Saddam Built A Better Army Than Bush And The Gop Spending American "trillions"

rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


The first coach put together the losing team.
oh I see, so let me see if i have this right.

iraqi army destroyed in 2004 (thereabouts)
Bush has until 2008 to rebuild it to strength and doesnt and you cry that he should have

4 years

Obama pulls us out of Iraq in 2011 meaning he had THREE years to rebuild the Iraqi Army

And somehow in your little peabrain you have decided that in four years Bush should have done it, but having an another 3 years shouldn't have been enough time for Obama to do it?

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.

Exactly, Bush and the Republicans spent trillions trying to build the army in Iraq that Saddam already had. Now that Army is called Isis and the one Bush and the Republicans made which cost trillions is a total failure. Just another in a long line of failure. Go ahead, ask Republicans to name a success. Just one. One thing in the last 20 years that they did that was good for the country.

i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
not pulled out the aids Bush had within the Iraqi government helping guide it. Obama took a hands off approach to Maliki, which in turn led to Maliki pushing out non-loyal people.

See here is the thing. Had you left the aids and had Obama helped guide Maliki like Bush did, you have had a stronger Iraqi Military who could push back ISIL. Plus those sunni who didnt flee to ISIL would be fighting against them instead of for them.
Bush trained an army for a half dozen years and spent three trillion. If after all that time and money they were completely incompetent, then they would always be incompetent. You could earn a Bachelor's Degree in that time or even a Master's. And even then, they had Americans to do all the thinking.
If after all that time, Bush couldn't do it, then why blame Obama? Why do Republicans expect so much more of Obama than Bush. They don't blame Bush for failure. But they blame Obama for Bush's failure.
rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


The first coach put together the losing team.

The second coach has has six fucking years to build a new team.
Exactly, Bush and the Republicans spent trillions trying to build the army in Iraq that Saddam already had. Now that Army is called Isis and the one Bush and the Republicans made which cost trillions is a total failure. Just another in a long line of failure. Go ahead, ask Republicans to name a success. Just one. One thing in the last 20 years that they did that was good for the country.

i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
not pulled out the aids Bush had within the Iraqi government helping guide it. Obama took a hands off approach to Maliki, which in turn led to Maliki pushing out non-loyal people.

See here is the thing. Had you left the aids and had Obama helped guide Maliki like Bush did, you have had a stronger Iraqi Military who could push back ISIL. Plus those sunni who didnt flee to ISIL would be fighting against them instead of for them.
Bush trained an army for a half dozen years and spent three trillion. If after all that time and money they were completely incompetent, then they would always be incompetent. You could earn a Bachelor's Degree in that time or even a Master's. And even then, they had Americans to do all the thinking.
If after all that time, Bush couldn't do it, then why blame Obama? Why do Republicans expect so much more of Obama than Bush. They don't blame Bush for failure. But they blame Obama for Bush's failure.

They are both at fault

rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


The first coach put together the losing team.

so says you...but of course we all know you will blame everything on the first number 100 and rdean will still blame the first coach because he is a rabid leftwinger stuck on old dem dreams
rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


The first coach put together the losing team.

Saddam didn't have rulz.
The Sunnis are bad asses. That's why Saddam was able to keep the lid on all the crazies he had to deal with.
George Bush decided to install the Shiite as the ruling party. The ones that don't have the balls to stand up and fight for their country.

So Saddam built up a army full of people who will/would die for their cause and Bush built up an Army that will run at the first sign of conflict.

There by proving once again that rdean was correct in his assessment and the right wingers on here are full of shit.
i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
not pulled out the aids Bush had within the Iraqi government helping guide it. Obama took a hands off approach to Maliki, which in turn led to Maliki pushing out non-loyal people.

See here is the thing. Had you left the aids and had Obama helped guide Maliki like Bush did, you have had a stronger Iraqi Military who could push back ISIL. Plus those sunni who didnt flee to ISIL would be fighting against them instead of for them.
Bush trained an army for a half dozen years and spent three trillion. If after all that time and money they were completely incompetent, then they would always be incompetent. You could earn a Bachelor's Degree in that time or even a Master's. And even then, they had Americans to do all the thinking.
If after all that time, Bush couldn't do it, then why blame Obama? Why do Republicans expect so much more of Obama than Bush. They don't blame Bush for failure. But they blame Obama for Bush's failure.

They are both at fault

Oh, now they are both at fault.

And yet, if Bush couldn't do it in 6 years, why should Obama? After six years, doesn't that tell you it couldn't be done? Brain dead moron. Does it have to be beat into your tiny brain to penetrate?
The Sunnis are bad asses. That's why Saddam was able to keep the lid on all the crazies he had to deal with.
George Bush decided to install the Shiite as the ruling party. The ones that don't have the balls to stand up and fight for their country.

So Saddam built up a army full of people who will/would die for their cause and Bush built up an Army that will run at the first sign of conflict.

There by proving once again that rdean was correct in his assessment and the right wingers on here are full of shit.
Thank you.
rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


The first coach put together the losing team.

so says you...but of course we all know you will blame everything on the first number 100 and rdean will still blame the first coach because he is a rabid leftwinger stuck on old dem dreams

Hello dum dum. Knock knock. SO SAYS ME????
We know Bush and the GOP put together a crappy team. That's why they ran from Saddam's army, which is now called Isis. Duh. Do you stand in front of a mirror and practice "dumb" dum dum?
Exactly, Bush and the Republicans spent trillions trying to build the army in Iraq that Saddam already had. Now that Army is called Isis and the one Bush and the Republicans made which cost trillions is a total failure. Just another in a long line of failure. Go ahead, ask Republicans to name a success. Just one. One thing in the last 20 years that they did that was good for the country.

i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
not pulled out the aids Bush had within the Iraqi government helping guide it. Obama took a hands off approach to Maliki, which in turn led to Maliki pushing out non-loyal people.

See here is the thing. Had you left the aids and had Obama helped guide Maliki like Bush did, you have had a stronger Iraqi Military who could push back ISIL. Plus those sunni who didnt flee to ISIL would be fighting against them instead of for them.
Bush trained an army for a half dozen years and spent three trillion. If after all that time and money they were completely incompetent, then they would always be incompetent. You could earn a Bachelor's Degree in that time or even a Master's. And even then, they had Americans to do all the thinking.
If after all that time, Bush couldn't do it, then why blame Obama? Why do Republicans expect so much more of Obama than Bush. They don't blame Bush for failure. But they blame Obama for Bush's failure.

when you have top Sunni commanders leave because of Maliki, then no im sorry, Bush doesnt get total blame for that shit.Those same Sunnis went and fought with ISIL. Had Obama not pulled out our aids this may not have happened and ISIL wouldnt be as far as they are now.

You can't just blame Bush and wash your hands of it. Just like these morons can't blame Obama and wash their hands of it. Its all connected and you can't be honest about things unless you admit this. Obama never really wanted to deal with Maliki because he wanted out. He did because of....well more or less Contractual obligations basically.
The Sunnis are bad asses. That's why Saddam was able to keep the lid on all the crazies he had to deal with.
George Bush decided to install the Shiite as the ruling party. The ones that don't have the balls to stand up and fight for their country.

So Saddam built up a army full of people who will/would die for their cause and Bush built up an Army that will run at the first sign of conflict.

There by proving once again that rdean was correct in his assessment and the right wingers on here are full of shit.

The Sunnis are bad asses. That's why Saddam was able to keep the lid on all the crazies he had to deal with.
George Bush decided to install the Shiite as the ruling party. The ones that don't have the balls to stand up and fight for their country.

So Saddam built up a army full of people who will/would die for their cause and Bush built up an Army that will run at the first sign of conflict.

There by proving once again that rdean was correct in his assessment and the right wingers on here are full of shit.


Nope? How is that nope when the newly Bush built Iraqi army ran like scared rabbits? You can call a turd a rose, but I wouldn't give it to my girlfriend.
i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
not pulled out the aids Bush had within the Iraqi government helping guide it. Obama took a hands off approach to Maliki, which in turn led to Maliki pushing out non-loyal people.

See here is the thing. Had you left the aids and had Obama helped guide Maliki like Bush did, you have had a stronger Iraqi Military who could push back ISIL. Plus those sunni who didnt flee to ISIL would be fighting against them instead of for them.
Bush trained an army for a half dozen years and spent three trillion. If after all that time and money they were completely incompetent, then they would always be incompetent. You could earn a Bachelor's Degree in that time or even a Master's. And even then, they had Americans to do all the thinking.
If after all that time, Bush couldn't do it, then why blame Obama? Why do Republicans expect so much more of Obama than Bush. They don't blame Bush for failure. But they blame Obama for Bush's failure.

when you have top Sunni commanders leave because of Maliki, then no im sorry, Bush doesnt get total blame for that shit.Those same Sunnis went and fought with ISIL. Had Obama not pulled out our aids this may not have happened and ISIL wouldnt be as far as they are now.

You can't just blame Bush and wash your hands of it. Just like these morons can't blame Obama and wash their hands of it. Its all connected and you can't be honest about things unless you admit this. Obama never really wanted to deal with Maliki because he wanted out. He did because of....well more or less Contractual obligations basically.

So we should have stayed and agreed to leave American soldiers vulnerable to prosecution? Really? You sure?
The Sunnis are bad asses. That's why Saddam was able to keep the lid on all the crazies he had to deal with.
George Bush decided to install the Shiite as the ruling party. The ones that don't have the balls to stand up and fight for their country.

So Saddam built up a army full of people who will/would die for their cause and Bush built up an Army that will run at the first sign of conflict.

There by proving once again that rdean was correct in his assessment and the right wingers on here are full of shit.


Nope? How is that nope when the newly Bush built Iraqi army ran like scared rabbits? You can call a turd a rose, but I wouldn't give it to my girlfriend.
because they ran away because the sunni leaders who where not loyal lapdogs to Maliki were pushed out. Neat about your Gf and turds, but the fact remains this is what happened.
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
not pulled out the aids Bush had within the Iraqi government helping guide it. Obama took a hands off approach to Maliki, which in turn led to Maliki pushing out non-loyal people.

See here is the thing. Had you left the aids and had Obama helped guide Maliki like Bush did, you have had a stronger Iraqi Military who could push back ISIL. Plus those sunni who didnt flee to ISIL would be fighting against them instead of for them.
Bush trained an army for a half dozen years and spent three trillion. If after all that time and money they were completely incompetent, then they would always be incompetent. You could earn a Bachelor's Degree in that time or even a Master's. And even then, they had Americans to do all the thinking.
If after all that time, Bush couldn't do it, then why blame Obama? Why do Republicans expect so much more of Obama than Bush. They don't blame Bush for failure. But they blame Obama for Bush's failure.

when you have top Sunni commanders leave because of Maliki, then no im sorry, Bush doesnt get total blame for that shit.Those same Sunnis went and fought with ISIL. Had Obama not pulled out our aids this may not have happened and ISIL wouldnt be as far as they are now.

You can't just blame Bush and wash your hands of it. Just like these morons can't blame Obama and wash their hands of it. Its all connected and you can't be honest about things unless you admit this. Obama never really wanted to deal with Maliki because he wanted out. He did because of....well more or less Contractual obligations basically.

So we should have stayed and agreed to leave American soldiers vulnerable to prosecution? Really? You sure?
did i state this? Christ you are pulling this projection shit like everyone else? Sad.
rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


The first coach put together the losing team.

so says you...but of course we all know you will blame everything on the first number 100 and rdean will still blame the first coach because he is a rabid leftwinger stuck on old dem dreams

Hello dum dum. Knock knock. SO SAYS ME????
We know Bush and the GOP put together a crappy team. That's why they ran from Saddam's army, which is now called Isis. Duh. Do you stand in front of a mirror and practice "dumb" dum dum?

they are not ISIS you effing liar. they joined forces with them, but they did not form isis and are not isis you effing liar.

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