saddam hussein was himself, and had weapons of mass destruction.

The question is, was the smoking gun that we could wake up to, weapons of mass destruction that could be delivered to us in 45 minutes in the form of a mushroom cloud?

THAT above, is what we were TOLD....

Please stop twisting and turning and spinning.
i think it's launch, not delivered. mushroom cloud ? duck and cover. now iran will take iraq and they'll have the mushroom cloud, which they could never use.

no, saddma was evil in every sense of the word, i could never understand those who tolerate him.

So 4500 Americans dead and tens of thousands wounded and several trillion dollars spent was a good trade for Saddam's head in a noose?

Would you make that deal again? With your neck as part of it?
you're coming from a too emotional perch, it's not the price is right, and it wasn't back then. this is a marketing blitz by liberals and democrats. how would you reconcile/juxtapose hiroshima and nagasaki using your example's formula.

The New York Times shockingly admitted in an explosive front page report that thousands of WMDs were found in Iraq since the start of the war:

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

Read more: BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider

i have an iraq vet friend who confirms the above. we couldn't even find saddam himself for a long time. i still can't believe the narrative is pinned to "we didn't find any". that seems childish to me, which brings me back to the democrat party of the alarmist.

and the fact that he did in fact kill hundreds of thousands of men women and children with chemicals, which is hard to overlook.

Japan attacked us. Saddam Hussein never attacked us.


forthcoming article on Fahrenheit 9/11 provides many, many factual problems with the film, as well as providing us with a lot of facts. Here he addresses the assertion that Saddam never "murdered" an American:Fahrenheit asserts that Saddam’s Iraq was a nation that “had never attacked the United States. A nation that had never threatened to attack the United States. A nation that had never murdered a single American citizen.” Jake Tapper (ABC News): You declare in the film that Hussein’s regime had never killed an American … Moore: That isn’t what I said. Quote the movie directly. Tapper: What is the quote exactly? Moore: “Murdered.” The government of Iraq did not commit a premeditated murder on an American citizen. I’d like you to point out one. Tapper: If the government of Iraq permitted a terrorist named Abu Nidal who is certainly responsible for killing Americans to have Iraq as a safe haven; if Saddam Hussein funded suicide bombers in Israel who did kill Americans; if the Iraqi police—now this is not a murder but it’s a plan to murder—to assassinate President Bush which at the time merited air strikes from President Clinton once that plot was discovered; does that not belie your claim that the Iraqi government never murdered an American or never had a hand in murdering an American? Moore: No, because nothing you just said is proof that the Iraqi government ever murdered an American citizen. And I am still waiting for you to present that proof. You’re talking about, they provide safe haven for Abu Nidal after the committed these murders, uh, Iraq helps or supports suicide bombers in Israel. I mean the support, you remember the telethon that the Saudis were having? It’s our allies, the Saudis, that have been providing help and aid to the suicide bombers in Israel. That’s the story you should be covering. Why don’t you cover that story? Why don’t you cover it? Note Moore’s extremely careful phrasing of the lines which appear to exonerate Saddam, and Moore’s hyper-legal response to Tapper. In fact, Saddam provided refuge to notorious terrorists who had murdered Americans. Saddam provided a safe haven for Abu Abbas (leader of the hijacking of the ship Achille Lauro and the murder of the elderly American passenger Leon Klinghoffer), for Abu Nidal, and for the 1993 World Trade Center bomb maker, Abdul Rahman Yasin. By law, Saddam therefore was an accessory to the murders. Saddam order his police to murder former American President George Bush when he visited Kuwait City in 1993; they attempted to do so, but failed. In 1991, he ordered his agents to murder the American Ambassador to the Philippines and, separately, to murder the employees of the U.S. Information Service in Manila; they tried, but failed. Yet none of these aggressions against the United States “count” for Moore, because he has carefully framed his verbs and verb tenses to exclude them. According to Laurie Mylroie, a former Harvard professor who served as Bill Clinton's Iraq advisor during the 1992 campaign (during which Vice-Presidential candidate Gore repeatedly castigated incumbent President George H.W. Bush for inaction against Saddam), the ringleader of the World Trade Center bombings, Ramzi Yousef, was working for the Iraqi intelligence service. Laurie Mylroie, The War Against America: Saddam Hussein and the World Trade Center Attacks: A Study of Revenge (N.Y.: HarperCollins, 2d rev. ed. 2001.) But even with Moore’s clever phrasing designed to elide Saddam’s culpability in the murders and attempted murders of Americans, Tapper still catches him with an irrefutable point: Saddam did perpetrate the premeditated murder of Americans. Every victim of every Palestinian terrorist bomber who was funded by Saddam Hussein was the victim of premeditated murder—including the American victims.(Emphasis mine) Believe it or not, we've only used a small amount of Kopel's facts. We'll link to the article once its published in NRO.

don't think he's worth defending.
I have not reported you s of yet..... Govern yourself accordingly.
I could give a shit Pussy!
OK you sounded quite agitated earlier.... Saddam did not have WMD ...its was all a scam to go to war...
War Crimes Suits Filed In Belgium Against Bush, Blair
why do you guys defend saddam, he invaded kuwait and he was a butcher, he ascended to power because he didn't mind killing people. ?



Saddam's shop of horrors :: Jeff Jacoby
www.jeffjacoby.com350 × 263Search by image
Kurdish victims of mass-murder in Halabjah, where in 1988 Saddam Hussein ordered chemical weapons to be directed against a civilian population.

it's just another way to kill innocents that libs usually stick up for.

that's why it's important not to say "it would change the calculus" a red line if you want.

it's a serious subject.
it's just another way to kill innocents that libs usually stick up for.

that's why it's important not to say "it would change the calculus" a red line if you want.

it's a serious subject.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
But but but when Saddam was killing he was our ally...we loved him know that ...when he was gassing Iranians we gave him the gas ....why act like you care LOL

<---Bush did that to the kid
it's just another way to kill innocents that libs usually stick up for.

that's why it's important not to say "it would change the calculus" a red line if you want.

it's a serious subject.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
But but but when Saddam was killing he was our ally...we loved him know that ...when he was gassing Iranians we gave him the gas ....why act like you care LOL

<---Bush did that to the kid

obama did this ??
it's just another way to kill innocents that libs usually stick up for.

that's why it's important not to say "it would change the calculus" a red line if you want.

it's a serious subject.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
But but but when Saddam was killing he was our ally...we loved him know that ...when he was gassing Iranians we gave him the gas ....why act like you care LOL

<---Bush did that to the kid

obama did this ??
nobody wants to fight but somebody needs to know how.

i think you'll change your mind when this happens here.
So what benefit will be made of falsely rewriting history books now? You would better spend your energy trying to stop Trump, who is about to totally embarrass the Republican Party.
to think there could not have been wmds in all of iraq seemed pretty immature to me.

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE ...
The left has now conveniently changed to saying that no NEW WMDs were found. As if the “old” chemical weapons that were found couldn't have been put into the wrong hands by Saddam and used in a terrorist attack! The bottom line is: Weapons of mass destruction WERE found in Iraq.

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq | US News ...
U.S. News & World Report
Oct 16, 2014 - WMD were found in Iraq but does it matter? ... Do Reports of WMD Found in Iraq Vindicate George W. Bush?
Twelve Years Later, US Media Still Can't Get Iraqi WMD ...
The Interceptiraq...
Apr 10, 2015 - Twelve Years Later, US Media Still Can't Get Iraqi WMD Story Right ... And in a situation oddly analogous to the munitions found in Iraq, in 1993 ...
Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free ...
The report also found that Iraq had worked covertly to maintain the intellectual and physical capacity to produce WMDs and intended to restart production once sanctions were lifted. In 2015 it was learned that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction had not been fully accounted for by UN inspections.

it's a political narrative.

We found no weapons of mass destruction.
You know Bush and Cheney made sure every possible thing was done to find WMD.
There place in history depended on it.
No WMD were found and history will judge them harshly.
I am surprised they did not plant some so they would not look so bad in history. I bet it crossed their mind.
it's just another way to kill innocents that libs usually stick up for.

that's why it's important not to say "it would change the calculus" a red line if you want.

it's a serious subject.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
But but but when Saddam was killing he was our ally...we loved him know that ...when he was gassing Iranians we gave him the gas ....why act like you care LOL

<---Bush did that to the kid

obama did this ??

You and I both know that ISIS is a group created in Iraq by the Bush invasion of that country and that Obama did not "burn anyone in a cage"...Bush on the other hand lied and schemed to create a war ...the guy in the cage is on Bush too
Former Military Official Says George W. Bush Created ISIS ...
How the Gulf and Iraq Wars Helped the Rise of Isis

ISIS Created by US Invasion of Ira
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The question is, was the smoking gun that we could wake up to, weapons of mass destruction that could be delivered to us in 45 minutes in the form of a mushroom cloud?

THAT above, is what we were TOLD....

Please stop twisting and turning and spinning.

Utter nonsense. Everyone knows that WMD is a broad category of weapons including Chemical and Biological which Iraq used and then successfully hid for years.
Of course its not your business Dexter to care that Saddam committed genocide of close to a million children, women and men, because only your opinion matters about who lives and dies.

You're absolutely right. For all I care, every single man, woman, and child in the Middle East could be exterminated, and it still would not be our business to invade.

I care about Americans, and I don't entertain your bleeding heart liberal bullshit about how we should feel bad for other people.
So what benefit will be made of falsely rewriting history books now? You would better spend your energy trying to stop Trump, who is about to totally embarrass the Republican Party.
about to ? that boat has sailed, and the republicans should be embarrassed.
it's just another way to kill innocents that libs usually stick up for.

that's why it's important not to say "it would change the calculus" a red line if you want.

it's a serious subject.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
But but but when Saddam was killing he was our ally...we loved him know that ...when he was gassing Iranians we gave him the gas ....why act like you care LOL

<---Bush did that to the kid

obama did this ??

You and I both know that ISIS is a group created in Iraq by the Bush invasion of that country and that Obama did not "burn anyone in a cage"...Bush on the other hand lied and schemed to create a war ...the guy in the cage is on Bush too
Former Military Official Says George W. Bush Created ISIS ...
How the Gulf and Iraq Wars Helped the Rise of Isis

ISIS Created by US Invasion of Ira
so it's like that faked moon landing... goodbye plastic jesus :cool:.. you've been relegated to the dead sea just in time for passover. :) come back in two thousand years.

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Bush and Israel had Iraq on the threshold of nuclear weapons.
The Hell we were never told that! Here are some of the quotes re: "the smoking gun", yellowcake and aluminum tubes;
Your declaration that, "We were never told that." is blatantly false!
But then again you are retarded and prove it every day. I responded to "The question is, was the smoking gun that we could wake up to, weapons of mass destruction that could be delivered to us in 45 minutes in the form of a mushroom cloud?"

Nothing you posted supported it.

As to the content you actually did post ...

Saddam Hussein Admitted He Planned on Nuclear Weapons
Saddam confided to Piro why he had no weapons of mass destruction but pretended he did. Saddam said that because of the war of attrition he had with Iran, Iran always remained a threat to him. And if Iran thought he had serious WMD, it would be reluctant to engage him again.

On the other hand, if he said he had them, Iran would never listen. But if the U.S. said that he had WMD, Iran would believe it.

So every time inspectors came, Saddam gave them the runaround, reinforcing for Iran’s consumption the notion that he had WMD. And that explains why, if there were no WMD, he acted as if he did have them.

Saddam aspired to develop a nuclear capability in an incremental fashion. Aided by his payoffs to key officials, he thought that sanctions would be lifted within a year or so. He figured he could then recreate Iraq’s WMD capability, which had been essentially destroyed in 1991.

“His goal was to have the sanctions lifted,” Piro told me. “And they likely would have been lifted if it were not for 9/11. Even the United Nations changed after 9/11. So Saddam was on the right track. His plan to have sanctions lifted was working. But he told me he recognized that he miscalculated the long-term effects of 9/11. And he miscalculated President Bush.”
Actually, I believe you should change your nom de plume to Weasel, WeaselingWeasel or FuckingWeasel!

You were given the precise quotes from the people who made them. To weasel your way from under the full intent of your response to another based on their clearly obvious exaggeration is grade school obfuscation. Bush's and Rice's statements regarding the "smoking gun" horseshit were not identical either. Do they therefore automagically negate each other because they used different words to convey the same idea?

Take your irrelevant 2010, after the fact Bush apologist bullshit from that biased horseshit NewsMax site and pound it and a bushel of sand up your ass. Then enjoy another 7 gallon enema!

AGAIN, Bush & Co. lied and people died. That is an inescapable fact.
The "precise quotes" didn't address what I said, Jerkoff. Newsmax provided Saddam's words, you don't like it, tough shit.
There you go again, attempting to weasel your way out of the hole you're in. You go ahead and drink all the piss that bullshit 2010 NewsMax article has prepared for you gullible types! If it came from verifiable FBI or CIA sources it could be deemed credible, but gotta be fucking kidding Weasel! And why would the FBI/CIA permit an FBI agent to be interviewed by a overtly bias news rag? That doesn't pass the smell test, Weasel.
The hole is between your ears. I even requoted what I responded to and your quotes don't cut it, you drunk bastard.

Here's one from the FBI, Swabby. Dated 2008. You are 8 years behind.

Interviewing Saddam
Among Saddam’s revelations:

  • Saddam misled the world into believing that he had weapons of mass destruction in the months leading up to the war because he feared another invasion by Iran, but he did fully intend to rebuild his WMD program.
  • Piro told 60 Minutes that Saddam considered Usama bin Laden “a fanatic” and a threat who couldn’t be trusted.
  • The former dictator admitted “initially miscalculating President Bush and President Bush’s intentions,” Piro said, thinking the war would be more like the shortened air campaign of the Gulf War.
  • Saddam never used look-alikes or body doubles as widely believed, thinking no one could really play his part.
  • Hussein made the decision to invade neighboring Kuwait in 1990 following an insulting comment by one of its emirs.
Piro was so successful at befriending Saddam that the former dictator was visibly moved when they said goodbye. “I saw him tear up,” Piro said during the television interview.

Joe Persichini, Assistant Director in Charge of our Washington office and Piro’s boss, told 60 Minutes that Piro’s expert work in revealing Saddam’s secrets was “probably one of the top accomplishments of the agency in the last 100 years.”
Setting aside that the FBI release doesn't confirm or validate your quote from the NewsMax bullshit, that is STILL irrelevant to what started this exchange! In either the NewsMax horseshit or the FBI release, have you cited or quoted anything about, smoking guns, mushroom clouds, aluminum tubes or yellowcake? Fuck no you haven't! All you've done is try to deflect from even discussing them. If you want to believe the horseshit you read in that NewsMax bullshit piece, we can all chalk it up to your biases and gullibility. However...

Thank you for posting the that FBI took the fucking bait I laid out for you, Weasel! Let's just pretend that everything that Piro discovered in 2004 was true and it wasn't held and released in 2008 to firm up the Bush 43 "legacy". It was known IN 2004, BUT IT WASN'T IN LATE 2001 THROUGH MAR 19, 2003 when Iraq was invaded, was it! So the decision to invade Iraq was all based on a setup by Bush & Co. to get us into another war the neocons were spoiling for, and sure as shit from NOTHING Saddam said in 2004, FOOL!

Since it wasn't known, in the fall of 2002 forward, why were Bush & Co. spreading the word about smoking guns, mushroom clouds, aluminum tubes and/or yellowcake? ALL of that was blatantly false and later proven to be nothing but lies, albeit too damn late. There was NEVER any imminent threat...that was all contrived horseshit by Bush & Co. Even if Saddam may have LATER pursued the path to nukes again in the future, he wasn't then and therefore not any threat to the US at the time; he simply was played into the hands of the neocon cabal of Bush & Co.

Bush & Co. wanted that AUMF and got it, but almost 3000 US service men and women KIA's were the sacrifice to pay the butcher's bill! And Bush looked under his desk to see if the WMD's were there, the bloody ASS! Bush lied and mother' and father's and children and wives back home all cried. You owe them all an apology for trying to defend those bastards even to today, Weasel you fucking prick!!
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I care about Americans, and I don't entertain your bleeding heart liberal bullshit about how we should feel bad for other people.

You don't care about Americans or this country because if you did, you would fight for this nation to win wars and defend it from terrorist rising up stronger to build armies. You're a pussy ass coward hiding behind your children and flag so you can say you're American. A true patriot fights to protect his children and loved ones by going after the very ones who threaten their life, safety and security. You're a yellow belly false flagger. Stop trying to talk hard because we know you would be the first one Benedict Arnold to piss your pants if shit went down, you would bury your head under a rock Punk, you fake ass conservalib Jihad spy.



Mark Karlin: How do you respond to people who say that war is due to human hard-wiring that goes back to battling clans of cave people over territory and resources?

David Swanson: Thanks for the terrific questions. At least 90 percent of humanity is represented by governments that wage war much less than the US government. Over 99 percent of people in the United States are not in the military. There is not a single case of PTSD from war deprivation. The largest cause of death in members of the US military is suicide. So you can try to claim that hunter-gatherers waged wars despite the lack of evidence, or that chimpanzees wage wars despite the lack of either evidence or relevance. But the very claim that humans all wage war is ridiculous on its face. The notion that it comes naturally to them is a horrible joke, given the damage it inflicts even on drastically better-armed aggressors who kill even from the safety of a drone base thousands of miles from their victims. If someone thinks war comes naturally, I would suggest, respectfully, that they should try sexual abstinence, starvation or eating feces.

"No candidate has been asked whether 54 percent of discretionary spending on militarism is too much, too little or just right."
There have been human cultures like the current United States in which people have been taught to accept war as inevitable. There have been many others that have not known war at all and have considered killing utterly unacceptable -- meaning they would in fact never ever do it, not meaning they would kill anyone who threatened to kill someone. Eliminating war does not involve eliminating anger or conflict; it involves disassembling a complex industrial institution that goes to great lengths to create wars and far greater lengths to arm others so that when they become involved in conflicts much more damage is done. The majority of the weapons in the Middle East are made in and shipped from the United States. Taking away those weapons would not require discovering the mysterious seat of "human nature" in West Asian brains and operating on it. It would just require a popular movement that saw profiting from death as shameful and put an end to it, as a congressional committee proposed 80 years ago and the pope suggested to applause from a joint session just recently.

David Swanson: US Wars Are Not Waged Out of Generosity or for Democracy
I have not reported you s of yet..... Govern yourself accordingly.
I could give a shit Pussy!


Keep up your pathetic attempts at denial.

Bush lied about Saddam's involvement in September 11, 2001.

Bush lied about Weapon's of Mass Destruction.

Bush lied about the attempt to purchase Yellow Cake Uranium.

Bush lied about Biological and Chemical Weapons.

Bush lied about Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Weapons Programs.

Saddam was not involved in September 11, 2001.

Bush supported Ahmed Chalabi, who was selling U.S. Military Information to Iran.

I understand your need to believe the lies.

All you and the NeoNuts ever had was the lies.

You wanted to be lied to.

You needed to be lied to.

You loved to be lied to.

You did not care you were lied to.

Each and every lie, you embraced with open arms.

Your pathetic attempts at deception, deflection and denial are a monument to your stupidity.

Thousands of U.S. Soldiers died,

Thousands of U.S. Soldiers suffered lasting mental and physical scars...but you don't care.

Thousands of U.S. Soldiers who lost arms, legs, hands, feet were warehouse in filthy room, walls black with mold and given mouse traps because of vermin infestation.....but eyou don't care.

Thousand of U.S. Soldiers suffer from lasting PTSD from multiple tours of duty....but you don't care.

You shout your slogans and wave your flag and ignore the physically and mentally wounded solders you sent off to fight in the single greatest foreign policy disaster in U.S. History....

You have your lies....and that will forever be all you ever had.
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None of the meme s you posted and continue to post have anything whatsoever to do with the thread.....may be a violation of TOS

What's the matter gestapo internet police, are you threatening to ban my free speech with Nazi tactics because you're getting owned tolerant liberal. If I get a notice of being reported, I guess I know who and why.

There are threads I am sure dealing with your infantile world view..... I have not reported you s of yet..... Govern yourself accordingly ...oh and stop whining its silly...
Memo Exposes Former British PM Tony Blair As Liar, Bush Stooge On Iraq

The memo thus suggests that Blair has been lying about the timing and that he deserved the insulting nickname “Bush’s Poodle” that some in the UK have given Blair for his perceived subservience to the Republican U.S. president, who served from 2001 to 2009.
YES bush said shit and Blair said what color?

Blair would squat and make grunting sounds.

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