Saddam Built A Better Army Than Bush And The Gop Spending American "trillions"

Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL

How many years did they work on building that army? Who disbanded the Iraqi military?

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Mail Online

Handing someone a pile of shit and expecting them to weave it into gold just a few years later is absurd. I suspect it would take a lot longer than a few years.

oh I see, so let me see if i have this right.

iraqi army destroyed in 2004 (thereabouts)
Bush has until 2008 to rebuild it to strength and doesnt and you cry that he should have

4 years

Obama pulls us out of Iraq in 2011 meaning he had THREE years to rebuild the Iraqi Army

And somehow in your little peabrain you have decided that in four years Bush should have done it, but having an another 3 years shouldn't have been enough time for Obama to do it?

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.
This isn't none of it.
Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL
Who put malaki in charge? Bush.
Who pushed out the sunnis? Malaki.
Granted Obama is to blame as well because he took a hands off role with iraq, it the source came from bush.

Context matters

correct, both sides are idiots. Get your buddy Rdean to say that.
Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL

How many years did they work on building that army? Who disbanded the Iraqi military?

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Mail Online

Handing someone a pile of shit and expecting them to weave it into gold just a few years later is absurd. I suspect it would take a lot longer than a few years.

oh I see, so let me see if i have this right.

iraqi army destroyed in 2004 (thereabouts)
Bush has until 2008 to rebuild it to strength and doesnt and you cry that he should have

4 years

Obama pulls us out of Iraq in 2011 meaning he had THREE years to rebuild the Iraqi Army

And somehow in your little peabrain you have decided that in four years Bush should have done it, but having an another 3 years shouldn't have been enough time for Obama to do it?

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.

Exactly, Bush and the Republicans spent trillions trying to build the army in Iraq that Saddam already had. Now that Army is called Isis and the one Bush and the Republicans made which cost trillions is a total failure. Just another in a long line of failure. Go ahead, ask Republicans to name a success. Just one. One thing in the last 20 years that they did that was good for the country.

i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.
Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL
Who put malaki in charge? Bush.
Who pushed out the sunnis? Malaki.
Granted Obama is to blame as well because he took a hands off role with iraq, it the source came from bush.

Context matters

correct, both sides are idiots. Get your buddy Rdean to say that.
He's not my buddy...
Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL
Who put malaki in charge? Bush.
Who pushed out the sunnis? Malaki.
Granted Obama is to blame as well because he took a hands off role with iraq, it the source came from bush.

Context matters

correct, both sides are idiots. Get your buddy Rdean to say that.
He's not my buddy...

well, that moves you up in my estimation. He's truly stupid.
Once again, they can't deny it.

Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL
Who put malaki in charge? Bush.
Who pushed out the sunnis? Malaki.
Granted Obama is to blame as well because he took a hands off role with iraq, it the source came from bush.

Context matters

correct, both sides are idiots. Get your buddy Rdean to say that.
He's not my buddy...

well, that moves you up in my estimation. He's truly stupid.
Nah...just playing people. .
That's bullshit and you know it. The GOP is 90% white and vote like lemmings. Red States are terribly fucked up and only stay afloat from Blue State money the federal government gives them. We know that to be true from the dozens of links proving it.
And the Democratic Party is a coalition. You guys want to say Obama is stupid, but then give him credit for way too much. Stooopid is the GOP with all their terrible fiascoes and awful policies for the last 20 years that have damaged the country terribly. And that dumb base keeps voting the most silly people into office. No wonder they hate government so much. All their leaders are just plain awful.

First of all, since you claim to be so smart can you please figure out how to cut quotes so that your posts aren't all twelve miles long?

Second of all, Nancy Pelosi

don't ever talk about dumb Republican politicians again. You fucking idiot

Love this interview from Nancy:

House Republican leaders "have never been able to pass anything without our coming to the rescue." The one exception to that rule, she said, is the GOP's "nasty" and "unprincipled" budgets.

"You know what, if a woman was speaker and nothing was happening in this way, they'd say, 'Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh,'" Pelosi said. "I'm just getting a little, shall we say, tired of some of the ways they take a pass on some and not on others. We get criticized for accomplishing things. They don't get criticized for not accomplishing things."

Nancy Pelosi If John Boehner Were A Woman People Would Call Him The Weakest Speaker In History

John "cry baby" Boehner can't keep his party together to do anything.

They laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at them because they are all the same. -- Kurt Cobain

Republicans are 90% white.

Democrats are everyone else.

Kurt would have been a Democrat.
Rdean trying to distract from the imminent disaster that will be Obabble's strategery,

Yup and if I remember correctly the Iraqi army all quit and went home.

That doesn't include all those Iraqi's who were left virtually naked out in the desert during the first gulf war.

Saw loads of those, hundreds, surrendering to a lone US Army soldier.

Well trained the Iraqi army wasn't. The Republican guard fell like domino's.

Deanie needs to try a different rant.
Rdean trying to distract from the imminent disaster that will be Obabble's strategery,

Yup and if I remember correctly the Iraqi army all quit and went home.

That doesn't include all those Iraqi's who were left virtually naked out in the desert during the first gulf war.

Saw loads of those, hundreds, surrendering to a lone US Army soldier.

Well trained the Iraqi army wasn't. The Republican guard fell like domino's.

Deanie needs to try a different rant.

Why bother saying something so damn stupid and easily disproven? People don't quit their job if they have nothing else. Duh. What is wrong with you people? Don't you people ever think????

Jesus Christ. What does it take????

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Mail Online

Envoy Bush OK d Plan To Disband Iraq Army - CBS News Orders, Iraq PDF.pdf
US Blunders in Iraq: De-Baathification and Disbanding the Army

And all the way back to 2004:

Violence blamed on US decision to disband Iraq army World news The Guardian

I'm generally a non violent person, but some people need to be slapped. A good one. One that they will remember. And they need to have that slap explained before it's "handed" over. Otherwise it's wasted.
Deny what? That you're idiotic child who introduces partisan blather into everything?

Blaming the failure of the Iraqi Army on Bush and Republicans 6 fucking years after they left office. LOL

How many years did they work on building that army? Who disbanded the Iraqi military?

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Mail Online

Handing someone a pile of shit and expecting them to weave it into gold just a few years later is absurd. I suspect it would take a lot longer than a few years.

oh I see, so let me see if i have this right.

iraqi army destroyed in 2004 (thereabouts)
Bush has until 2008 to rebuild it to strength and doesnt and you cry that he should have

4 years

Obama pulls us out of Iraq in 2011 meaning he had THREE years to rebuild the Iraqi Army

And somehow in your little peabrain you have decided that in four years Bush should have done it, but having an another 3 years shouldn't have been enough time for Obama to do it?

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.

Exactly, Bush and the Republicans spent trillions trying to build the army in Iraq that Saddam already had. Now that Army is called Isis and the one Bush and the Republicans made which cost trillions is a total failure. Just another in a long line of failure. Go ahead, ask Republicans to name a success. Just one. One thing in the last 20 years that they did that was good for the country.

i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.

Hey RDean, have you ever served? Because son an Army that has people surrendering to journalists during a war, is NOT a well trained Army.. I mean come on.
rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


Six years later no less.
How many years did they work on building that army? Who disbanded the Iraqi military?

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Mail Online

Handing someone a pile of shit and expecting them to weave it into gold just a few years later is absurd. I suspect it would take a lot longer than a few years.

oh I see, so let me see if i have this right.

iraqi army destroyed in 2004 (thereabouts)
Bush has until 2008 to rebuild it to strength and doesnt and you cry that he should have

4 years

Obama pulls us out of Iraq in 2011 meaning he had THREE years to rebuild the Iraqi Army

And somehow in your little peabrain you have decided that in four years Bush should have done it, but having an another 3 years shouldn't have been enough time for Obama to do it?

Do you see how stupid you sound?

Probably not.

Exactly, Bush and the Republicans spent trillions trying to build the army in Iraq that Saddam already had. Now that Army is called Isis and the one Bush and the Republicans made which cost trillions is a total failure. Just another in a long line of failure. Go ahead, ask Republicans to name a success. Just one. One thing in the last 20 years that they did that was good for the country.

i as usual, obama had no responsibility with regards to building up the iraqi army....

you're pathetic and i believe it was stupid for bush to disband them. but to blame the iraqi army failures on bush alone only proves you're a dishonest hack. bush had the hardest first few years...if anyone failed, obama could be said to have failed worse. you don't blame a coach from 3 years ago on a football team who lost today with a different coach.

do you have proof of how many from the disbanded army are now with ISIS?
No, Bush and Obama's failures are vastly different. Bush picked an unknown who as soon as Obama took has hands off approach starting removing people in favor of ass kissers.

Bush started the mess, Obama sealed the deal.

OK, Bush started the mess. We can all agree on that. What should have Obama done different?
not pulled out the aids Bush had within the Iraqi government helping guide it. Obama took a hands off approach to Maliki, which in turn led to Maliki pushing out non-loyal people.

See here is the thing. Had you left the aids and had Obama helped guide Maliki like Bush did, you have had a stronger Iraqi Military who could push back ISIL. Plus those sunni who didnt flee to ISIL would be fighting against them instead of for them.
rdean and plasma's logic:

1st coach is not winning any games, that coach leaves the position and the 2nd coach replaces him and when the 2nd coach is still not winning games....rdean and plasma will blame the 1st coach for the 2nd coach's failure.


Yurts Logic:
Show the rest of the board how retarded i am.
Saddam held that country together with torture.
I already heard that bs before from republicans, so now coming from democrats it must be true? what about those satellite images of Putin shooting down the MH17?

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