iraqi Army leaving hundreds of thousands of Saddam's men, armed and angry. Many, if not most of these guys now belong to Isis. This is why Isis is so much better at war and organized than al Qaeda.

Bush and the Republicans spent trillions of American wealth building the worst military in the world. One sign of conflict and they dropped their weapons and ran off screaming like little girls and waving their hands as if their wrists were broken.

Saddam held that country together with torture.

Even following in Saddam's footsteps, the GOP failed:


This is why listening to the Republicans is such a mistake. They fail even copying someone else with a hundred times the money.

This, was the start of Al Qaeda in Iraq. And what we now know as ISIS/ISIL.

I really don't understand those on the right at the USMB. When I said Saddam's military became Isis after Bush disbanded them. Then right wingers here started crying that Bush never disbanded the military or I was making that up.
Have they even stopped listening to Fox News?

ISIS joins forces with Saddam loyalists in bid to take Baghdad Fox News
Should have kept the secular Anti-Radical Islam leaders in place. Hussein, Gaddafi, Mubarak, and Assad were all very Anti-Radical Islam. Now we'll have to pay the price for all these interventions.

Once Bush lifted the lid off Pandora's Box, it was only a matter of time.
Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL

How many years did they work on building that army? Who disbanded the Iraqi military?

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Mail Online

Handing someone a pile of shit and expecting them to weave it into gold just a few years later is absurd. I suspect it would take a lot longer than a few years.

oh I see, so let me see if i have this right.

iraqi army destroyed in 2004 (thereabouts)
Bush has until 2008 to rebuild it to strength and doesnt and you cry that he should have

4 years

Obama pulls us out of Iraq in 2011 meaning he had THREE years to rebuild the Iraqi Army

And somehow in your little peabrain you have decided that in four years Bush should have done it, but having an another 3 years shouldn't have been enough time for Obama to do it?

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.

Except it wasn't destroyed, it was disbanded.

That created 2 problems.

1. A lack of experienced military to fill their shoes.
2. The experience military now had no jobs.

Are the gaps starting to fill in yet?
Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL

How many years did they work on building that army? Who disbanded the Iraqi military?

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Mail Online

Handing someone a pile of shit and expecting them to weave it into gold just a few years later is absurd. I suspect it would take a lot longer than a few years.

oh I see, so let me see if i have this right.

iraqi army destroyed in 2004 (thereabouts)
Bush has until 2008 to rebuild it to strength and doesnt and you cry that he should have

4 years

Obama pulls us out of Iraq in 2011 meaning he had THREE years to rebuild the Iraqi Army

And somehow in your little peabrain you have decided that in four years Bush should have done it, but having an another 3 years shouldn't have been enough time for Obama to do it?

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.

Exactly, Bush and the Republicans spent trillions trying to build the army in Iraq that Saddam already had. Now that Army is called Isis and the one Bush and the Republicans made which cost trillions is a total failure. Just another in a long line of failure. Go ahead, ask Republicans to name a success. Just one. One thing in the last 20 years that they did that was good for the country.

i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
Should have kept the secular Anti-Radical Islam leaders in place. Hussein, Gaddafi, Mubarak, and Assad were all very Anti-Radical Islam. Now we'll have to pay the price for all these interventions.

Once Bush lifted the lid off Pandora's Box, it was only a matter of time.

Yeah, all those guys hated the radicals. They did their best to annihilate them. It was a very poor misguided decision to help remove them. And unfortunately they're repeating history by trying to get rid of Assad in Syria. Assad is a reasonable educated man.

We should have stayed out of that Civil War completely. Him, Russia, and Iran would have already destroyed ISIS by now. It's a very bad decision we'll have to live with for many years to come.
Look at the facts. Republicans had a clean slate in Iraq. They fired the entire Iraqi Army leaving hundreds of thousands of Saddam's men, armed and angry. Many, if not most of these guys now belong to Isis. This is why Isis is so much better at war and organized than al Qaeda.

Bush and the Republicans spent trillions of American wealth building the worst military in the world. One sign of conflict and they dropped their weapons and ran off screaming like little girls and waving their hands as if their wrists were broken.

Saddam held that country together with torture.

Even following in Saddam's footsteps, the GOP failed:


This is why listening to the Republicans is such a mistake. They fail even copying someone else with a hundred times the money.

I agree.
wow im shocked.....Lakota agrees with his mentor....
Look at the facts. Republicans had a clean slate in Iraq. They fired the entire Iraqi Army leaving hundreds of thousands of Saddam's men, armed and angry. Many, if not most of these guys now belong to Isis. This is why Isis is so much better at war and organized than al Qaeda.

Bush and the Republicans spent trillions of American wealth building the worst military in the world. One sign of conflict and they dropped their weapons and ran off screaming like little girls and waving their hands as if their wrists were broken.

Saddam held that country together with torture.

Even following in Saddam's footsteps, the GOP failed:


This is why listening to the Republicans is such a mistake. They fail even copying someone else with a hundred times the money.

I agree.

LOL hey RDean, when Lakhota agrees with you, it's time to pack it in friend.
LahKota once said that Dean is a great American.....a few of us had a good laugh that day.....
This thread has earned not one but two bitch-slaps. :slap: :slap:

Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL

I'm a partisan? Explain the good things Republicans did. Something that worked out well. Something Republicans can be proud of. are....

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